
Nope this is the only account that I have.

That was a compliment @pawsdog . :D check out @sherlockholmes blog. He has an eye for detail and pretty good observation powers like you :)

Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. I will check out his blog.. hopefully he shares this as it is the type of content he gets into..

Yes he's a bit inactive right now though...

ahaha.. well I'll comment on one of his posts and see if he ever comes back to the table

Downvoted by @randowhale and crushed again, for expressing an opinion. Internet bullying at its finest. Even so far as to down vote unrelated posts... sad, very sad..

Just repeating again :)

And if you were not downvoted, then @ranchorelaxo would not have upvoted you even higher. Getting you new prestige, new recognition, more loyal followers (like myself) then you will ever see without all these tumult and backlash happening.

Here is an extra thought:

The current Steemit philosophy is that your income is not final till the end of the 7th day, in fact the last 12hour forbids any up-votes is intended for all to disagree and down-vote as they see fit:

So a thought experiment for you:

So what would you have rather - $50 your largest income yet after 1-2 days and capped or forzen?

OR....go down to $0 and come backup upto $500 by both whales as the conflict is resolved?

AND....more important and way more valuable, learn an genuine lesson you can always apply and teach to others here on the Steem blockchain in the next 2-5 years as a Veteran Steemian?

I think that I do appreciate @ranchorelaxo advocating free speech and ideals. I think I appreciate his upvote to counter the downvote bullying of bernie. I also think that had I of not written the original article I would not have gained the followers that I have. I thank all of you. I interact with all of you. I value all of you.. and hopefully someday, those beneath me on the platform will be able to look up to me and see me as a member with integrity, courage and the singular focus of elevating others to their full potential here.

Do not presume you know why @ranchorelaxo upvoted or another downvoted your post, it could have as easily been that he followed @beniesanders downvotes here before the realization that your point is muted and does not support the thesis.

Often whale battles are just that, just like two minnows but with more ego and usually with more steadfast ideals than the others. Do realize this case is unique, 1 whale is established here and understand the community and rules of engagement very well, the other is still finding his footing as a large investor and is just establishing himself and often people will only take 1 side if that is all that they know.

Now, using your very same logic (apologies for using jiu-jitsu again, this time on your logic), you must then also appreciate free speech that allows @berniesanders to put his point forward regardless of how crass it may sound. Taking it 1 step logically further, if it wasn't for him, you would not have what you achieved today, are you thankful to him for that too? Can you celebrate and advocate such ideas?

When you are truly grateful and when you can advocate new ideas, then you will become the leader that will be able to elevate others to a greater potential (I would not say full, who are we to prognosticate another ultimate potential...don't you agree?)

I unfortunately cannot thank a bully for being a bully. To do so I think it would be like asking the hero of this story:

to provide thanks to that bully for the actions that motivated him to step in, do the right thing and achieve any subsequent notoriety.

Did bernie exercise his rights? Yes and no. He showed himself to be a hypocrite in many instances. Posting images of acceptable rules for flagging as justification for his crusade against @haijin. He flagged accordingly and properly based on his view of the rewards being to high, which I can agree to some extent. Then he subsequently violated them by flagging "opinions" of many authors he did not agree with. This not being within the guidelines he posted as justification for his previous behavior.

Am I to credit them with my recent success? doubtful as I was rocking along slowly but surely prior to all this and eventually my content would of stood for itself. Am I to credit the "hot topic" as being beneficial? Absolutely. I found an interesting topic with many twists and turns and used my writing abilities to create interesting opinion pieces.

That said I sincerely appreciate the opinions of all. Those that hate, or those that applaud. I am happy that each member regardless of their stance can state their opinion and be heard. That is the power of STeemit.

To be thankful to person that hurt you, and to be thankful for them being an adversity and opportunity is not the same thing

however, I think you already know that

Also I have seen you share that article to others; but compare correctly, few bullies give people time to correct or research other possible outcomes.

He's perhaps an entertaining jackass, or a talented Steemian (like you) who knows how to yield his influence in measure, but a pain old bully is someone who always backs down when confronted with truth and harm. He's standing firm on different Steem principles and his own politically incorrect prerogative (which is less a factor if you can deminish one's own ego), but don't mistaken hurt coming from a conflict you choose to jump into vs being just being a victim. You will lose respect and followers if you can't differentiate the difference.

Do the thought experiment again, perhaps you missed something there....and it's ok if you do, give yourself time to learn.

BTW. you have now had the first tasted of the true power of the Steem blockchain and only in its micro-ecosystem, someday watch it spread into the macro economical system. Be prepared when that day comes, keep learning.

I agree, and I take a measured approach in my dealings here. I understand the basis of your point.. No Hitler, no Winston Churchill.. No Rommel, No Patton..No Grant, No Lee.. I can certainly see your point in that regard. To that end I can appreciate the somewhat offhanded style of Bernie, though it does lack consistency and that is really my main issue with it to some degree. Be a dick all the time or be a nice guy all the time, don't purport to be one then act as the other. As an adversary? He is not my adversary.. He is the Army of China and I'm the Army of Bermuda lol.. I have no way to win a frontal assault.. Add to that @berniesanders is not a dumbass, he is a very smart dude with an adept skill at pushing the right buttons at the right time to further his goals.

Much knowledge can be found here:

see reply below

You got the geste

some clarifications:

He is not my adversary

adversity not adversary

though it does lack consistency and that is really my main issue with it to some degree.


Much knowledge can be found here:

The irony of what vexes you and the very article you suggested is in conflict of opinion or perhaps understanding.

No man should be predictable or consistent when competing with another, what would be the point, right?

Good day!

Unless you have 1 million Steem in your account, You have to tiptoe around the whales here @pawsdog ... Maybe he didn't even bother to read your post and downvoted because he thought you're a haejin follower!

I disagree @coinsutra speak up to @berniesanders, he's human, he will listen.

But todo so you have to look beyond our own ego, or his threats and taunts......speak to them as you would speak to one without judgement.

I have seen those with dust VP sway @berniesander's opinion time and time again, it can be done. Fear is not the answer, logic, diplomacy and grit is what works, along with a healthy dose of self-reflection and humility.

fair point Dr. wong! You do have remarkable communication ability. The above response was generated by my mind when Bernie sir downvoted and left without giving any response. I found that a bit rude. Sorry If I came across as a egoistical or judgemental.... That may have triggered a emotionally biased reaction! Notice the time, this comment was left yesterday here.
When Bernie sir leaved a response today and clarified he hadn't manipulated the image then I spoke to him too. If I'm not mistaken, you've also replied to my comment there...
Thank you for pouring out your wisdom here... @drsinmongwong

No idea, I think I'll take to outside media, and just recommend users avoid the platform all together... I'll hit up twitter for a bit and write some articles, based on my experiences.

Hmmm... Being a steemit blogger it hurts :D Well we all have our free will to exercise brother...

But this is a decentralized platform and I don't think it's good to blame the whole platform because of one guy... (emotions vs rational thinking) well it's just my opinion. Check out @andrarchy 's blog and see his videos about the SMTs, cryptoeconomics and Steemit economy system. Not a single system is perfect. But this system is the closest to the perfection peak... hundred times better than the centralized ones... You'll see why if you watch his video. Don't take my word for it...

And regarding this issue... I think it can be solved maybe if you contact with people on minnowsupport channel on discord! This might as well be just a mistake! (PALnet)

Yeah, but I do have a small ace in the hole.. I'm a respected Wiki editor and can't be down voted there as I have the power and it gets a great many more viewers. Sometimes you have to go outside the source and to get attention. I have other items that I will try as well, press releases etc, from a few of the very lucrative websites under my control, that rank 1st page on google for thousands of key words etc.

Yes, but use it, your power constructively, and for the greater good of the community not for satisfaction or justification.

Inspect your own motive as you write, learn and grow. You're in the right place and at the right time @pawsdog

Steem on!

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