Using upvote bots for profit

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I have been analyzing how to approach the strategy of using upvote bots for profit when posting. I have determined that you cannot bring in a consistent stream of income by taking this route. You can make money intermittently doing it, but I would not look for a steady stream of income by using this strategy. The rewards can be great 15%-20% on posts, and you can get on a hot streak if the steem price stays flat or if it rises.

The steemit price will fluctuate and that will determine the profitability of a post more so than if your upvote percentage was high. Take a look below at the difference two days makes when you upvote a post and the steem price drops.

That's a drop of $14 in two days. I will take a loss on what I spent on upvote bots unless steem goes up considerably in the next 5 days. Be cautious with how you approach upvoting posts for profit. I will still use upvote bots but only in the most advantageous situations.


Yes, I am really losing confidence in the whole upvote bot system as I seem to pump more STEEM into this account but don't seem to be able to generate anywhere near what I invest as a little minnow. My voting power at any given time is only worth a cent or two and I don't seem to be attracting those with high voting worth at all. I only seem to change by rewards by sending out something to a voting bot to make only a marginal return in STEEM and SBD. There has got to be a better way to navigate this system. I see too many people on here with posts showing their value of hundreds of dollars in the trending section or hot section. I am not really sure what the alternative is, aside from building a strong account over time and hoping some curator or dolphin wants to bring you into their club.

I can contribute every day and night and it can be worthwhile and well thought out dialogue. It seems as if the system is set up that the more I vote and post, the worse I make things for myself. It almost seems like I should be a casual observer, perform a few upvotes and stay offline after making a single post that may not get any upvotes without a bot being involved. I have to admit, it is frustrating because I am trying to learn this system from so many different angles but none of them is resulting in my overall account balance rising. My reputation score is going up, but I don't even really know how much that counts for anything. Ugh.

@inspire1 I feel your pain. Im changing strategies on this platform. My use of the upvote bots will be very intermittent. I will boost my steem power and consistently vote and comment to build curation rewards. Also I will build more steem to delegate to get consistent payout. Posting articles does not appear to be a consistent income stream. I see videos on youtube with people talking about how much they made from a post $300-$500, but you cant make that much without using an upvote service but they conveniently leave that detail out. I want to say, you made $500; but how much did you pay to make $500.

This is very informative @clearbluecrypto, the very last line I would quote verbatim to just about anybody getting into them right now- "I will still use upvote bots but only in the most advantageous situations." About 4-5 months ago I went crazy on the bots, followed them by the second, and was fortunate enough to do really well and capture very nice gains. But as of the last few months, especially with the drop again in steem, it's like banking with Ebineezer Scrooge. Every little way they can game the bidders they are doing, very few of them are operating how they originally listed their setting with bottracker, which is a lie by omission at the best on the bot owners that have done this. But on the plus side when steem crashes the peasants like me gain more proportionally than the whales that run these bots, so I guess there is that. Unless you are looking more so at post promotion, or have a feeling on steem rising for the short term, you really indeed have to be careful on there, because very few people here on the platform care if you fall flat on your face trying to patronize them.

Thank you @cryptkeeper17 I originally started on the steem platform after reading articles on penny hoarder about making extra income with partime jobs. One suggestion that caught my attention was writing and blogging. I never blogged before but I have certainly written my fair share. Then sometime later I heard about steemit on youtube. I thought this is excellent I can make money writing and get paid in crypto. I still think its a great platform but I have had it up to the ceiling with taking losses. I havnt lost faith in the project I just need to change my approach.

I spend a lot of time on discord, my user name there is cryptkeeper17#6637, feel free to get in touch any time, looking at your situation it is very similar to mine. Once again, very excellent post with very pertinent context to the current state of affairs on steemit!

I will check for you and reach out. I dont know what timezone your in but Im in the US eastern time zone. Im on the site at night 9pm -11pm most nights during the week. On the weekend its random.

Sounds good. I am on the US central, so I am an hour behind you, so if it's not too late for you it's probably not too late for me.

I am very glad to hear that you haven't lost faith because when we lose people like yourself we are in the house pain here on steemit. You are spot on though, you really have to be nimble here and always rethink and find new ways to pick up gains. It might the most addictive online day to day board game I have ever played, lol.

Yes Im going to ride this train to the last stop. I believe in the vision of this site. Compensating users for their contributions. I just want to make sure while I contribute and invest I make a profit and not take a loss.


asi es, el hecho de que el steem se modifique en su valor drasticamente y en poco tiempo es una señal de alerta para tomar los bots

Yes the steem price can fluctuate and potentially the voting power that the bot has can fluctuate as well influencing the value of your post.

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