First Steem [Crowdvoting] - Let us build the first Mobile Wallet + Point of Sales for your Steem backed Dollars!!

in #steem8 years ago

Hi Steem, what if you could transfer Steem Dollars to your phone and buy a coffee in less than a few seconds? How awesome would it be if you could even buy a car with your new fresh steamy Steem Dollars?! Guess, what… It is possible today!

4 Reasons why you should power up and vote for the first mobile wallet for Steem and Steem backed Dollars!

- Send and receive Steem Dollars from anybody

- Finally buy real products and services with Steem Dollars

- Buy a car, house or a jet with your Steem Dollars! Stemm is hot!

- Reload your Makeup ammunition for the next Steem Makeup Tutorial War

4 Reasons why business should accept your Steem and Steem backed Dollars!

- It costs business zero, net, nada, nix, to accept your Steem Dollar!

- Stores will love your Steem Dollars just like you! Free Interest on your Dollar ? Hallo!!!!

- Business can use any Android tablet, it is just a free app!

- The point of sales BlockPay for business is for free for anybody!


Christoph Hering - Co-Founder and CEO of BitShares Munich
[email protected]

#Steem #Steemit #Mobilewallet #BeyondBitcoin #BitSharesMunich #Money #Crowdfunding


I like the dedication to adding the steem logo onto the dollars too. :D

Thanks, I originally made it for one of my blog posts, But that wasn't as popular as this reply :/

I made this a few days ago :D

I like where this is going :)

SteemIt is like Facebook, Bitcoin, encrypted messaging and your personal bank all in 1. Insane potential!

Than you gonna love our plans with . We are planning to build a full Whatsapp / WeChat killer based on encrypted chats and the Steem / Bitshares Platform. You will be able to send any kind of currency from your chat window!! The Steem mobile wallet is just the beginning :)

This is it right here! I hope this works as it would take Steemit to an all new level. It would really become a "workplace" for people. If people can turn around and spend it easily then it is a done deal. The possibilities are endless - potential for a marketplace, a freelancer services section, and of course the creative posts. You have my vote.

Thank you. Yes exactly. Think even further Steem power is like a passive income generator for you. With a growing Steem power you will get more and more Steem Dollars where you can pay your bills. Passive Income just became real for anybody!! Link that to a mobile wallet and you can spend money worldwide for zero costs! This will change the world as we now it. I am so excited about it :D

This is definitely useful and much needed! Keep up the good work!

Votes always goes with the wind of steemit development.. more user friendly access to the funds will bring more STEEM DOLARS!

Seems like a good enough reason to upvote and also buy some Bitshares

yep this is going to run up the price of Bitshares for sure. the platform has allowed us to build all kinds of stuff on top of it.

i made a coffee laden video of BlockPay too:

Sounds simply awesome! Good luck on the project.

Great idea and it seems some really interesting things are taking shape because of Steemit :)

Such a marvelous article :)

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