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RE: My Steem, Steem Power and Real Estate Investing Goals for 2018 | Week 2

in #steem7 years ago

I agree with making goals definable. I compete in the fitness industry and one of the most common things we hear are "I want to be more tone". And my responding questions is always "what does that mean to you?". Goals are not goals until defined. Until then they are just statements. One of the best things I every did was a statement poster. I wrote the poster as if I was a year in the future talking about everything I had accomplished. I hung it over my desk and read it every morning. Although I didn't accomplish everything on that poster I did a lot more then I would have if I didnt have a focused and centered goal. Every 1 percenter of this world has contributed their success to clearly defined goals.


I completely agree. I don't compete in the fitness industry, but I've been working out for a long time now and have had a lot of goals. I can still remember back to the first day I started lifting and my original goal was to "look good". I moved on from there to say that I wanted a six-pack and then over the years I've gotten even more clear by defining what body fat % I want to be and at what specific weight (I'm shooting for 180 lbs, 10-12% BF by May 2018!! I'm currently at the height of my bulk: 200 lbs and ~22 % BF).

I also love your poster idea, I may have to create something similar for myself and hang it over my desk!

What are some of your goals for 2018? Fitness and otherwise. Would love to hear your goals and your updates each week as we progress in this year together! Keep at it 💪🏽 Thanks for your support and sharing your thoughts on goals!

Hell yea brother! I think when everyone starts their fitness journey they want to "look good", "be fit", "look good naked" haha but as people continue in their journey they realize what it is "exactly" that they want for themselves. It's just rare that people stick with it long enough to realize what their true goals are. And I think that's what really seperates our society today, is the dedication it takes to succeed. So many people want a hand out.

As for the's a HUGE motivator. I got the idea from the book, "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy (One of my favs). It was one of the steps but I took it a step further and made it into a cool poster with Vistaprint.

For 2018 my goals are pretty straight to the point. IDK if you saw my "introducemyself" post but I flip houses. Right now I'm working on a flip in Nebraska and it's cold as balls, next I'll flip two houses in Colorado. This will hopefully give me enough cash to qualify for my "forever home" in Texas.

As for fitness it's kinda in the background. I still go to the gym every morning 6x per week but nothing really specific in mind as I focus on my forever home goals.

I totally agree!

I'll have to check that book out, I haven't read it yet! Vistaprint is 🗝, I've used them for a few things before as well!

I haven't seen your introduce post, I will check that out right now though! That's awesome to hear that you flip houses, I currently do remodeling and new construction homes! I feel ya on the fitness dropping to the background a bit. With everything going on in crypto and real estate as well as my consulting business, I have a lot less energy to dedicate to the "fitness lifestyle". I still keep a pretty strict diet and hit the gym regularly, but I'm definitely not as "focused on fitness" as I was before. Thanks for sharing your goals! I hope to hear more about them as we progress through 2018!!! Let's get after them together! 💪🏽

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