Steemit Has The Smartest People On Social Media (100% Proof Inside)

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I have been absolutely blown away by how intelligent people are on this platform.  It makes a lot of sense at this stage in the platform's life cycle for a few reasons.  The bulk of the user base at this point are #crypto enthusiast to say the least.  Now #crypto has so many angles you can look at it from.  When I first found out about #Bitcoin I was very intrigued from three different angles.  

  1. Computing / Crypto Mining (I have been into computers my whole life and I have a Computer Information Systems Degree.)
  2. Investing / Trading (I have done a lot of stock and option trading.)
  3. Economics (I was very interesting how the system worked from an economic perspective.)

Bitcoin was mind blowing and still is.  I tried to look at it from every angle to prove to myself that it was sustainable.  The more I looked into it the more I knew #crypto was the future.  

I have always had an ability to know a good thing when I see it.  I saw the first iPhone in spring 2007 and after looking at it for 1 minute I said, "This is the future."  I was able to capitalize off of Apple by investing in the stock.  I'm not always able to commit enough capital or see things early enough to really take advantage.  

It's Different This Time

With Steemit one of it's greatest assets is the user base.  Primarily made up of very educated analytical people. 

I have seen original post by some of the brightest people and for once in my life I'm not wasting time on social media.  I'm Learning! 

The comments I'm seeing are so unbelievably good that they deserve their own posts.  Yesterday I put up a new blog post about how it is a good thing when whales power down and how we shouldn't worry or be upset.  Here is the original post.

One user @trogdor made such an insightful comment that I feel it was more useful than a whole semester of college at most institutions.  Here is the comment.  

My jaw just dropped when I read that.  I knew I was in the presents of some of the greatest minds on the planet.  And then I realized that Steemit it kind of like Professor X.  Professor X could reach out to the mutants around the world with special powers.  

Steemit is reaching out to the greatest minds in the world and they are all assembling here.  

The craziest part of all that is there is an economic incentive for people to actually contribute amazing insight.  On most other platforms the greatest minds don't have time to do battle with the #Trolls.  On here I'm not seeing the bullying and the trolling that goes on with other platforms.  

It is like we have ascended beyond that!  

Sometimes I'm torn between two things. Writing new post or just learning from everyone else's post that are amazingly good.  Yesterday as I laid down to go to sleep I was watching a video by @andrarchy 

It was really good and he has made some super insightful videos and posts.  

It is hard to sleep when your mind is blown.  The more I think about it for myself this system cuts out so much of the overhead that would be associated with most platforms with this capability.  Think about the payroll systems, accounting teams, marketing departments, IT departments, HR.  Just to get everyone paid and manage all those employees is a nightmare.  This system cuts all that out.  

Steemit is seriously like a New World Order!  The Steemit Economy.  

If you get a chance to watch this video done by #blocktalk it has @ned and @dan in it talking about the platform and explaining a lot of the pieces of the puzzle.  It is a long watch but I feel like eventually people who are on the fence of whether this will really work should watch it.  

The craziest thing about it is that they are economically incentivized to engage in the community just like us.


If you are new here and don't believe how much people are getting paid and maybe are saying, "That post isn't worth that much." You need to tell yourself that you are worth it in the Steemit Economy.  The old rules don't apply to us!  

Welcome to the Elite of Social Media where the brightest minds are assembling!  

#steem #steemit #bitcoin #social #media #smart


Great article, I'm still new but that is exactly the feeling I am getting :) amazing content and incredible people!

You have to be super excited. Over $13,000 on your first post! That is so awesome!

He visto post original por algunas de las personas más brillantes y por una vez en mi vida que no estoy perdiendo el tiempo en las redes sociales.
Es verdad, muchas personas perdiendo su tiempo en redes sociales y publicando tonterías, sólo para sentirse aceptados y ser calificados.

a veces dudo de la brillantes de muchos aquí, cuando veo que el trending es marijuana, o sea no tengo nada en contra fume en algún tiempo pero Really ? esto es la tendencia. y si por primera vez siento que un red social es realmente util

A friend of mine is a talented artist, and I just convinced him to use Steemit as the platform to share his work (and get paid). In my opinion, he definitely qualifies as one of the great minds joining the community.

Here is his "introduce yourself" post:

Here is an example of some of his work that he will be posting:

the content on the site from 2-3 months prior is really impressive. if only it were easier to browse.

I wish I would have known about it back then!

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