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RE: STEEM Going Past $3 - Clear Blue Sky Ahead!

in #steem7 years ago

Oh for sure. I'm not even really looking at those numbers. I'm mainly looking at the amount of capital being put into Crypto and then thinking about all the people wanting to diversify into other projects. STEEM becomes more and more of a place to put money as it climbs and gets on more people's radar. And instead of being pie in the sky there is an actual platform here that people can get on and see the block chain working in a real world application. Not all these pie in the sky projects that don't have any real world application.


Agree, future seems bright, however if one day big guys IE YT and FB start losing their power, how would they react. It’s not too difficult for Google to create some kind of blockchain alternative to Steemit and try to keep people there. Hope it will not happen, but who knows.

It would be possible that a bigger fish could try to buy up STEEMIT at some point. I feel like some companies might be worried about the implications of actually paying people and dealing with the paper work that could be associated with that for people all over the world. YouTube deals with it but it isn't easy. Takes a lot of resources.

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