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RE: The Flying Pig have landed… Time to stack up them Steem Dollars?

in #steem7 years ago

@nanzo-scoop Have you ever considered exchanging some of your FIAT money for physical silver or gold bullion that you store in your own safe, at home? To me, that is the ULTIMATE form of financial security. (Keep in mind, I am NOT a bullion dealer - so I'm not trying to sell anyone anything here.)

My strategy is to put some money into physical bullion, which provides the financial security that I want for my family, if SHTF and/or/when the U.S. Dollar fails. ALSO, I'm getting into cryptos. This seems to be where the best short-term profits can be made, in a more financially secure way than investing in the stock markets or bonds. THEN, I take the profits from cryptos, and buy some more bullion. This way, I have both "financial security" and I can have my money working for me, building profits, in a good way with cryptos.

Here is the added benefit: everyone who "pumps" silver and gold, with their pressured speech & heavy breathing - these guys, eventually, are going to be right - one time - WHEN the dollar finally does fail. At that point, bullion will get this "moonshot" they are all hyping. In order to really profit from this, you will already have to have your physical bullion in your possession - not a bank, or a depository - it must be in your home safe, or wherever you stashed it. Then, it is yours - nobody can take it away from you or prevent you from digging it up. This wealth-transfer event will be life-changing for anyone who has $10,000 or $20,000+ in bullion.

I like cryptos. I REALLY like cryptos for the shorter-term profits that are being made with them. The only drawback I see is this: everyone assumes that the internet will continue to go on in the future, just like it always has. This is a mistake. An EMP in the right place, a virus, a power-grid failure, a change in laws, WW3 - all of these things could wreak total havoc on what we call the "internet" today. The internet of tomorrow might not be the same.

So, my strategy is to BOTH stack silver & play in the crypto markets. That way I am both SAVING money for my own financial security, and making good PROFITS with my crypto investments.

What say you?


I understand having gold and sliver in your home. I am not that comfortable with having a lot of it. Where I live if you need $$ they don't want to buy it. If they find out you have it they will want it the crooks You know the state those fools. If I have to move out of the country they will steal it. They tried to steal it when I moved to Costa Rica. I only had a few stacks. So if the dollar goes will you sell your gold for crypto?

I will not move out of my bullion until the new World Reserve Currency goes from the Petro-Dollar and switches into whatever is going to come next. Right now, it's hard to predict exactly what that will be, or when that will be. However, I am feeling pretty confident that it's going to happen in my lifetime.

During the transition, at some point, moving from bullion into the next established currency - at the right time - is going to be a real KEY to taking a good profit. It's very possible that the next World Reserve Currency could be based either completely, or partially, on a blockchain currency. Who knows? I wouldn't be surprised by that.

Precious metals interest me but to be honest I do not understand enough to invest in it. I understand the value humans have placed in these things in the past, however I'm unsure how much they will still value precious metals in the future. Precious metals do have the advantage of having stood the test of time.

Silver interests me and I may take a position in it. I'm not sure whether holding bullion in my house increases my security or makes my family more vulnerable to physical threats. However definitely worth considering.

I think all bets are off should a black swan event take out the internet or major power supplies.

It's actually pretty simple - much, much easier than dealing in cryptos. Do not go for the "collectible" coins or numismatic value- buy simple, plain bullion for its' weight. Having a few gold or silver rounds on hand will give you immediate, portable wealth in the thousands of dollars. 10 gold rounds will get you out of many problems when the need for money, bribery, and/or bartering arise - and 10 oz. would be pretty easy to conceal. Honestly, you could go out and bury it if you're worried about theft. And, obviously, you don't broadcast what you are up to, to your "friends" and neighbors, and even some family.

Silver, however, is actually a MUCH more rare element than gold. It is being used up by the tech. industry at a faster rate than they are mining it out of the ground - so there will come a shortage. Silver is used in scores of products: cell phones, automobile windows, circuit board & chip manufacturing, solar-panels, water filtering, medicine, and many more practical uses. These products are the more "hi-tech" uses of it, but there are many others.

The element of silver just has some very unique molecular properties that are unique to it - it can do things that gold, and other metals, just can't do. It might not even be out of the picture to see silver approching, or even surpassing, the value of gold in the future - and right now you can buy about 70 oz. of silver for the same amount as 1 oz. of gold. Ponder that situation, for just a little while...

It might take 5, 10, maybe 15 years - but the day that silver gets this "moonshot" it's promoters are talking about, you're talking about taking profits like a Central Banker: obscene profits. It's not a bad idea to invest a few hundred or thousand in it now - it is, quite literally, dirt cheap. Just one more basket of potential eggs that will someday hatch. I'm sure I will take nice profits in my lifetime.

What I find especially interesting is that there are a couple of cryptos out there which have thier value tied directly to physical bullion - so, the idea is that you can "email" your bullion to yourself, as you move around the world. I have to look at this one closer, but The Dollar Vigilante seems enthused about it - so there's probably something to it.

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