Sign Up Challenge for Steem's Birthday!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Happy Birthday Steem!  One year old today! 

How many Steemians does that mean something to?  Remarkably, thousands upon thousands with the numbers and activity is going up every day.  The world does not know about Steem yet, but it will.  Steemit has done marvelously well at launching Steem and encouraging the growth of an extraordinary community full of talented, creative, passionate, hilarious, generous, hard-working and knowledgeable people.  It bodes very well for the future.  Congratulations and thank you.  It's been a privilege to be a part of.  

It's not all been rainbows and bunnies, we've seen controversy, we've had disagreements, we've left and come back, we've had misunderstandings, we've said things we didn't mean, we've burned ourselves out, we've felt punished, we've felt under-appreciated, we've felt rejected.  Well, you can't land on the Moon without blowing up a few rockets.  That analogy is silly and doesn't even work properly.....sorry.  Despite all the issues, for a growing number of us, there is something here worth fighting for and worthy of commitment.

Sign Up Challenge

In honour of Steem's birthday, I would like to suggest a challenge.  I challenge every Steemian to sign up 2 people a week for the next month?  That's 1..2..3.....8, 8 people each in total over the next month signed up to steemit, busy, esteem or any of the Steem front ends.

There are probably Steemians out there who are smashing those number and that is amazing!  However, the rest of us can help!  We can tap up our best friends and family members to give our numbers a bump but also help them to make the jump into Steem and start to comprehend the incredible power of the Steemchain.

I've just completed my first sign up.  I've helped my mum to create her steemit account @bingbw.  She is an aspiring writer and will hopefully begin to publish some of her work on the steemchain.

A couple of things I did to help her along that might be of use;

  • gave her a very brief history of Steem/Steemit
  • gave her a brief explanation of Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power
  • explained the importance of the password and helped her secure it
  • suggested that she made an introduction post
  • encouraged her to spend time engaging with the community 
  • warned her to prepare to be drawn into a network of great depth and integrity :)

For new accounts, it will be a lovely experience to be financially rewarded for their efforts.  Many will not believe the money is real until they've got it in their hands, so be prepared to help them accomplish that.  I have also encouraged my mum to seriously consider the value of SP and Steem in the future.  So rewards saved as Steem Power today may be worth a great deal more in the future and how nice it might be to be sitting on an appreciating asset in a world of predominantly depreciating assets. 

None of that constitutes investment advice.....that's just between me and my mum and is based on my glowing opinion of Steem and the Steem Community.

Ihope you take up the challenge!  I will be participating anyway.

Good Luck!


Happy Steeming


great idea!
happy birthday steemit!


i will done some recently but only 2 have posted and i have 3 in the making this weekend. What day exactly is 1 year of steemit?

Howdy surpassinggoogle! That's fantastic bud! Great work. The exact birthday of steem would be the day that the first steem was mined after the technical issues were resolved. Do you know, I'm not sure which day that was, i'll try to find out. For me the more relevant birthday was the launch of Steemit! :)

Hey bud, busser just posted this link to the countdown for the exact time. I thought you might like to check it out!

Hi big bro, the link you left didn't come out well. Perhaps, mine will come out well. I SAID A GIANT THANK YOU to you here:

Great idea! I look forward to your mom's first post.

Thanks, I think she's a little nervous. I may have talked things up a bit.....I need to refine my marketing technique :)

LOL. Just show her a few fun posts (nothing too elaborate). I have a friend who is an amateur photographer. I told him to sign up. He had no confidence at all and then I found a picture of some bunnies that had earned around $5 and he was like "Oh I can do that!".

I'm following her and will make sure to leave her a nice encouraging comment when she posts.

Haha! That's brilliant! :) Thank you, that's very kind hanshotfirst.

Happy Birthday to Steemit! :) May you go where no one has ever been!
I will try my best to bring in as much people as possible. Have managed to bring like, 5 people already :D

Great work sauravrungta! Thanks. I'm surprised you have any time at all with all your fabulous posts! :)

hehe thanks :) I try to do what I can.

I'm not the recruiting one usually, but I'm trying alredy (I did my Italian Tutorial website for italian users, I hope it will help)

That's absolutely brilliant paolobeneforti, really good luck with it.

This is a great birthday challenge! I'm trying to sign people up but it seems my off-Steemit peeps are FB zombies. :( I'll keep trying though.

It quite challenging isn't it! That's why is decided to work on people close to me one at a time :) I know you can do it!

Very cool idea @benjojo! Happy Steem Birthday! I will follow @bingbw for her great post!

Thank you the-future! She will really appreciate the welcome.

Hi @benjojo, I just stopped back to let you know your post was included in my Steemit Ramble Birthday Edition. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

We encouraged my Dad @grandpa-pepper to sign up, but there must be more people we know. I'll look around!

Nice one! Thanks papa. I hope grandpa-pepper is doing well. I'll head over to his blog now :)

I am now following you and your mom. What a great challenge but may I make a suggestion? Please make another post seperate from this one about your challenge and the list to make it easy signing up on Steemit.


That's awesome pitterpatter! Thank you so much! She's going to be so thrilled to become a Steemian, I just know it.

Thank you for the suggestion for a follow-up post. I'm more than happy to do another post but could you give me a bit more detail on what should go in it, only i'm not sure how much different it would be from this one.

Many people feel they don't know how to tell their family and friends. It's hard to understand. You could do it a series. Your list is a good start but go in more detail. Maybe even doing a sample conversation how you approached your mom. I've talked to several people and they still haven't joined. Too much thinking > too hard > They need it simple.


Ok I completely understand now. That's exactly what i'll do, it will be my pleasure!

It should be very popular. The one thing I wouldn't do though is promote the money as much as other things as it's hard to see money when a person first joins. Many new people leave because of that. They think it's a scam.
You're series should be very popular. Please let me know when you post them. I don't want to miss them.

Indeed, managing expectations is very important. Besides I see the money as kind of the structure to the incentive design that helps everything along. The true magic is the community, feeling of freedom, richness of content, power to give, power to have your opinion matter.....these things are far more valuable than the $ values that are visible today. If someone offered me 1 million pounds to give up participation in Steem/steemit/the steem economy, I'd tell them to sod off.

If anyone wanted to test that, very well. Sod Off!!


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