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RE: STEEM: The gateway drug into digital currencies for the masses.

in #steem8 years ago

I've had many of the same experiences when introducing people to crypto and the blockchain. Already i've noticed quite a difference when discussing Steemit. People are a lot more receptive and seem to get it far easier. That doesn't mean there aren't still difficulties...... What is steem? How do I get my money out? Where does the money come from? Most of the queries are about the financial aspect.....


Agree 100%; there are still questions and its' generally not from the social media side, they get that, your question sum it up pretty well; but i am yet to find 1 person that is as reluctant to listen as when you start talking about bitcoin; quite the opposite. you seed the idea and then walk away.... then they come at you with questions :) its pleasant and welcome change.
Although i still find that on a few people the close tie to digital currencies and the bitcoin media of old leaves them a bit unsure as to if they want to sign up using their facebook or reddit accounts. Luckily enough you can mine accounts and i foresee that when their is a normal sign up via email type approach the flood gates will open.

Absolutely! Normal in catering to their expectations.....will really help. I can't wait. Some of the residual, i'm not sure what it is, trepidation or scepticism, seems to come from a feeling that crypto is a club. A big club and they already aren't in it. The ship has sailed and if they get involved it will be a waste of time, either because they don't really get it and all their money and efforts will be taken from them as they stumble from one scam to the next, or that all the rewards have been carved up months ago and they'll never get in on the real action.

I've really tried to break this feeling down. I talk about the risks a lot. Its the first and last thing I say.....big time. However, now, with Steemit, the only risk is ones time and effort! Ok yes in a kind of meritocracy, if you aren't creative or interesting or something (however I believe we all have gifts if we can unlock them) then you won't earn as much as the next person......but so what? You can get involved and learn and earn something for your time. Who knows where that might lead.

Although i still find that on a few people the close tie to digital currencies and the bitcoin media of old leaves them a bit unsure as to if they want to sign up using their facebook or reddit accounts

Please refer them to my offer of free or discounted accounts for bitcointalk community members: link

Great to know and good offer; the people i am referring to are outside of crypto all together and therefore don't have an established bitcointalk account; if i find any crypto heads in the same situation i will be sure to recommend your offer

My approach with non-crypto people is to aggressively underpromise on the money. Tell them it is a new web site and it might not work out. You get points theoretically worth money (and maybe even a lot of money), but you never know, you might get nothing. That's good enough for most people to be interested without needing too many questions answered. As this post says, it is the gateway drug. Don't throw the hard crypto drug at them right up front.

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