PSA: Poloniex delisting STEEM

in #steem5 years ago

Screenshot 20191009 18.38.22.png

Well, being delisted always leaves a bit of a sting... anyway, this is a bit of a PSA in case anyone missed it, Poloniex is delisting STEEM. No reasons are given... so it could be due to lack of liquidity or regulatory defensive measures... you never really know with these delistings, and as STEEM hardly qualfies as an ICO exit scam or abandonware, well... it can't be those ones either (you would hope...).

A quick look at coinmarketcap reveals that the daily volume for STEEM/BTC on Poloniex was only around 80,000 euros (around 88,000 USD or around 1260584790040884820485 Pounds... haha, I'm sure the confidence in Pounds will come back when you guys figure out what to do with Brexit!).... anyway, I wouldn't really advise taking a look at the volumes for STEEM unless you want a big shock... 300,000 euros per day on Binance... and nearly 17 million euros on Bithumb! Anyway, so I'm guessing that the delisting has more to do with lack of liquidity and volume rather than any problems with regulation or the project in general.

Now, one would ask... why does it matter to lose Poloniex (which is owned by Circle and in turn Goldmann Sachs?). Why do we care? Or the more extreme amongst us might argue that we don't care about the banker's crypto exchanges and screw them!...

Well, I would argue that this delisting (whilst not being a disaster by any stretch of the imagination...) is important... as it WAS the regulated banker's exchanged. Like it or not, the mainstream population of the world (or at least the first and developed worlds) WANT regulated financial markets and regulated exchanges. They want the middleman... at least in the short term. So, losing this "stamp of authority" is a symbolic loss for STEEM. In practical terms, it doesn't mean that much.. as there was not much trade on that exchange anyway...

Poloniex is an exchange that does see some interest from established financial players... the fact that it is indirectly owned by known and "trusted" names in finance circles makes it an interesting first stop for people who are interested in crypto that hail from more of an investment background. The fact that it is US based does make it more vulnerable to regulation but again, this is something that can be a positive draw card from people who come from more established financial circles.... we would do well to realise that however revolutionary the crypto ecosystem is, and how much the end goal is to upend the existing financial and power structures... that there is a time and place to pick fights... and to be perfectly blunt, the size and power of the financial institutions are much more than capable of wreaking havoc on the comparatively tiny cryptocurrency ecology.

A smarter option (and in my view... the more likely outcome) will be to harness and co-opt the existing systems (and in turn be harnessed and co-opted).... this means that exchanges that have the trust of the existing system will be important... I know that most of us personally don't use Poloniex and Coinbase, but there are many people who think otherwise and would be much more comfortable using these exchanges rather than DEX's, Kucoin orBinance!

Does this delisting hurt us materially... NO, there wasn't that much volume... however, symbolically it stings a bit! Besides, the more places that STEEM is available the better... and losing the potential easy gateway and placement with a Circle-owned exchange is just one less ticket in the race to get that lucky break!

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I don't use Poloniex, but I guess this is really bad news for Steem users who do and bad news for the rest of us. However, from Poloniex's point of view, Steem has sunk a lot. The thing is we are more connected together because of the social nature of Steem than other coins, so messing with us may have different reprocussions.

Yes... this is something that is unique about the STEEM chain... there are strong non-financial links that develop... it is something that you really just don't see on the other ones, which are completely function based and with little interaction between accounts.

@bengy symbolically it affects the morale of Steem users, both now & potential. Sadly it strengthens the FUD :/

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes... it is symbolic... but on the other hand, not so many people use it... but on the other hand, it is another place where someone might NOT stumble across this strange crypto (like I did!).

That blows I guess they are just not making enough money off us to keep the window open.

Everyone is always so focused on powering up. They seem to forget if exchanges are not making enough money they will remove you.

While it sucks it's not like there have been a lot of issues in the past with them. They never seemed to have cared much for us.

Yeah... Poloniex had STEEM stuck in limbo for quite some time... that was hideously annoying. Still, I also wonder if it is partly because they are US based and need to keep the decks clear for regulations. But I really think that the incredibly low volume didn't help either!

yea i got the letter too ... and as here in the reply above , why would they "care" for us ? its an exchange not a charity. Saying its not a big problem because there was little trading foregoes the actual problem : that "there wasn't much trading" anyway ... if its owned by a powerhouse like Sachs then id say its all the more important. Always with the tribes and the communities and how its not about the money ... ?
newsteem is a wad of tripe ... not tribe, its cryptoCURRENCY, it IS about the money , it's finance, its a very hard place

to be delisted for whatever reasons should raise a little more concern, if its b/c no one is interested in trading it then all the more so.
Or is there some hidden joy in buying the right to post that i havent figured out yet. Too much hippiecrites , that was clear as everyone just turned with the wind on the neworldorder propaganda ... so far i havent seen much but a lot of talk and the same people getting the same money in the same trending posts ... rewards halved for the smallfry down to the point you might as well get back on facebook at least there you get your 10.0000 followers liking it without looking at it (=lol yea) , delisted ... koinbot just threw in the towel as "its no longer profitable" and they seem to be honest at least about not coming here to 'take one for the team' ...

the tribe of tripe

if its hits $1 again by december i'll apologize but i doubt i'll have to

I think #newsteem is definitely an improvement on the status quo from before... it's by no means perfect, but at least it is a step in the right direction (or at least a step away from the wrong direction...) . I still do question what the purpose of holding and buying STEEM is... more influence on the platform is the most common reason, but that isn't really an answer as the difference between 1000-5000 isn't really that much a difference in influence.

Likewise, once you are over about 250-500 STEEM POWER then you have enough RC to post and interact without too much restriction in resources.

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