An Open Letter To @crypto.piotr

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Dear @crypto.piotr

Firstly, I want to commend you on your passion and devotion for the Steem blockchain. But, as nice as I am sure you are, we need to talk about your spam problem.

There is nothing wrong with promoting yourself, send all of the SBD and STEEM to bidbots that you want to get your posts onto trending, but when you're churning out transaction spam to promote your own posts or your latest stunt: the posts of others, that's a problem.




This is only a small snippet of the copious amounts of transaction spam messages you're sending. If I screenshot the full extent of your spam escapades, anyone who attempted to load this post would find their browsers crash and phone batteries instantly deplete because of the number of images that would entail.

And the crazy thing about this is, this isn't the first time you've spammed me. For months I would see your self-promotion 0.0002 memos come through and it was annoying. Eventually, I "unsubscribed" myself and you said you wouldn't bother me ever again, which was cool To your credit, the spam did stop for a little while. Apparently, this only extends to your own posts and not the promotion of other people's posts? Or maybe your spam bots got amnesia and forgot I opted out?

Please, stop spamming. Steem has a serious spam problem as it is and if we want newcomers to arrive and take this place seriously, we want them to see a semi-credible blockchain and not a garbage fire of dust transactions with links to posts.

Nobody likes being "opted-in" to a widespread spam campaign. People hate spam email and what you're doing is exactly the same. If you want to offer a newsletter service, that's fine, but MAKE IT OPT-IN, NOT OPT-OUT. If your content truly is amazing, I am sure some people will sign up.

If you want to promote yourself, do what everyone else does and whip out your fiat, buy some Steem and push it to the trending page with bidbots.

Kind regards,



Not only did I ask he stop doing so, but he acknowledged my request and muted me within minutes of responding to that request.


So now I’ve gone to one of his posts — ironically one where he’s asking his ‘community’ (read: brown-noses who have become enthralled by him and think he is the solution to their poor post votes) about what they think of memo spam — and asked again formally for him to stop sending me memos.

As have many others. And in all cases he’s like “I’m sorry it won’t happen again”.

Well, let’s wait and see.

Decentralisation is fine. I can choose to to not read his posts. But when I explicitly don’t consent to being sent memos continuously..... that’s now over-stepping a boundary.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I want a report which shows me from the beginning to now, how much of my stake has come from .001 wallet transfers.

I have mixed feeling about this. I'll totally agree it is slightly annoying and ineffective. I get so much wallet spam a few more do not matter.


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Dude...he's spammed me so much that when he actually commented to me the other day, interested in what development I've an actual real person, I just fucking ignored him. He's a blight upon the blockchain. I dunno if he just doesn't understand that he's annoying as hell, or he doesn't care, or what.

Half of me didn't really know what to do when he commented to me. The other half didn't want to give him any personal info. So, you can see why I just ignored him.

What's more is that I am HORRIBLE with names. Yet, despite not actually knowing him and never talking to him, I remember his, BECAUSE HE IS THAT ANNOYING!

He's probably one of the few people that the blockchain might vote to fork out, if given the option. Or would that be "fork off"?

You know, a newsletter service done through payment memos might actually be pretty cool. Maybe you pay to get in and it slowly pays you back. XD So like a loan and fee in one.


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You've got DRAMA!

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Coming bit late, but totally agree with you!
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

I have noticed this as well and think it is unfortunate as most posts are quite interesting and engaging. However, consider that it gets the job done as the posts often get dozens of comments and engagement. On one side, I don’t mind all the dust I get on my wallet as it ultimately adds up to something; but it does often block others from being viewed.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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