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RE: Steem – The Solution to Curation Rewards

in #steem8 years ago

Good point about the richest investors not being the ones who will work hardest at the job of curation, they have no real reason to. Splitting the curation rewards away from vesting is also an excellent idea. Incorporating lifetime # of votes into curation power seems possible, if it can somehow be compared with other voters history to prevent gaming. Add in a little Trickle Down curation rewards to further spread the curation power around, and this could really help.


One way of ensuring everyone participates equally is to have everyone curate, everyone write, and everyone provide liquidity. If you divide your efforts proportionally between these tasks then you will maintain your percentage ownership. If you neglect one of these tasks (such as writing), then you will have to make up for that by performing other work (such as curating or liquidity provision).

Straight from Dan

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