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RE: How are Americans to Use the Pushed Poloniex for Tron when we aren't allowed to use it?

in #steem5 years ago

pay me and I can build bridges but since I do this for a hobby it has to be a tremendous amount or nothing at all for my own sick and twisted amusement, JOKING Yes, the 'Old' Poloniex was awful and kept large sums of money for ages with no actual office and people that did not seem to actually have any experience or business running it. I'm bitchin' good huh? good to know I hope I make it to trending so I can get flags from all the community love that Justin just bought.
I dunno who screwed who in this supposed "deal"


I think everyone just screwed everyone.

Ex-witness trying to start a shit fight with an 800lb gorilla, top 20 witness all owned by Tron Foundation, I mean are these 2 trying to kill off any dpos decentralization? Top 3 dev and leaders from Steemit quitting and leaving, the gang of former top 20 witnesss going to fork a steem that won't be recognized or supported by exchanges.....sigh... I would pay you, but looks like Steem is going worthless.

I got all but dust out ages ago as I saw methodical "starving out" of people like myself whom I think are ethical and smart and have the backrounds and resumes to give a damn about "normies".
Karma is a bitch, all the discords I was going to were celebrating and now all the little cliques can go do their own thing. Not surprised of the quitting fast and leaving, like Ned would have structured things to care about the people who are from countries that they are relying on the lies spoon fed to them about reinvesting and staking here. mic drop

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