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RE: Random selection of vote purchases

in #steem7 years ago

I know people like money, most people will do anything for money. But here on steemit, why people need to buy votes I still do not get, other than their love of money, and that they have made enough sbd's to buy more votes, and thus more sbd's to keep their vote buying addiction going. vote buying is the new steemit drug, and they just need to get their fix, so they put out a shit post, buy some votes and try to srpinkles on theirshit post to make it look nice by pointing out how many votes it got. Stupid really, I know I will most likely not make as much money on my post as vote buyers, but most of the people voting on my post actually looked at the post, which is more than a vote buyer can say. Have a good year grumpycat, even if I do not understand what you are really doing, or what berniesanders is doing or even that transisto guy is doing or eatsrewards or any of the other half dozen reward adjusters then brag and take all those rewards they say they returned to the pool. Happy jan 4th or 5th depending on where you are at in the world.

Oh and just one last thing to think about that is totally unconnected with anything at all about steemit, votes and vote buying - - -4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie - - - do you think 420 has really been around that long? - - - just a silly thought.


Some people buy votes to get their posts on the trending page, which in turn gets them more votes. There is some logic. I don't necessarily agree with what they are doing, however it's a strategy that's been proven to work.

yep, a strategy that works, makes them money by buying votes. Does not make their post worth more no matter how many votes they buy. If they need to buy votes it is because they do not have a following that value their input. Those that follow them will vote for their content if they like it period. If they put content out that is likeable people will follow them, then vote for them, this bullshit people keep using that it's for visibility, or it's because I am a minnow and don't have a following yet, well that's why it is called a social network. Work at being social, network the opportunities presented, read other peoples post, comment on other peoples post, visit the chat rooms, and chat, if people did that and built a following they would have no need to buy votes, unless of course they are just greedy little bastards that only give a shit about money and not whether or not they put out something people might be interested in.

Yes vote buying works, for the people that can not earn a vote or learn how to gain exposure, but eventually they will run out of money to buy votes, then it's back to the woe is me vote for me follow me.

I actually follow some people that buy votes, I vote for them and I read their content, do I agree with them buying votes? NO Period I do not. But as long as it is an option, people are going to use it, they are going to take the democratic/communistic way out of it, and expect to be given their due amount to cover the cost of the bribe. Take it from the poor, and give some of it to the middle class, and keep the rest.

I agree. I’ve seen some incredibly bad and worthless content generate hundreds of SBD while my post that I spent 3 - 4 hours preparing only generates 7 - 8 SBD. It’s sad that people do it. It’s even more sad that there is the option to do it.

But at the end of the day who do you think has more respect for themselves? And is being known as a vote buyer or a vote seller something to strive for? Some people would see self respect as having nothing to do with it. There are drug dealers and there are drug users, neither of them at the end of the day have any self respect left. That is why it is so easy for them to murder kill rape and use other human beings. And at the end of the day they will justify it by saying it's Natural Law.

That's an impressive comparison! I can see your point and support your view.

Maybe it's just me, but from my experience using these bots, they hardly ever payout more than what you put in. I guess I never invested enough to make it to the trending page either.

I can see why people have problems with them, especially when some of them are a bit... 'shady', but is it really the people's fault for using a service that's available? I feel the service itself should be targeted.

My experience has been that the return on investment isn't huge, but you generally do get back more than you put in if you know which bots are the best to use. For example, @lovejuice is a relatively poorly utilised bot with a good payout percentage.

You need to check the bots Steem power before using them. Low voting power means poor return. High Steem power means your return should be good. Of course, there's no guarantee so you're playing with fire sometimes. Don't expect huge profits though. It's really just for getting improved exposure.

But as people have been saying, if your content is shit, buying votes won't make it better.

Hmm, that's odd. I used to use Randowhale, Bellyrub and Buildawhale relatively regularly but never seemed to get back as much as I put in. But then again, I never actually did the math, it just felt that way. All of those bots had pretty decent Steem Power when I used them.

But yes, I definitely agree that it's mainly for the exposure than other reasons. Anyway, that was just my personal experience, and like I said, I never actually did any math on it :)

I bought a few votes on a recent post that I needed to trend higher than it was. I spent 4.01SBD and received 10SBD in return. That was a good return though, it isn't always that high.

Wow, that's not bad at all. What votebot was that using?

It's definitely hit and miss. For the most part, I've come above break even. It's almost like gambling. But the point for me really is to get up on the trending pages where I can maybe get more votes that I don't have to buy...

@bashadow do you not see the bigger picture? Vote buying is the smallest of your worries. Big accounts vote themselves or EACH OTHER to get to the trending page regardless of the quality of their content! How's a regular content creator (like me) supposed to compete with $300+ upvotes?!? The voting bots are the equalizer (if you can call it that) on this platform the way it evolved. You can't complain about upvote bots without complaining about self voting and whale circle jerks.

I do not think I complained about votebots, buying votes, or selling votes. I just gave my opinion on how I felt about them and left it up to the individual to decide if it is right or wrong. You, me, religion, government, nor even grumpycat can make people do the morally correct thing, or to even convince them that they are morally wrong, because morality is a thing judged by the individual, not a group.
Are there bigger things to worry about other than vote buying/selling , I myself am not worried about it, as I said, it is an option for people. and as you pointed out, it is a gamble if you will get a return or not.

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