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RE: HF 21 - Some Thoughts on the Changes to Come

in #steem5 years ago

During HF20, I could see the promise of free account creation for what it was, an empty promise. I got my second standby account for the 3 steem prior to HF20, and that 3 steem went to the account. I urged all my friends that if they thought they might want/need a second account in the future they should get their account prior to the HF.

On this HF, (HF21), I do not see what I can do or should do to prepare for it. With the advent of all the new tribes I really wish I would have purchased/made even more accounts before HF20.

So any one with ideas on what I should do to prepare for or change habit wise before HF21 they would certainly be appreciated.


Sadly - here is the only thing you can change.

  1. invest and become a large stakeholder.
  2. upvote anything you want, because you are now making 50% curation rewards. There is actually NO motivation for you to curate quality content. It's actually in your benefit to curate poor quality content that no one else is voting on - then you get ALL the curation rewards and not have to share it with anyone!

See how this hard fork doesn't actually motivate large accounts to curate quality content??? They actually get MORE for curating something that no one else curates. (which would be POOR content.)


I can see some of that taking place, it is that way already in some cases. Some more people may choose to also take up that attitude. The ones here only for the money, do not really care as long as they make a higher ROI. They will keep steem block chain on the fringes of alt coins with that attitude in my opinion.

There is some change and progress being made toward a more social environment, but those changes are not in the interest of the ROI seekers, so they will be stomped on. I see no way forward for steem block chain with the mentality of the current so called investors.

It's becoming less social.

Proof: do you remember how fun this place used to be? full of activity and commenting and posting and upvoting

When's the last time you had fun here?

This place is a ghost town. And adding in more flags and taking away rewards?

I wonder who could possibly benefit from this plan.

Oh. Nevermind.

Actually I do still have fun in the social aspect of it. Comment voting, yes that has taken a sever back burner position (due to vote value and dust vote level), but I see a lot of comments on post, on plain ordinary post, not just post about the state of steem.

I still see fun post being made, I see life post being made, and yes, the down votes are an issue.

I myself do not think anyone is going to benefit from the HF. I think in six months they will be thinking "what were we thinking". I am going to stay around to see the fall out of it all though.

SMT's and Down votes pool are not going to mix well at all. SMT's are designed to bring business in, down vote pool is designed to shut people down. SMT's could really have so much potential, but they will never work as long as their is abusive down voting going on, and free down votes will add to that abusive nature.

SMT potential that will not be seen while down votes run rampant and free:

Betty has a small boutique shop for luxury bath items and beauty aids. her clientele are upper middle class business women. She would like to reward her repeat customers, she see's a post about SMT's and thinks this sounds interesting, a quick easy coin/token that she can use as a reward mechanism. A perfect method of giving back to her loyal customers. Then she looks a little deeper, and needs to be able to make a Steem account for her customers that do not have one, then provide some Steem so her customers can access the token. Not totally overcome able road block she thinks, then she looks and sees all the down voting, she talks to one of her customers that she knows has a steem account and ... well she learns about the abusive nature of several small, medium and large accounts. ....

So no new SMT user, a lost opportunity. No business wants to put their clientele in jeopardy. So it is going to be very interesting to see just how long this down vote pool idea will last.

Good for you!

(And I realize that thisnis text so you can't know my tone...but it is a genuine happiness for you!)

I'm glad that some people are still enjoying the social interaction here.

I do enjoy still leaving comments on posts (this post got me fired up about the irritation of HF21 ahaha but normally I only leave encouraging happy comments! Lol)

But I have seen the opposite.
A lot of people still desperately trying to cling to the fun that used to be here and the variety if people and posts... But really just deluding themselves, hoping that some of that fun returns in the long run

But ..if you're still seeing it- you've got a great community that has high hopes and has still stuck around!!!

For me, I'm just happy that ive made enough real friends here that made the crossover out of the online realm. So no matter what- I take them with me.

Happy to hear that your attitude is a positive one, irrespective of the noise around you ! 😊

There is always noise in life, and I have taken nothing you said as negative toward me or my attitude, text is a lousy medium at times.


it can sometimes be hard to find the fun in all the noise, everyone's idea of fun is slightly different. Some think flagging and annoying others is fun, not me. But I do enjoy a lot of different content, and the tribes have helped make it a bit easier to find. Currently CreativeCoin is doing pretty good on the content type I like, the trending pages on many of the tribes are pretty clean of spam content/vote bot raised content.

Uncontrolled mayhem is never fun. I know there are several people that feel the tribes exert to much control, that is generally from people that like to flag. Even with the free flags on palnet, there is not a lot of abusive flagging going on, they seem to be being used as was designed, that is because palnet will take out the abusive flaggers. Steemit has no mechanism to do that.

The fun can be found again, it is still out there, at least for a little while longer. We will just have to wait and see what all gets thrown out with the bath water of HF21.

Love your enthusiasm and positivity!!!

Personally, I realized that I believed in something that was an illusion here.

Had i come a bit more skeptical, I probably would have just chalked this all up to "comme ci, comme ca" hahahhaha and stuck around to see what came of it too.

Maybe when I invested in it financially.. I became more concerned about the fallout of my investment.

And so the decisions that were made had more weight?

Not sure. When I founded a community of newbies, and they were directly impacted by the decisions... That probably changed a lot too.

Regardless! As you said... Everyone's idea of fun is a personal one.

And there is still fun to be had for those who bring their own or find others who share their idea too!

Hehehhee cheers to you continuing to be a fun-seeker and fun-bringer! 😄

Thank you for the engage tokens! (Not really sure what these tokens do, but hopefully the ones I end up having will be very profitable! Lol)

Here are your ENGAGE tokens!

To view or trade ENGAGE go to

except for the actuality is, 1. invest and become a large stakeholder. 2. self upvote, because that is still going to be TWICE as profitable as curating under HF21

yes! how did i forget to say that???? exactly right! (but dont let them hear you complain about that. or else you're disloyal, selfish, entitled, and don't want to share with the community. LOLOLOLOL)

sit down in a comfortable chair
bend over
kiss butt
hold on tight

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