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RE: [Guidance] : What does STEEM mean to you?

in #steem6 years ago

Yes the potential for Steem to grow in the coming wee while is great indeed IMO - the speed of transactions and the massive available capacity will increasingly become factors as more people come onboard (and Fiat takes a plunge).

It is interesting to see the extent to which the 'scarcity mindset' has been imported into Steemit to a greater or lesser extent from the 'physical' world. Inevitable to some extent, I guess! This mindset sees there as being not enough to go around - the fact of scarcity; it compares own stashes with others and feels insecure about itself; it grabs as much as possible for itself even if this be at the expense of one's preferences or personal integrity - accumulation is a goal; it is a version of the old kill or be killed perception of enslavement to a rat-race-world of pressure and stress and conformity.

I've read many convincing posts on the actuality of Abundance here on Steemit - ie counter-arguments to the above. I won't post links, but @taskmaster4450, for example, has a series of recent posts that explore this theme from various angles. I too, find myself coming back to this theme time and again in comments (and a post). What I wonder is that if Abundance does indeed exist, then why are people getting stressed about, and spending vast amounts of energy on issues like:

  • payouts (personal gain)
  • tailoring what is said (over self-expression if necessary) to maximise profit (pleasing, appeasing, flattering etc)
  • posting stuff that one thinks will earn a good payout - again, over self-expression if necessary, almost as if this were secondary (selling oneself short)
  • comparing where one is atm with others one sees as 'successful'; and stressing about getting there and trying to 'learn' how to be someone else rather than oneself (learning how to be fake, and thinking this is what it takes)
  • flag wars (action on unfairness, revenge, venting anger)

So, what I'm saying is, we're here, we're on Steemit as early adopters. It is going places, regardless of bullshit short-term market indications. Self-expression is utterly rewarding in its own right, and needn't take anything else into consideration (I write to express my thoughts/feelings/opinion etc and I can be aware of spaces where I am trying to please/appease others and where this energy is creeping into my writing). Of the other considerations (payouts, rep, followers, feedback, interaction blah blah), everything follows the self-expression (IMO), and, there being enough to go around, you will get what you get - perhaps slower, but it is there and doesn't need to be will come and it will be as much as, or more than, what you require. If one is comfortable with the notion that what is needed will be available at the time of need, then, the perceived need to hoard and gather for rainy days will disappear, along with the many many fears associated with competitive living!

I think that exposure to the Abundance Mindset is potentially another attractive feature of coming onboard :D .....thanks @calumam, I like it!


You have some magnificent points.

I've been an avid follower of @taskmaster4450 for the past few months and his beliefs and values have rubbed off on me as well. It is a shame that people are not realising the potential for growth here and with a 0.5B market cap, they really just have to focus on getting themselves 100SP right now!

I think with continued efforts in communities and guidance, we will be able to build up the people who are on the platform who see the potential. Those who bring the similar mindsets from the existing platforms over with them, will inevitably fail. This is due to ingenuine connections and interest from followers moving forward. What good is 1000 followers if they are all people who aren't willing to stick it out on the platform?

I created the BuddyUP project to bring these like-minded and engaging characters together. I don't care about the SP or the money right now, my SP has been at 130-150 for a couple of months. I see potential in people and I want to encourage them to greatness, that is all we should do.

As our motto quite rightly states; We all grow together

Thanks for dropping by and leaving a ridiculously good comment on this post. I'm glad we share similar beliefs and I think we owe it all too @taskmaster4450. I hope others will head over to his blog and bask in the infinite wisdom.

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