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RE: Steemd version v0.19.1RC1 is out

in #steem7 years ago

I like your thorough review. You sure know what you are talking about. No need to insult others, though. People are people and we all have our flaws.
I don't know what is the nature of your relations, maybe its friendly teezing.


People with responsibilities to others, should not take that responsibility lightly, nor should they retaliate against valid criticisms loaded with quite naturally valid and understandable rage towards this.

If we don't put fire under their toes, they will forget what their job is, and start swimming in a bathtub full of Benjamin Franklins.

Well I think they aim higher than bathing in dry papers.

You might not be paying close enough attention. For one thing, why is it they do not make announcements from them sticky, preferably in the top bar, so you can't miss them?

Well with that I totally agree

Since it should be obvious that the most pressing issues are not being addressed, and the actual work being done, which is coming out of every one of our wallets, in the 9.3% inflation tax, is not obvious to anyone without probing pretty close at the github page, may I suggest that you, and everyone, stop holding your breath and start speaking up.

I think actions and coding are valuable. I am supporting your critics. We need both. Only those who do, make mistakes.

'Mistakes' can also be concealed malice too.

I am also now busy doing... I just stopped using all the drugs that were making me so ineffective. I have only just today started to sleep sorta normally. I would have done this detective work a long time ago if I hadn't been so sick and addicted.

I'll have the data to back up my claims soon enough.

Speaking of proving yourself through actions, I also, despite my many issues, have something to say because I have been doing a lot of work. I don't pull this stuff out of my ass. The software these people make has consumed the better part of my last 6 months.

I didn't abandon running a witness for nothing. I just had no idea how the hell, in my weak state, I was going to do anything effective.

Speaking up against a chorus of sycophants also is pretty frickin hard work.

You should try it sometime.

Also, 'coding'? Go take a look at this so-called coding. You don't even need to be very skilled to watch the process of building steemd and I will happily, if you come visit my steempunk chatroom at help you through the process so you can see for yourself. I need to guide you because you need to build v0.19.0 to see the amazing spectacle that I have had to deal with as a witness, possibly the worst upgrade that has ever happened in the history of this platform.

Don't go accusing me of doing no work and taking no risks when I am not just talking. I done plenty.

You trust people with a better PR campaign than me. I don't have millions of dollars weaseled out of this platform, systematically, over the last 12 months.

And writing is not 'no work'. Go take a look at my 'nothing' writing, both the volume, quality of the text, and the quality of the layout. And you also don't know how many bugs I have had to work around to make it look that good.

Thank you for the heartful explanation. As I said before, when you are ready send the git link. I will be following anyhow. And I was and still am in a situation that reminds your own. Wish you well.

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