
'Mistakes' can also be concealed malice too.

I am also now busy doing... I just stopped using all the drugs that were making me so ineffective. I have only just today started to sleep sorta normally. I would have done this detective work a long time ago if I hadn't been so sick and addicted.

I'll have the data to back up my claims soon enough.

Speaking of proving yourself through actions, I also, despite my many issues, have something to say because I have been doing a lot of work. I don't pull this stuff out of my ass. The software these people make has consumed the better part of my last 6 months.

I didn't abandon running a witness for nothing. I just had no idea how the hell, in my weak state, I was going to do anything effective.

Speaking up against a chorus of sycophants also is pretty frickin hard work.

You should try it sometime.

Also, 'coding'? Go take a look at this so-called coding. You don't even need to be very skilled to watch the process of building steemd and I will happily, if you come visit my steempunk chatroom at help you through the process so you can see for yourself. I need to guide you because you need to build v0.19.0 to see the amazing spectacle that I have had to deal with as a witness, possibly the worst upgrade that has ever happened in the history of this platform.

Don't go accusing me of doing no work and taking no risks when I am not just talking. I done plenty.

You trust people with a better PR campaign than me. I don't have millions of dollars weaseled out of this platform, systematically, over the last 12 months.

And writing is not 'no work'. Go take a look at my 'nothing' writing, both the volume, quality of the text, and the quality of the layout. And you also don't know how many bugs I have had to work around to make it look that good.

Thank you for the heartful explanation. As I said before, when you are ready send the git link. I will be following anyhow. And I was and still am in a situation that reminds your own. Wish you well.

It is right there in the post above, ending in / You need a computer running ubuntu 16.04 to do it easily. As it happened I created a docker image that succeeded in building it on Gentoo. It ran flawlessly, and if the compiler flags I set were operating, it was probably more memory efficient than what they explain in the link above. Here it is again


Apology accepted. I am really a new person since I got clean, and I'm still only just in thte last steps before my new normal fully sets in. I have no intention of changing that.

As for these pests running this platform, and the gaggle of sycophants surrounding them, to be perfectly honest, I think that Ned is actually a good guy. He's just not as open, or as honest as a platform like this needs. It's not for nothing than so many anarchic people are attracted to a system where we are basically left to our own devices to fend off this kind of mischief. It's just that nobody with sufficient capacity has come through and put a torch to the dead wood to give people what they deserve.

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