in #steem7 years ago (edited)



It had been a while since I wanted to offer some of my articles in exchange for SBD and STEEM. Purchasing possibilities using this cryptos are still quite limited. Creating an online store that allows you to perform these operations is still quite complicated thought (actually for me it is;D). Fortunately Etsy, the popular creative's shop, allows you to accept alternative payment methods! This is very important because it allows the customer and the shop to operate according to the methods, the lines of conduct and the assistance of Etsy! And if everything is done using the Steemit wallet, obviously there are no "fees" to pay.

Era da un po' che mi sarebbe piaciuto offrire alcuni dei miei articoli soprattutto in cambio di SBD e STEEM. Le possibilità di acquisto usando direttamente questa crypto sono ancora piuttosto scarse. Settare un negozio on-line che permetta di eseguire queste operazioni è comunque piuttosto complicato(almeno per me;D). Per fortuna Etsy, il popolare negozio di articoli auto prodotti, permette di accettare metodi di pagamento alternativi! Questo è molto importante perché permette sia al venditore che al cliente di operare secondo i metodi, le linee di condotta e l'assistenza di Etsy! E se tutto viene svolto usando i wallet di Steemit, ovviamente non ci sono nemmeno "fees" da pagare.


In the Airmatti shop on Etsy you will find several articles produced with some of my illustrations and graphics, you can also make custom orders!

To the shop

  • Stickers of various types, some customizable by color and size
  • Postcards and prints of illustrations and images
  • T-shirts

Nel negozio di Airmatti su Etsy trovate diversi articoli prodotti con alcune delle mie illustrazioni e grafiche, potete anche fare degli ordini personalizzati!

Al negozio

  • Adesivi di vario tipo, alcuni personalizzabili per colore e dimensione
  • Cartoline e stampe di illustrazioni e immagini
  • T-shirts

Airmatti's Etsy Shop


To purchase using SBD/STEEM, proceed normally with the purchase of the desired item and at the time of payment choose the payment option "other". Proceed with the input of the data and shortly you will receive a message via email with the username and the amount to be paid in the wallet (converted from USD to the current value of SBD/STEEM). After the payment the item will be shipped. As you well know, thanks to Steemit's "open source" policy, payment can be easily verified in the account wallet. Moreover, everything is done through the ETSY portal, so the operations are subject to their rules and checks, as well as their assistance in case of need.

Per acquistare usando SBD/STEEM, procedete normalmente all'acquisto dell'oggetto desiderato e al momento del pagamento scegliete l'opzione di pagamento "altro". Procedete con l'inserimento dei dati e a breve riceverete un messaggio via mail con il nome utente e l'importo da versare nel wallet (convertito da USD all'attuale valore di SBD/STEEM). Dopo il pagamento l'articolo verrà spedito. Come ben sapete, grazie alla politica "open source" di Steemit, il pagamento è facilmente verificabile nel wallet dell'account. Inoltre il tutto viene eseguito tramite il portale ETSY, quindi le operazioni sottostanno alle loro norme e verifiche, come anche alla loro assistenza in caso di necessità.


I really hope that the use of SBD and STEEM will be further developed in the future, allowing us to buy more and more things using these coins directly. Mine is nothing else than a small step, but I really like the idea of making the purchase of goods possible using Steemit's wallet directly!

Spero davvero che l'utilizzo di SBD e STEEM abbia uno sviluppo ulteriore in futuro, permettendoci di acquistare sempre più cose usando direttamente queste monete. Il mio non è che un piccolo passo, ma mi piace davvero l'idea di rendere possibile l'acquisto di merce usando direttamente il wallet di Steemit!

Do you think one day we will shop everywere with SBD/STEEM?

Pensate che un giorno potremo usare ovunque i nostri SBD/STEEM?

You can also see my work at the following sites:

..… ..… ..… ..…


llustrator, graphic designer

Outdoor adventurer

Folk and Blues enthusiast 

Team sports lover!


This is a great initiative!

Way to go and great idea! Any tips on how to do this on Etsy?

Thanks, it's pretty simple, just go in the shop manager menu -> Finances -> Payment settings -> Set "other" On. You should specify on your page information what you would accept. If you sell an article with this method you have to check when the payment is done and just notify it on the orders list...

Great! Thanks so much for the information. I will add this to my store. I see Steem as a payment method due to the speed and free transactions. I heard about a stand alone mobile wallet coming which would be awesome!

Yes you are right! Sounds interesting! I hope we'll see more applications on the near and more people using it for "things" transactions.

If you do it this way, you will still have to pay your Etsy fees in dollars (or whatever currency you use). The $.20 listing fee, and the 3.5% plus whatever else they charge still gets charged to your Etsy bill. Using the "other" button can get expensive.

Geniale!!! Pensa che io sono su Etsy da anni e non avevo ancora pensato alla possibilità di usare l'opzione "altro"!!! Ti ringrazio per l'input e ti auguro millemila vendite!!! :D

Era da un po' che pensavo a come potessi fare per rendere gli articoli disponibili al pagamento in SBD o Steem! Qualche giorno fa' mi è passato per la testa di vedere se con Etsy non si potessero accettare le crypto, in realtà mi sono detto di verificare ma non avrei mai pensato si potesse fare! È semplicissimo da impostare e ti auguro lo stesso! (Come si chiamano i vostri negozi così li seguo?)

Io su etsy sono "vumap", paolo invece non ha uno shop lì (aveva provato, ma non funzionava). ^^
Devo dire che Etsy mi ha sempre dato "soddisfazioni", soprattutto in passato ^

Begli articoli complimenti!


Love this! This may be the thing to get me off ebay and on Etsy for my craft and antique sales.

Etsy it's good for that kind of things, but it depends on how much your on the business with ebay...

This is wonderful! A great way to expand the "commerce" end of being in the Steemit community.

Yes why not expand the use of our fast-payments coins?

That is great buddy !
A one step more for Steem/SBD .Hope it gets the recognition on your ETSY STORE.

Thanks! I hope it too :)

Quite a progressive movement and a great initiative. Alternative method of payment in cryptocurrency is the future. But the process has to get user friendly I feel. For people like me , specially 😊. Technology handicapped !! 😎😊

Eheh when I landed on Steemit I felt an handicapped too, especially about crypto, now let's say I do walk with crutches! Anyway you're right, I hope things will get simpler in the near!

And I am in the process of finding the crutches :D :D ....

It's pretty easy to use with Etsy. You have your customer check out using the "other" button, and when they transfer SBD to you, you ship! I've not paid with steem before but I've accepted alternative payments before (on Etsy).

that's great. Thanks for the information :)

This sounds good. Where are you getting your exchange rates from?

Thanks! From

Thank you! I have an (empty) Etsy shop as well, but selling for SBD seems like such a sweet idea that I just might open back up! Maybe we can start a steemit - Etsy team... well, it's an idea, my learning curve needs to be more steep before so can head something like that.

That's a good idea! You can really think about it, it would encourage SBD and steem transactions on Etsy. What do you'll sell on your shop?

Ive sold a whole bunch of different stuff through the years: Snail mail supplies, crochet mini projects, letters and zines, tarot Readings .... I've also captained a few teams via Etsy. I ❤️ The Etsy community, it's much like this one.

Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth. - Mahatma Gandhi
(Found through your comments)

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