This Is How I will Spend The Money

in #steem6 years ago

I’m Rich!

Now what do I do with all this money?


Believe it or not, despite the fact that we all dream of striking it rich one day, most people have no idea what they would do with the money once they have hit. I’m not talking about the impulsive stuff like; buy this car, buy that house, go on holiday, e.t.c., but what to do with real wealth.

Now that I’m one of the richest people the world has ever seen, here are a few things I’m going to do with my dough.

1. Secure it

Many people that win the lottery lose it straight away, go insane or bankrupt in a short time. The first thing I’d do with the money is make sure it is securely mine. That means dealing with any legal, tax or other such issues that could come back and bite me in the behind.

2. Invest

That’s right! I’m going to make even more money. Reason being, if point 1 ever failed, and I did lose the liquid dosh I’m holding, I want some backup. Now that I’ve tasted the good life, I don’t ever want to go back :) Besides, my offsprings and descendants will forever be rich. I’ll make sure of it.

3. Spread the love

My family and friends have hit it lucky. I will ensure every member of my family and all my true friends are “financially free”. So I’ll be paying off their mortgages this month and buying them their dream homes if they don’t already have one. I will also be clearing all their credit cards and other debts. I will also hand them a sum of 5 million each in sweet cash money. That should hold them for a lifetime, or at least springboard them to greater things if they so choose.

4. Spend spend spend

Ok. Life is to be lived, so I will be doing some living myself. I will be splashing out on a super secure car - probably a Mercedes or Saab. I will also be buying a house somewhere warm, like the Canary Islands because I hate winter. I’m sure I have other things to spend money on, but you know, actually I can’t think of anything else haha. I guess I’m lucky, I already have most things I need.

5. Heal the world

I will be backing a couple of my favourite charities big time. Elderly homelessness is a travesty. I shall be ending that everywhere in the world. I have a few others too. I will probably spend about 50% of my cash on this point.

6. Try something new

Since I now basically have nothing but time, I will become more adventurous and try new experiences. I will travel to corners of the globe I’ve never been. I will spend a long time at sea. I will also learn to fly.

7. Come up with other ideas

Obviously I can’t think of everything now, so I will take some time to be creative and come up with novel ways to do things and other benefits I can be on the planet. I don’t play golf, so I’ll probably be spending most of the time with my family and friends IRL.

There you have it. Now I’m off to do rich people stuff.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.


I'm on my way to get a yacht ;)

See you on the Pacific Ocean 🌊

Yah, I think most of what you have said is what I will do if am rich.

See you at the car shop :)

Think of the camera collection you could have! Oh my. It would be most interesting to see how many of our lists would perhaps almost have the same items. Mine looks quite similar to yours.

Woah! yeah! hahaha. I'll probably buy Olympus or Fuji and get the engineers to make me a perfect camera with my specs :)

Smart guy Ade 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks bro :)

Agree with what you are doing. I will copy and paste that... 😎😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Wanna go shopping together in Milan?

That's number 4 in the list, right? Shouldn't we start from 1 and 2 first? 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL. Ok then, see you at month end :)

I do wish you to realize all of your dreams and I do hope to help all those people you mentioned and more. Until then small acts matter as well, so dont ever forget to buy a coffee to an old stranger living outside on this frosty weather :) We are as rich as our heart is..

She didn't want the coffee haha. Yes you're right tough :) We should start doing little versions of the big things.

If I had 21 trillion, I would only donate 10 trillion and I would still have a lot of money and what I would do would be to create a nonprofit organization to help those most in need, and of course, an apart in the empire state.

Thanks for this idea sir! I know how to spend money but the problem for now is I don't have money to spend 😂 haha hoping that steemit will be the solution. 😊 In God's will

Posted using Partiko Android

Fingers crossed 🤞🏾

that is the way!. First tackle that sudden wealth syndrome for at least 12 months. Then execute your plan.\n\nHope you get what you want rather soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed. haha.

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