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RE: Finally, 2 - 3000 new accounts a day on average, so why cant they add more accounts? WHERE is the new UI for onboarding normies into crypto ned??? YOU are a normie ned...

in #steem5 years ago

um this is not enough people, we need to get everyoen an account, what happened to "2 billion peopel" and "Bank of the un banked" ? You are just settling for something we never agreed on, we agreed on global system, not niche site for a few million people

sorry but you dont knwo what your talking about, this is NOT enough people

and i have no idea what the hell you mean by kill rate.... no oneis dying and accounts are permanent (Unles your @thedarkoverlord ) and if you are refering to some idea that peopel stop using their accounts after a certain period, retention, well that has to do with @ned refusing to use his upvotes to create a chain reaction of organic curation, getting peopel excitre dto win one of his upvotes, and ned wouldnt ave to use very much njust make sure a wide range of peopel got his upvotes, everyoen woudl try posting more, peopel WILl use steem if we reach critical mass, its why peopel use redit and NO OEN GETS PAID ON REDDIt and yet they ahve 240 MILLIOn users

Do you see what ite steemit is supposed to be a copy of? Youever been on a site called reddit???? WIthout the tens of millions of users working to submit enough content and even mroe curating with upvotes, there IS no metacalfs law no pareto principle, no user submitted content to reach critical mass....... you cant make thsiw ork unles syou bring in the tens of millions of users to get enough of teh power user sthat bring in the good contenbt (and its nmot always about CREATING c9ontent sometiems reposting thinsg with clever titles is good enoug,m thats what reddit is partly built around

The ide aof needing more people using dapops, um yeah you get that ONLY whne you pay to onboard enw users, no way around it... you will NEVR get peope BUYING accounts en mass... ned must prove to teh world he believes in steem enoiugh to invest in it to create some free accounts ins6antly, even if its just 1 million instant free accounts, or 100k, in a short period, we NEED To create a BUZZ

Ned must upvote the dapp users, i already discussedthis many times but ned or someone he delegates to MUST upvote ALL the top posts on Dtube oen week, then Vimm posts teh next, then upvote evryone on Parttiko the next then Steepkea, and so on and so on untill he has gone through to upvote all the toip postys from like 20 weeks worth of Steem Dapps, a new dapp focused on each week....... @ned could use @steem and @steemit which just sit there collecting dust, to actually pump up the price of steem by pumping up teh rewardsof new users who are socia media influencers who ahev a DIRECT say in who busy what....


Yikes - The kill rate is here:

The second chart in Number 7 shows the numbers of "Dead Fish" in each category and it is about 95%.So out of every 100 people who enter, 95 die quick now.

Ned is out of the picture and far as I know. What they thought of in the past is no longer true. I'm looking at the dApps and do not use steemit anymore. If they can succeed, we can grow. Here are the top payers if you post on them and we have the games, gambling and finance dApps too.

good report, upvoted
but @ned owns too much steem to be out of the picture

If you check his blog and comments, he seems to be laying low. Such an odd situation. @arcange gives a lot of good info. He also does steemitboard and steemreply where I am replying from now. This tool is awesome and helps my get through relies in half the time.

Yes I agree that Steemreply is a great little product for steem, I love the focused niche steem products, and if more people were as dedicated as arcange we would have a critical mass of achievements in no time!

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