Building on @lanmower 's idea to build a WebTorrent media based steem front end, I wonder if a Chrome Extension could replace the Steem front end and directly plug into STEEM Blockchain like EsteemDesktop App

in #steem6 years ago

So while talking to @lanmower over I found out about his idea for a WebTorrent based media for steem and also about using Public Utilities to host a steem front end, and I finally had a vision of what he meant while looking at the Vessel wallet, the Bitshares Desktop App and the esteem desktop App.

I realized that instead of esteem having to pay money to host a front end, they just release a desktop App that I can use to browser steem and make posts with, and no server is needed to host esteem's front end, its all contained within the program which just may need to be updated from time to time. The result is you replace the front end that for example has to spend money hosting, with an App already downloaded onto a computer which then takes the steem front end and interacts with it directly, and I just see the next step is a chrome extension that allows all the tools to be loaded into a browser ahead of time so when you need to access steem blockchain you can view everything in a customized front end in your browser which the chrome extension can allow you to customize in its settings.

Those settings will have spaces to insert account and and posting key (or steemconnect logins) and also I imagine options for setting up your own custom dashboard which can display more than just your Blog Posts but custom widgets for Dtube to show your Dtube videos in a Module or a Row, maybe a Dsound Playlist that brings up all your song files in an old myspace style embedded media player with playlist, and maybe another module can display Dmania memes or show peerquery questions or it can show whatever live Dlive stream may be going on with that user, so this way we could create customized steem browser experiences that may display all the steem front end products a user may have without having to jump from front end to front end. I dream of one front end, which can display a users SP, important info about how much they're getting paid over the next 7 days like website shows... And then also the Wallet info should also be displayed right next to their follower count to make it more convenient and Id like to be able to view someones posts sorted by the most highest earning payouts at the top, or I could hive the option to have the Blog page display the top voted on posts by a n account, basically a showcase of past posts not just the most recent... I Feel like there are just too few front ends that give a good overview of a steem accounts history including all their most important posts

( infographic by @steemitadventure and @overkillcoin )

Oh and since I have uninstalled the obsolete steemit extra info extension and now use SteemPlus Chrome Extension I now have ALL the old features on steemit extra info fixed and since the project was taken over by @stoodkev it now has extra goodies like adding users as beneficiary rewards at the bottom of each individual "create post" page while making a post, so if you mention or use their work in some way you can share your rewards with them! )And I believe 5% must go to @steem-plus but that's a fair price for making a FREE Chrome extension with so many extra features. I could manually set beneficiary rewards on an external site but I would have to change it everytime unless I wanted ALL my posts to have the same user set as beneficiary everytime, so this feature actually is very useful, and its something @chainbb by @jesta had when that project was running, and I used it a lot to share rewards on posts but it also demanded I share 10% beneficiary reward to chainbb as well which was the front end, and with this chrome extension i dont need any extra front end. Ah this reminds me that Browser extensions may be the future of steem blockchain interaction and one may even be able to interact directly with steem blockchain with needing or any front end if you did everything through a browser extension that had everything the Esteem Desktop app has for example. Never worry about the front end being down if you just have the user be the one who hosts his own front end inside his own browser, using pre downloaded chrome extension which HOPEFULLY can auto update with the users permission, and yes security may be the biggest issue here but why can't there be an open source community inspected project created by developers with lowest possible incentive to create something malicious.

So anyway on that topic, Since I am using @lanmower 's topic I am adding him as a 10% beneficiary reward on this post using this amazing new @steem-plus chrome extension which i have taken a screenshot of below, showing the new Ui feature they added which is similar to what @jesta allowed in @chainbb when he built his own beneficiary reward interface like this where you can add a beneficiary and the perfect to share your post rewards with. I just love being able to directly share rewards while writing the post, it makes sharing a "cut" of the rewards so much smoother and allows for less social friction. Anyway I appreciate you reading and I hope you also check out this chrome extension and I hope one day an app like Vessel Wallet has a browser, or I hope the Esteem Desktop App is improved and works next time I try it, and I hope it gets beneficiary rewards, and all the features @steem-plus has beause a desktop app is more secure. Maybe @steem-plus could simply build qa standalone desktop app based on max security for users, it would be nice! This world of steem front ends and apps and communicating with the steem blockchain for different use cases is going to explode into an extremely profitable, relevant and fun field as steem grows and the opportunity to make money launching a popular steem front end or app grows.

(I tried updating this, i just need to add @utopian-io and a bunch of other new projects here!)

I see a lot of great almost passive income being possible for those who make minimal but solid steem front ends that may be able to capture lots of beneficiary rewards for a variety of topics. Creating a steem front end with its own beneficiary reward revenue generation system will be a BIG business in the future, it will be seen as like planting a whole forest of seedlings and watching them grow into massive forests of lumber ready to be harvested over and over sustainably generation after generation! We will be seen as those who invested in one of those most innovative and undervalued technologies of cryptocurrencies! Steem really IS worth JUST as much as EOS if not more since we have almost 1/4th the tokens! I really see Custom JSONs as our way to simulate smart contracts on steem and compete with EOS!

Thanks for reading and let us promote the idea that anyone can make their own steem front end/ or app for their town, region or even hobby or interest. Using "public" in browser tools to replace a front end, and using torrent and similar networks to host media files might be a way to make Steem just that much easier to access.


ackza you're a star, this is such a comprehensive explanation of how hosting costs for DApps can be vastly reduced, and should open all of our eyes to the power of extension, wasm, electron, passively sourced cdn delivery of content and other important factors like what not only steem DApps but EOS DApps can in fact work while defraying the most expensive leg of the race, hosting.

We must not look at what's available as the end of the race, but as the first step taken.

Bless up @ackza your healthy mind and being a beacon in the fog.

yes i wanted people to see that you weren't just orbiting around buzz words and that you actually had a vision for combining web torrents with steem, and when u were talking about it the first time over i kept mixing it up with regulkar old bit torrent and i had totally forgotten that web torrents were the newer media streaming friendly torrent system that make sit SUPER easy to play media and just STREAM it, even in browser if you want, but many apps are desktop clients, and if THEy can stream media fast and without having to pay hosting then we should be able to do it as well, were just not thinking about the steem front ends the rright way

and then teh whole part about you saying we can use public utilities of the internet, i didnt know what you really meant until i realized that you could just have everything running in the browser and that we could find ways to host a style front end site without the hosting costs associated with busy,org by replacing busy.orgs servers with a chrome extension or desktop app that would just have to be downloaded and maybe updated from time to time.

Ya know, when people in discord tell you that you CANT do something theyre really just helping push you to prove them wrong@ when people tell us that there is no way to get around expensive hosting of a steem front end, it just pushes us to find ways to do it using tools we already have and which we just havent used in teh right way yet. Honestly we have so much spare bandwitdh and ram and storage that there is no reason we cannot incentivize hosting IPFS nodes with Steem just like joystream pays people to seed torrents... we should be able to craft a web of incentives advertized around the right people, and we can capture petaflops of spare computing and hosting power!

I like this proyect and all proyect whith steem upgrade the level. This make grow the steem

Hello, everyone! I've created a new Steemit t-shirt and I think that it's better than my previous one! I hope that you'll enjoy my work as well. Order here:
front (7).jpg

I like this one!

you are always free to promote your steem related products here on my blog

i really want a really cool custom hoodie that just looks really amazing somehow

I would like a blockchain-based bit torrent with a paid seeding, that would be wonderful too and would change the torrent scene in the future for sure @ackza

but we do have one, Joystream already pays you in Bitcoin Cash for seeding torrents so i just think @lanmower is right when he believe we can make it STEEM instead of BCH

i believe Dtube and Dlive has all shown us how great IPFS can actually work when you do it right

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Esteem Desktop application is great initiative and it would be great if an extension for Steem too. 🙂

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