Your vote count / weight distribution towards Posts and Comments

in #steem6 years ago

I have been asked a couple of times recently if it was possible to see what percentage of vote weight / number of votes were being applied to a Post or a Comment. Get your pies relating to this here...

source - pixabay

Do you feel like you support more 'top level' Posts, or more Comments?

Perhaps you vote a lot of comments, but with only a small weight - hopefully I have the pies to give you the answers...

Thanks to @galenkp for the idea on this one:

To present the data I have used the following criteria:

  • Previous 30 days voting history (From the start of 2019 took 2 minutes for 1 pie :( )
  • Down-votes excluded
  • Some indication that you've read this Post would be nice
  • Self-votes excluded (I hear cheering...? )

My 30 day vote count for Posts and Comments

My 30 day vote weight for Posts and Comments

To be honest, I'm not that excited about the results. I expected the vote weight to be higher for Posts, but thought I voted on a higher percentage of Comments than the 30% shown against 70% Posts.

So this is where you come in. Sample data doesn't really say much but with 20/30 of these pies served, perhaps issuing 30% of votes on comments is quite high?

I don't think there is a right or wrong here, but I guess that the higher the number of votes (and weight) for comments, the more it shows that own blogs / others blogs are being curated. The potential negative is a loss of curation rewards by the increased chance of being the sole vote on this content 'type'.

Alright, I've got my tea and biscuits, who wants some pies?



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Please pie me sir @abh12345 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahh, the man with the idea :) I think you expected the % of votes and weight to be quite low for comments?

Well, quite low considering the other charts I've pulled today. But most are in the same boat, wondering if to use a sizable vote on a comment to clear dust (if that is possible for their SP total) or save it for a post.

Personally I'd still favour comments, depending on your game-theory towards the account. A small vote in a pile of 300, although counting to the rewards, is less likely to be seen than one supplied on a comment with a decent reply. I've made a small point today of not voting those who didn't think the 2/3 minutes personal attention was enough for a vote at all, but I don't think people are bothered too much :)

Hmm, yes quite low for comment-votes indeed. Could this simply be because I don't get that many comments? Anyway, I think you're onto something with the comments/posts voting strategy as mentioned. Thanks for sending this @abh12345 as it gives me a good idea of where I'm at.

Much obliged. :)

Edit: P.s. I've started only self-voting every 4th post I do. This will give me some more POWA (power) to spread some galenkp-love around the steemisphere. I'll see how that goes for a while and then readdress it in a couple of weeks. What's the worst that can happen? (I miss out on a few self-crumbs in votes).

It makes sense that less visitors means less comments voted. That's a good opportunity to get out and about - something I've not been that good at doing recently (these posts don't help!)

It would be interesting to hear about the results of your experiment. The best result would be to snag a few new followers by commentating/voting elsewhere I guess. Good luck!

This looks like a fun one. I would say 25% on comments over 30 days.


25 for weight on comments.
50/50 for numbers

I had yours ready :)

Not bad guesses at all. Perhaps the higher vote % for comments shows you are a manual curator :)

I thought the weight would be higher on comment which i think is due to me not posting quite as much or being able to read as much lately so, voting on posts more. :)

Could well be that :)

What's your usual on a Comment, 6%? 4/5/6/more times less than that of a Post?

Maybe your astronomical SP rise recently has meant you can drop the weight on comments to pass dust threshold? :D

6-7 normally. I pass it pretty easily with that but figure it is a better distributor as it goes a little wider 2-4 cents is about 0.1 Steem at the moment which later will have some decent value to it.

Yes that is comfortably above, I'm scraping by with 8% as long as my VP is above 80%.

Hoping for 1 STEEM per comment next year :)

Hoping for 1 STEEM per comment next year :)

That would be nice. I could do it now but, not on many comments :D

It'll be interesting to see the balance on comments and posts.

Yep. I am going with 50 50

As always thanks dear friend. I would live a pie. They look simply delish!!!!!

A pleasure to serve...

Nothing too radical here which I think is a decent sign :)

Leave it to @galenkp to have a good idea for a couple of pies, eh, @abh12345? :)

So, this is going to be an interesting one for me. I feel like I upvote way more on comments than I do posts, but the vote weight generally varies on the posts more than they do on the comments, so, as usual, I'm not sure what to expect here.

I guess we'll find out, won't we? Drum roll. Magician, perform thy magic, if you please. :)

Yes a good call for this data, hopefully after I've seen a bakers dozen or so the information will be quite interesting..

These pies smell of a manual curator who reads a lot of commentary.

Well, not quite what I was hoping for, but considering what others are getting comment-wise, better than nothing. Comments are way underrated, and I think we're seeing that play out so far. :)

I think you can be quite proud of those pies Glen - The highest %'s for both votes to comments and vote weight applied.

I'd be interested in knowing what my breakdown is. Since I'm a student with not much free time, I only post a few times a week. Most of my votes will be auto so I can support my fellow Steemians on curation trails along with manual voting in-between studying, homework and working.

I also upvote real comments on my posts and meaningful comments on others. My guess would be 90/10? Thanks in advance. :)

Let's have a look then..

I guess it does show that time is limited for you to curate. Priorities in the right place though I think :)

Thanks again for this. I may not have a lot of free time, but I can squeeze in a few more upvotes on comments each week. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh go on then.. I tend to up-vote comments frequently.. so lets see?

Sounds like a man who's just been offered dessert after two courses and four pints :)

Similar to Taraz. Plenty of votes for comments with a smaller weight percentage, maybe due to breathing room away from a dust vote with only a small % required.

My comment vote weight tends to be quite static, though I'm always struggling for VP (like most of us). The votes for comments, I find get people commenting.. its an incentive.

Same here. Hopefully just above dust.

Curating comments definitely helps with engagement, I recommend everyone does this on their own posts at least.

Hi Asher, chuck me a pie please. Have no idea.

Two at once!

Something there for the commentary, looking like you are in the middle of the extremes thus far.

Trying to get the balance and it will improve.I think this is what happens when you concentrate on voting the posts. Aim is now to get it to 20 percent I think. Does Steemhunt show on this or not do you know?
Lol. I upvoted your comment which I would have done anyway ,but you made me feel bad.

Could I have...2 pies??

Certainly can.....

Another with quite a small % towards comments for both criteria. Is it what you expected?


Actually I make sure I vote with a higher % posts. Like always...But I also vote for comments. The thing is, when I visit a blog, I always vote for the post and usually drop a comment. If I get a reaponse I usually upvote the reply too (%) depends.

Now my question is, would these pies have been looking more balanced if my posts received a ton of comments such as yours? I would have upvoted also all of least with 9 - 10%

But if pies would still look the same...then there’s something wrong with me:)

Edit: could it be that my account casts like 1500 votes per week? Helpie helps with that!

Err yeah, being on a trail is likely to play with the numbers somewhat. You are potentially casting 10's of votes in your sleep :)

, would these pies have been looking more balanced if my posts received a ton of comments such as yours?

Potentially yes, If you'd voted them all. Would be interesting to see where your VP would be at though being on a 1500 votes/week trail :)

Believe it or not it’s at a pretty good level. I have to switch it off of course for 6-7 hours per day to recharge. And that’s because when 100 or 150 people vote for helpie’s trail they all use like 1 or 2 or 3%. Eventually they sum up and people have decent support

2019-02-27 20_01_00-SteemWorld ~ @mindtrap.png

Switched off at the same time every day? Those consistent posters will never get your vote :)

Have you checked your curation numbers for the trail votes? At 1/2% I suspect they are pretty low. Not that you need to consider that the most important part :)

Usually at night yeah. I guess those who blog from USA might miss my vote. Being part of that trail is to help others. I’ll start worrying about curation rewards if/when I hit 50K SP
Thanks for your time.

I'm pretty sure my data will show vote weight as the same for Posts and Comments (I tend to leave it at 100% since my full vote falls well below the dust threshold anyway), but I'd be interested in the breakdown of posts v comments please.

Might as well go all in then I guess!

The total weight (not shown on the pies) does suggest you vote at 100%, but there is a 2:1 Post/Comment ratio. Cheers!

Thanks Asher :)

Show me the money ( pie )

I like pie

Me too, apple pie one of my favorites :)

Seemingly well above the average thus far with regards to number of votes and vote weight on comments. Manual curator?

Yes I manual curate. And on comments I make sure it is above the dust.
I assume the weight % is high due to the amount of SP I have.
I am a little confused on the weight chart and what it represents. Is 35% the avg vote %

Nice :)

The weight is the % split between all the weight you have issued to Posts and Comments in the past 30 days. So just over 3rd of all your voting weight has gone to Comments.

Ooohh OK, LOL got it

Warm apple pie with scoop of ice cream MMmmmm. And Pumpkin pie w/ whipped cream.

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