Steem update #24566523, by @abh12345

in #steem6 years ago

This is an update on what I've been doing lately with regards to Steem. Some of this relates to our witness @steemcommunity, but the majority is tied to my personal account.

Sunset in Mauritius - iPhone did good

Steemfest 3 competitions

So i found out today that I've got through to the final round of the @openmic Steemfest ticket giveaway. Pretty cool because I was nervous as hell, but felt that I had to give it a go seeing the word 'engage' in the original competition post.

@smooth also put out a contest for two tickets, and I presume he's mulling the comments over right now. I had lots of support on his post and think I'm in with a slight chance there.

I really want to go to Steemfest 3, and will do so whatever happens. Having some of the cost covered though would be awesome - fingers crossed.

Un-following the disengaged

Yeah I admit it, I've un-followed around 400 Steemians in the past month. The thing is though, 99.9% of these accounts haven't produced any content in at least 4 months and so I'm OK with un-following these accounts. If they aren't going to stick around when prices are low, and there are others who are doing just that, I want my feed to show the ones that stayed - these are the people I wish to try and support when the market picks up.

I concede the un-follows relate to @steem-ua and the original algorithm, but don't feel bad dropping silent accounts.

Tighting up the delegation strings

At the end of the month I lose 4000 SP, with around 6000 SP lent out for free already, 10k just seems a little much considering I'm not exactly rolling in STEEM myself.

I took a look at the delegations I have in place last week, and clipped 400-500 SP of the accounts I'd issued SP to to push them into minnow status. Happily, these accounts have not powered down and grown, meaning I could slice a little off and still keep them in minnow-ville.

Also, in the past month or so I've received some free delegated SP of my own. V, Matt, and FTG, have boosted me up to over 20000 Steem Power which is just awesome, and very kind. I'm hoping that this will allow me to continue with the delegations I have in place for the time being.

When you don't self-vote, owning a decent chunk of SP is a bit strange. But it does mean that the $ amount I have been issuing has stayed pretty constant during the price 'correction'. Lucky you guys! :)

Engagement League code clean up

In the past couple of months, Partiko, Ulogs, and Fast-reply have become more popular. I noticed that they like to add text and a link at the bottom of each comment made using their front-ends. In the case of Fast-reply, this text and link adds 199 characters to each comment - this would clearly a huge advantage to those using this front-end and being present in the EL, and so I had to add code to check the source of the comment, and subtract the char count not typed by the user to try and keep things on a level playing field and fair for all.

Hopefully, that's working as it should, and if you dropped in the EL this week, this could be why.

Each week I try to put out at least one 'pie' or data post. They have remained popular since I started, and the most recent bar-chart addition was well received too. You may have noticed I've not upvoted the comments on those posts, the additional effort for each user I deem 'good enough' on my part.

@steemcommunity and @c-squared (@c-cubed)

Last but not least, I'd like to point you in the direction of our latest witness post, in which we announced a partnership with @c-squared.

Basically, these guys are not a community, but support all communities. This is the goal we have for @steemcommunity also. It's a huge ask, and something even I'm not sure we can pull off, but ideally, and with the help of @c-squared and their 200 strong curation team, we want to support the best content, whatever community this account likes to reside within.

@c-cubed is another account that is part of the @c-squared remit, and the plan for this account is to give a 100% vote to the best of the content curated by @c-squared.

As of today, @steemcommunity and my own account, are following the @c-cubed trail. I've never been big on trails but knowing that the account will be voting on the best of the best, with a fixed number of votes, I feel 'safe' with this knowledge. If you think supporting excellent content, even if it's not your thing exactly, is beneficial for Steem, this is the account to trail.

On a personal note, the bar work is going OK, my hours are a bit random and i'm still getting used to this side of things. On Friday, I'll receive my first fiat paycheck in over a year, and might even have a beer to celebrate. This beer may have to wait until 3 am though :)

Alright, consider yourselves uptodate from my side of things, have an excellent week!




I'd like the disengaged to quit following me. You know, simply excuse them from doing so. They're not helping my UA at all, I think. How can I make that happen? Would that take a HF, or do I just need to create my own UI for that. No biggie. :) Will it automatically show up with the HF?

On another note—whatever happened to that update that witnesses were supposed to adopt that would allow us to edit posts older than seven days? Did that just get dropped through the cracks? Or am I connecting to the wrong node? :)

They are not helping your score rise, but neither are they making an impact on pushing it lower.

I believe the 'eternal edit' will be rolled out with HF20 on the 25th of September, as long as it is accepted by the top 20 witnesses, which I think will be the case.


sir Asher! thank you for the information and updates. And the education as I've never heard of c-cubed until now. I'm glad the bartending job is going alright! My bet is that you're a natural at it even though it's just a temporary thing.

Thanks @janton

Well it helps that the bar is never crowded - a light introduction to the role :)

@c-cubed, and @c-squared, aim to be inclusive of the whole community, and this is why we wished to partner up.


howdy back sir Asher! well I'm thankful that the bar work is slow so you can also do some work on steem while you're there? I mean if you have to go back to work somewhere that sounds like the place to do it at!

And the work with c-cubed and c-squared is very encouraging!

Awesome photo! I have every confidence that you will make it to Steemfest 3 and have that beer for me. I just did some house cleaning myself. I was really surprised at how much dead wood was cluttering up my account.

Thank you!

After posting I realised that the three rays of sunlight looked a little Steem logo-esque? Maybe that's just me having spent far too much time here this year!

There are a lot of ghost accounts at present huh? I'm OK with removing these and ensuring it's those sticking it out that I'll be supporting when things improve.

Congratzzz for making it to the final leg of the Steemfest contest, Asher. Fingers and toes crossed for you to win a ticket!!!

Thank you @angelacs! A ticket to the even would really help my current financial position and so keep them crossed please! :D

I forgot to ask, what does that numeric value mean? Don't tell me that is the number of posts/comments you've made!

Steem update #24566523

Just a number i made up as a guess to the number of posts about Steem :)

Lol, perhaps a query might determine if you are correct. :)

730k 'Steem', 2.2m 'Steemit', including comments. I was a little out :D

There is always that one person in the office. You would be the one whose desk I would walk to when I have analytics question or want a query pulled. :)

I'm in that count mix there. Hehe, just a little out.

:D Thanks!

I used to be that guy, and boy it was frustrating in the end. Had to leave!

Nowadays though, I can play from the comfort of my own home, and so if you want a pie or a bar that you think people would appreciate today, let me know!

I would love to be able to leave one day. One day...

I definitely know where to go for a pie or a bar! :)

Yeah it's here. Accepting requests that I could use as post material :D

Awesome sunset photo, I think the iPhone has the person holding it to thank for that though!

You certainly take busy to a new level - always good to see our Top Steemians rising to the challenge and increasing engagement while many others are stepping back - we need to keep the engagement lively and @steemitcommunity Witness is top at doing that between yourself an @paulag

Keep up the good work, hoping to listen to you both in @steemitramble on Saturday.

#thealliance #witness

Cheers man!

I lucked out with that photo, most of mine are pretty unmemorable.

Engagement is my thing, and I'll try to keep it that way. Discord I do fail on a bit, but if i get a ping and I'm not working at the bar then I'll be over there for sure.

I'm just counting the days to the 25th, pretty sure it's going to be the start of a game changer 😎

Could be, but maybe we'll have to hold tight for another 6 months for SMT. Or we just wait for the Bitcoin bulls to return and ride the wave with them :)

Ah, love the work you do for the greater good here. I've been using Partiko a little bit, mainly on my mobile, but I dont like the extra characters it produces on the end of my comments. Just the Partiko symbol as a little logo would be advertising enough.

I think you need to clean up your affairs once in a while - it's just good housekeeping. I need to do that myself but it's such a labour when there's so much else to do here.

I love C-squared, and think they do a great job of supporting good content, so it's super cool you are supporting them too.

Can I ask why you're not a fan of curation trails? Is it because you're never sure what they're voting on or how much? What makes a good curation trail? What would you say their benefits are over their disadvantages? It's something I've been trying to wrap my head around.

I had this one in notepad, named 'house-keeping' :)

That's pretty much it yes, it's not knowing where my VP might be at when I wake up for the most part, but also I'm confident that @c-cubed (as well as sticking to a 10 vote policy) have unearthed some gems via @c-squared and upping these will give me a good feeling :)

God, the lists of things to do on Steemit - just making a list helps!

Thanks for the update @abh12345. I started writing this reply 8 hours ago and then took over and now I can't remember what I was going to say.

Congratulations on making it to stage 2 of the Steemfest thingy.

And glad the bar work is going well.

Hmm what else? Oh yeah. 199 characters is a lot to add to each comment. I'm glad you've removed that!

Got to run. It's getting close to dinner time.

Have a fab week and good luck with Stage 2. 😍

Yes the 2nd phase has just been announced and it looks like i'll need all the support I can get from the EL bunch :)

The job is OK, it will be better when I receive payment. The bar could do with more people though, I'm not sure how profitable it is right now.

199 per comment was really skewing the scores, i'm happy to have this sorted too!

Thanks Gill!

Want to wish you all the best with the competitions! Really hope you can come up a winner and get funded to go to SteemFest3

Thank you very much @momoriso!

you can buy me a beer too with your first wage asher :-) I will fly over just to drink it. Actually make that a wine. Cheers

If you come to the bar i'm working in i'll sneak you a free one :D

Even better, just cheched the flights and i can only get one when ur at steemfest

Posted using Partiko Android

You looking for my job? :)

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