Steem: The best is yet to come!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Guys! Holders of Steem Power! Accounts of the Steem Blockchain!

Hang on in there - Ignore the in-house squabbling and focus on your business because the best is yet to come!

pixabay - source

Browsing our Blockchain recently, I concede that it has become difficult at times to avoid articles and comments that may induce negative feelings. However, there is so much value in the excellent work that's going here too, and this is where your attention should be.

We have growth!

At times you'd be forgiven for thinking STEEM was at an all time low, and that Steem Backed Dollars hadn't launched into double figures recently.

People may have wondered if the community was shrinking, or that there were no new projects or applications in the pipeline and being added to the Steem Blockchain.

The above is not true though! We are growing each day in user base, and the rate at which applications are arriving is increasing as we move forward.

We have curation teams including the below just waiting for your content:


We have @utopian-io, rewarding open source contributions:

We have @dTube, @esteem,, @chainbb, @steepshot, @dmania, @zappl, and more, as alternate gateways onto the Steem Blockchain - directly rewarding you for using their application:


And the potential gamer-changer, Smart Media Tokens on the way this year too!


I'd really like to welcome our newer users, and approach some of the more seasoned Steemians, to make 2018 the year to focus on what value they can bring to the community.

Let's focus!

For the vast majority of us, getting involved in such things as 'flag wars' and arguing over what is a fair amount to send a bid-bot for example, is just not necessary. Of course everyone has an opinion and is absolutely allowed to voice it, but what this is doing among other things (like potentially raising your profile to the negative), is reducing your time and focus on your own deal.

I think to succeed here, this is not an option - time and focus on your own Steem-style is required.

Kicking up a fuss and throwing verbal abuse around isn't.

Understand that I'm not poo-pooing the 'crime-fighting' (and there are two sides both believing they are just in much of what I read), I just feel that many of us can have a more positive effect by supporting the good that we see.

This is a great time to be involved here and so I urge you not to let any pockets of negativity that you see, distract you from your focus and the potentially great year that lies ahead.

Don't be discouraged, hold your course, I see a fantastic times in the future and I would like you all to be there with me!

Welcome to 2018, lets do this!



$20 steem at the end of 2018

let's hope you are both bang on!

So cool that ok sir.

I feel that 2018 will be a watershed for Steemit.

time and focus on your own Steem-style is required.
Kicking up a fuss and throwing verbal abuse around isn't.

I don't know why and how people didn't get this yet!

Great post.

Hey if you think so then I'm even more confident now!

Your man has always said, stick to your own game and focus on your own content. Those words have served me pretty well thus far and I am grateful for that :D

Thank you!

U two are true inspiration!!!

I definitely agree that 2018 will be the year for Steem ! So many things in the pipe line and so many new things built on the Steem Block chain recently.

Now is still a good time to get some extra SP because the current price is a bargain and it will go much higher from here !

Happy New Year Everyone!

Glad you are coming along for the ride man, welcome to the new year!

Best article I've read this new year so far.

I think I'll try and focus on staying out of all the drama mama stuff here on Steemit and start focusing more on supporting the communities I'm involved in.

Thanks! Very kind of you to say so :)

I think it's the best plan for sure, both individually, the communities, and the outsiders looking in. Cheers!

I've read the website
But have a hard time understanding what the tokens are made for, it would be great if you could explain it to me :)

Maybe this blog I produced a few months ago will help? (don-t up-vote the blog, or any blog older than 7 days :) )

Basically an online business can tokenise their blogs/forums to all a rewards mechanism similar to what we have here using the Steem Blockchain.

Another example would be an online newspaper wanting to attract more readers and a bigger market share. If you could comment on your news articles of interest and be paid for it, you'd be more likely to subscribe/contribute at this location then another I think?

I hope this helps!

Thank you, I understand it better now. So it's a kind of Steem reward system for everyone's website :)

Yes pretty much :)

The rewards algorithm that has been through 19 hard-forks (and lots of testing by 'us') is just about ready to roll-out to other places.

I think it has huge potential and could mean great things for the Steem Blockchain :D

I hope so too. It's a great idea, that fits into the zeitgeist and I would love to see it on the blog of Gary Vee :)

love this post, you've echoed my excitement! I've never lost my enthusiasm for steemit in my 18 months because we have something great here and you've put together some great evidence to point to.

Thank you very much!

I felt very positive on the first of this month and tried to counter some of the negativity. The last few days have been welcome support to my good feelings felt on the first day of the new year!

Best wishes to you and well done for your continued enthusiasm!

Happy New Year @abh12345! Am buckling up for what promises to be another seminal year for steemit and the crypto world in general 🕉️

Buckle up! :D

Happy new year buddy, best wishes for 2018.

I wish I had not missed this post. I sold my STEEM for $3.67. It felt good at that time but hurting now. Anyway, I'm happy because the bigger picture seems very pleasing for everyone. It's for sure a great start of the year.

Superb post @abh12345. May be it saves some people from selling their STEEM. :) Hence, Shared.

Steem On!

Sell SBDs if you need the funds, not the STEEM :D

Thanks for the share!

Hi @abh12345, This seems very practical advice. Thank You!

Great @abh12345
This is exactly what I keep saying. The best is yet to come, all the good so far is just the beginning! We should all be very happy and try to spread the love instead of hating on each other and fighting, arguing and the likes. We've got to be happy. We're all so lucky to be experiencing steem/steemit right now, the future is so so bright it is blinding! 2018 holds a lot for us that I can't wait to see.
I keep saying that:

Steem and the cryptosphere has been having an unprotected threesome with the year 2018 and right now 2018 is pregnant and heavy with child and what it will give birth to is really anyone's guess, you know!


Happy New Year


haha, ok! :D

Certainly one way of putting it!

Glad you have a positive view, cheers!

The latest I think is utopian well there is certainly growth on I hope we get better in 2018

I'm confident we will!

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