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RE: Off and On Steem and Steeming

in #steem5 years ago

I do much prefer to support accounts with people I can see and relate to behind them. In the beginning I don't think that showing yourself was an important success factor (if success = rewards), but (unless you are focusing on a niche like utopian-io), sharing some of you to the community is seemingly the way things are heading.

Or you can rock up with 500k, post shit, and attract the flies :D


sharing some of you to the community is seemingly the way things are heading.

Yep, and it doesn't even have to be "you". I don't mind anon accounts as long as there is something real in there.

Or you can rock up with 500k, post shit, and attract the flies :D

I should try this! ... one day :D

I don't mind anon accounts as long as there is something real in there.

Fair enough. I'm gullible and assume photo of being/doing = matching text.

I should try this!


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