Defense... sorry, de fence!

In the last round, some men were heard shouting and shooting behind our players. It seems that they are always on the run in some seasons, avoiding dangers and death. As they ran, the players encountered a fence, and had to choose how to proceed quickly before the men caught up to them. Let's see what the options were and how it worked out.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you.


OPTION 1 - Try to cross the fence and continue running away on the other side of it.

The goal in the last round was to put as much distance and as many obstacles between the players and the men. Of course no one knew this, and very little info was given to provide insight. Those who chose Option 1 escaped though, and have lived to see another day. They did get scraped up pretty bad from the barbed wire, but at least the wounds were not deep enough to make them bleed too bad.

OPTION 2 - Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way.

With the shouting and shooting men closing in, lots of players chose to turn left. When the men reached the fence, they noticed the disturbed leaves near it and the blood. Hungry and hunting, the men had missed shooting some deer a few minutes ago and are looking for anything made of meat. Figuring that it is best to stay on this side of the fence since it is quicker, the men split up and half head each way.

Soon, some of the men make out some motion in the woods ahead of them. It is hard to outrun a bullet once it is fired at you.

The players who chose Option 2 have been shot to death...

Sorry to see you guys go out like that, but such is survival. I am so excited to see you all join, and so sad to see you choose options that are predetermined to lead to death. I hope that you’ll try again next season. Thanks for playing.

OPTION 3 – Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

If you haven't already guessed it, I'll break the bad news to you.

The players who chose Option 3 last round also got shot to death by the men. This season is going rather quickly, so at least you should be able to join in next season if you want in the near future.

OPTION 4 – Try to stay put and greet whoever is shooting and shouting.

Yeah, those men were looking for food, and they found it. Happy, friendly, and tasty survivors just waiting to be shot...

OPTION 5 – Try to take cover and shoot the people when they arrive (for those who have both a pistol and ammo.)

It is not often in this game that the players end up winning a gun battle. Today was no different. Some of the players chose to shoot it out, but eventually they ran out of ammo during the firefight. They tried to surrender and play nice once they were out of bullets, but the men were not about to change their intent....


Just like that, we are down to only fifteen players, assuming that all fifteen actually did make it this far. We will go back through the gameplay to verify, but these are the only possible players still alive in Season 5.

@clayboyn - @jeanelleybee - @sireland - @beetroot - @gregory-f - @randomness - @cryptofarmer - @dksart - @nixlco - @melaimomagwork - @scorchdojo - @erelas - @essentialoilmom - @dwells - @knowledge1

As out players continue, they are glad to be alive. Some have backup food supplies while others don't, but it is time to be on the lookout again to avoid starvation for many of our players. As they continue on through the woods, they soon hear a strange, low roaring.

Curious and cautious, they proceed.

Soon, the woods open up to a long expanse of sand, with the ocean at the far end of it. This may be good news. I know that life's no beach, but sometimes survival can be easier with a large body of water nearby.

A few good options exist for trying to find something edible here, so let's see what they are.


As always, choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to look out in the waves and open sea for something edible.

* OPTION 2 - Try to look on the beach for something edible.

* OPTION 3 – Try to dig in the sand for something edible.

* OPTION 4 – Try to look in the rocks on the edge of the water for something edible.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

As always, reply with your inventory, like this:

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, 1 Backup Food Supply, & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round.

Only 15 players may still be playing. We will verify that they actually have made it this far. All others will have to wait for Season 6, but you can now sign up to get an email notification when Season 6 here: thanks to @novaatebatman.


The current Prize Pool is 300 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER GIF.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



* OPTION 4 – Try to look in the rocks on the edge of the water for something edible.

I have a pistol(no ammo), water purification tablets, i choose option 4, hopefully i can find some rock crabs, mussels, sea urchin, sea cucumber or even an octopus in the rock pools at the waters edge.

First I lose my Cousin Bo. Please, go ahead, tear open my chest and rip out my beating heart!
And now you tell me there will be no more doodles? Oh the humanity!
I am loath to go on....but I must...Bo would have wanted it that way.
I have an empty pistol and Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 4 this round.

Don't worry too much! I'll try to help you from above :)

You are truly an angel @keepdoodling! If you run into my Cousin Bo up there, tell him I tried to find him...sniff...I tried.

Such a cute doodle! Can't help feeling bad.

Aww.. This is so cute! ☺️🐞

All due respect @papa-pepper, since I AM listed as one of the possible fifteen survivors by you, I am gonna continue and pick this Option 4. I still have my empty pistol, water purification tablets, and beans. Hopefully, my choosing this option doesn't jinx it for any others that do :)

That was my mistake. You were previously eliminated. I do hope that you join back in next time though. Thank you.

Not taking issue with you, or the fact that mistakes happen, we're all just human. When you have an opportunity, if you'd let me know if you read that DM in steemitchat, I would appreciate the acknowledgement that you have, thanks :)

I have a Magnesium Firecracker, 1 Backup Food Supply, Water Purification Tablets & I'll choose Option 4 this round.

I was hoping that you would show up in time

Thanks for that! I hope I made it! I think I did.

You made it... so far...

Yes, and I'm very excited. Now I've to start thinking of that person on the beach. :)

I have a firestarter, 1 backup food supply, and Water Purification Tablets I'll choose option 4 this round
(that barb wire fence was nothing, I have climbed over bigger fences while drunk ;)
Image of dksartRegularSteemit

I have an unloaded pistol, backup food supply, and water purification tablets. I choose option 4 this round.

I have 11 bullets, jerky, fire-starter, and choose option 4.

I have a firestarter, one backup food supply (beef jerky) and 11 rounds of ammunition. I'll pick option 4 this round as I often found something to eat in the rocks on the edge of the water.

I choose option 4. I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammo, knowledge of a clover like plant, water purification tablets and the can of beans I took from Tom which I think I must eat today to avoid starvation.

Here is our strategy video discussion.

11 bullets, firestarter,backup food supply - option 4
*Need to eat end of day 5

* OPTION 3 – Try to dig in the sand for something edible.

I have firestarter🔥 2 backup food supply 🍖 And waterpurification tablet. OPTION 3

well that was a bloody massacre, note to self never trust people in steem-pocalypse :D
go @jeanelleybee, play well my friend!

I think that you ate one of your backup food supplies to make it past Day 4.

Option 3.

-Pistol with 11rounds of ammo
-Water purification tablets
-Backup food supply (beef jerky)

Needs to eat by the end of day 5.

I'm choosing option 3.

Current Inventory:
Pistol with 11rounds of ammo, water purification tablets, backup food supply (beef jerky)

Needs to eat by the end of day 5.

* OPTION 2 - Try to look on the beach for something edible.

Can't believe I'm still alive, knock on driftwood, I'll scrounge around the beach and choose option 2 this round. I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, beef jerky, and water purification tablets

I just realized that I replied on someone else comment and not papa peppers. I apologize. Here's my actual reply.

I have a unloaded pistol, a can of beans, water purification tablets and I choose option 2.

* OPTION 1 - Try to look out in the waves and open sea for something edible.

And so my journey has come to an end.

Thanks @papa-pepper for hosting this wonderful game and to @novaatebatman for your help on the spreadsheet.

Can't wait for next season to start and hopefully making better choices. LOL


It's been a pleasure! See you next season!

Sure will, looks like I need to watch some survival videos to get some tips xD..
O yeah I shall now just spectate the rest and try to not comment : )

Dear Diary and to my love,

I would like to say I fought valiantly for you and will die a warrior’s death but that honor goes to my new companion @dtbahoney. They came for us and I thought we were ready for whatever was coming our way. I guess having a loaded pistol made me overly confident and we both payed the price for my arrogance. They burst into the clearing and we jumped up and opened fire at them. I might have hit one but it was all a blur because I immediately felt a searing pressure punch me in the stomach that took my wind away and made my legs turn to jelly, I slumped over behind the log. @dtbahoney returned fire and dove behind the log for cover. He then took my pistol and called out to them that we surrendered. He hid behind the log with both pistols. When they closed in towards us he jumped up and opened fire. From what I can tell from the silence that followed it seems that he was successful in eliminating the last attackers. I called for him several times but there was no response, all I could hear is the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the crushing fear that I was alone. I tried to pull myself to look around but my stomach hurts too much and I seem to bleeding a large amount when I take my hand off this wound. @dtbahoney I pray that you were just knocked unconscious and will be able to recover and find safety. Please take whatever supplies I have when you wake up. Thank you.

I am so sorry Caitlin that I was not able to find you. I am sorry I let you leave without me… I was too scared of the world and what was out there. I hope you made it out and you find happiness in a new place…with a new person. I love you forever. I need to rest now because I am feeling tired…and cold…so cold…


Oh well such is the dangerous game. I had a blast @papa-pepper and would like to thank you for this opportunity to interact with the community. Can't wait for the next one

Can't wait to have you back either, I keep learning how to run this better, and think I can improve it so you guys can have a little more fun next time.

Sad times, survive Tom to die on the fence 😔

valar morghulis!!!

What a bloodbath :-O

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