in #steem-pocalypse7 years ago (edited)

Who is in the bushes?

As it turns out, even though @improv is dead, he was right about the last round. It was a chance to team up, and with good reason. Those who did not eat flowers last time ate their back up food supply, except for the players who starved to death because they had no backup supply. Let's see what went down.


OPTION 1 – Attempt to run as hard and as fast as you can in the opposite direction.

Many users chose to just play it safe and take off. They are still alive, but they are still alone too.

The list of players who chose this option can be found in the comment section.

OPTION 2 – Shout "Hello? I'm friendly" and attempt to make friends.

The players who chose this option now have a chance to partner up and forms teams of two, if they want to. Once the scenario presented today is taken into consideration, you may want to choose your partner wisely.

Check out who chose this option below.

OPTION 3 - Aim towards where you heard the sound and unload. (For players with a gun.)

Five players chose to shoot at the noise through the bushes. As it turns out, other steemians and a stranger were on the other side of the bushes... choosing to do the same thing at the same moment. Unfortunately, all players who chose this option ended up shooting one another to death.

You can find out which players eliminated one another in the comment section below.


A couple players who did not have a backup food supply chose not to eat last round. This means that they starved to death in the night. You can find out who below in the comments.


In this season, players who do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead. Unfortunately, we have lost a few more. Sorry guys, but feel free to sign up again next season and jump back in. These players are listed below in the comments too.


Although the players need to eat once every two days to continue gameplay, they also need to hydrate. I have no exact criteria for staying hydrated worked into this game, other than periodically a water round will come up. In these rounds, players need to successfully drink the water in order to continue gameplay. If players choose not to drink or drink contaminated water, they will perish, so choose your options wisely (and your team mate too if you have that option.)

On a path up ahead, the players encounter a puddle. A bird was just taking a bath in the puddle, so exactly what bacteria are living there is a good question to be asking. One way or another, the players/teams will have to successfully drink some to stay alive. The water could be boiled if a player/team has a magnesium firestarter. The bacteria could be neutralized if a player/team has water purification tablets. For the rest, they will have to risk drinking the water as is....


  • OPTION 1 – Use the Magnesium Firestarter to boil some of the water in an attempt to kill the bacteria and drink it. (For players/teams who have Magnesium Firestarters.)

  • OPTION 2 – Use the Water Purification Tablets to attempt to neutralize the bacteria and drink it. (For those players/teams who happen to have Water Purification Tablets.)

  • OPTION 3 - Risk drinking the water as is and hope for the best.

  • OPTION 4 - Leave without even trying to drink the water...

By way of reminder, I have predetermined all the outcomes ahead of time. The end result of each option has already been decided. Also, please only reply to this post if you are an active player who is participating. Once this season is over all others will be able to join in when I do my Season 5 signup post. Thank you.


Each Player must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post. Players that do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead, and will have to wait until Season 5 to join back in.

Also, please be sure that you make sure your reply is registered on the blockchain. Some players did not have their replies register in previous rounds, and were eliminated because of it.

If you chose Option 2 last time and want to team up, you may form teams of 2 and choose team names in the next 24 hours. Let me know!


The current Prize Pool is 600 SBD.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



Anyone wants to team up with me? I have water tab and shotgun.

Anyone with rifle wanna join in?

I think I am going alone in here!

Option 2 for me @papa-pepper

No rifle but i have a pistol if that is acceptable xD

I see you found your partner.

I did, but good luck!

Same to you man! May be later round of this contest

So I am going alone, with shotgun and water tablet and choose

Option 2 in this round.


Anyone wanna team up with me? Im only bringing a pistol to the table so we might be srinking dirty water!

Hi. I am interested to team up with you. I have water purification tablet and I am unarmed.

I'm in! @papa-pepper, I found a buddy!

Great. So let's purify the water and drink. Cheers to our team.

@herpetologyguy would you like to suggest a team name?

OPTION 1 – These players ran away, so they cannot team up, but they are still alive.

@vcelier –pistol - water purification tablets
@vigux – pistol – 3 OZ Silver – back up food supply = beef jerky
@drakos – unarmed
@jeanelleybee - shotgun - water purification tablets
@happy-doge – pistol - water purification tablets
@scooter77 – pistol
@louiscpt – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter
@jznsamuel – pistol - water purification tablets – back up food supply = beef jerky
@deepapoudel – pistol - water purification tablets
@aashishkandel - pistol - water purification tablets
@marialin – rifle- Magnesium Firestarter

OPTION 2 for me. I am thirsty I need some waterrrr...

Too risky. OPTION 4 - Leave without even trying to drink the water.

Option # X I choose to use 3 ounces of silver to buy purifying pills from another player ... XD
Ok, now, seriously.
pistol – 3 OZ Silver – back up food supply = beef jerky- option 4

Pistol & WPT | Option 2. Use the Water Purification Tablets to attempt to neutralize the bacteria and drink it. (For those players/teams who happen to have Water Purification Tablets.)

Time to use one of my supplies :)

This is definitely option 2,
Today also I came here before you, haha, what do you think @aashishkandel ?

shotgun, water purification tablets ==>> neutralize bacteria with those tablets

Certainly option 2 for me :)

Option 1 for me :)

Option 3 for me. I have a gut of steel so hopefully I only get the runs! (And I have no other option)

Option 2: Use the Water Purification Tablets

I don't trust these hoes and I don't trust these niggas

Excelent Post!!!!

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