So many dead already and now the bushes are rustling!

In our last round, the players who are still alive had just successfully crossed a canyon, though many did not make it across. Though they had made it past the previous ordeal, it seems that they may not be in the clear yet...

Also, for those of you already know, I am currently on my way to Kansas City for the Steemy Summer Party that @stellabelle organized. However, players like @mindfreak thought it was important for me to keep this game going, so I am pulled over in a parking lot north of Springfield posting this. (I'm not really picking on @mindfreak, this was my plan anyway.)

Off in the distance from where they came, there is something or someone coming their way. Let's see how the players responded to this situation.


OPTION 1 – Attempt to run as fast and as far away as possible.

Not being the type to stick around and wait for something to happen, many players just chose to run. They took off quick and soon the sound of the approaching rustling is drowned out by their own noises as they run through the bushes and underbrush of the forest. Whatever or whoever it was, these players did not wait around to find out, and they safely made it away with their lives.

The list of players who chose this option can be found in the comment section.

OPTION 2 – Attempt to hide in the bushes until it passes.

Some of the players may have been tired of running. They chose to crawl into the bushes and hide there until the potential threat passed. From deep within the bushes, they soon catch a glimpse of what was making the noise. It is only a portion of a pant leg that they can see, but it appears to be the pant leg of a solitary man. Though they see a tiny bit of whoever it was, the person does not see them and continues on into the woods.

Check out who chose this option below.

OPTION 3 - Curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably

Perhaps more out of curiosity than in response to actually having a breakdown, some players actually chose to curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably. Between whimpers and sniffling, the players could hear that the rustle stopped momentarily, most likely in response to hearing the sobbing.

Soon, the noises in the bushes continued and a man appeared. He had uncommonly compassionate eyes, especially given the current situation, and softly mutters, "Poor little fellow." He reaches into his pocket and grabs out a package of Beef Jerky, placing it on the ground next to the players in the fetal position. Just as quietly as he appeared, the man disappears back in to the woods. The Beef Jerky will be held onto as a back up food supply. This backup supply will automatically kick in to avoid starvation if sufficient other food is not found and eaten.

You can see who it was in the comments below.

OPTION 4 - Attempt to wait until whoever or whatever it is is close enough and then unload on them/it (for players with a gun).

After all of the recent death and mayhem, multiple players were not about to trust strangers or wild animals. These players hid behind a stump with their weapon drawn, ready for action. The rustling soon gave way to a large man right in front of them. The players quickly unloaded two rounds and the man fell backwards, dead.

As it turns out, the man was unarmed. A quick search of the body only turns up a package of Beef Jerky and an identification card. Apparently, the man was some sort of doctor with a humanitarian organization prior to the collapse. The Beef Jerky will be held onto as a back up food supply. This backup supply will automatically kick in to avoid starvation if sufficient other food is not found and eaten.

Find out who chose this option in the comments below.


In this season, players who do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead. Unfortunately, we have lost a few more. Sorry guys, but feel free to sign up again next season and jump back in. These players are listed below in the comments too.


Always being ready to make the most of a situation, the players notice that there are a few wild flowers in the woods here. Hmmm... aren't some wild flowers edible? If the players found an edible flower, they could get a good meal out of it. All players must eat prior to the end of Day 4, so this may be their only opportunity to get some grub and stay alive...


  • OPTION 1 – Attempt to eat these purple flowers of this plant.

  • OPTION 2 – Attempt to eat the white flowers of this slender plant which happens to be growing in another kind of bush.

  • OPTION 3 - Attempt to eat the pink flowers of this tree.

  • OPTION 4 - Do not try to eat any flowers and just move on.

By way of reminder, I have predetermined all the outcomes ahead of time. The end result of each option has already been decided.


Each Player must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post. Players that do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead, and will have to wait until Season 5 to join back in.

ATTENTION - Some players have been eliminated because their comments did not go through. I am not sure what the issue is, but please double check to make sure that your comment was registered on the blockchain. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 500 SBD.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



Ha! I was excited for this.

I will go with Option 4 here!

I'll eat my Beef Jerky than any of the flowers. (My back up food)

And also I have followed your trail on streemian Pepper!


When do the new games start @papa-pepper? I started following you after the game started...Thank you my friend.

It depends on how well these teams do, but when there was only one left then this season will be over and we can start season 5. I will do a season 5 sign up when this one is done.

Thanks @papa-pepper, I will be looking out for the next sign up... Good luck to everyone still in the game.

OPTION 3 - Curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably

The players now have a backup food supply.

@jznsamuel – pistol - water purification tablets
@hiimamazing – unarmed
@rdollarsign – pistol - water purification tablets
@jdawg – pistol
@shankar - shotgun - water purification tablets

pistol - water purification tablets - backup food supply - option 3 (pink flowers)

OPTION 1 – Attempt to run as fast and as far away as possible.

@happy-doge – pistol - water purification tablets
@cerebralace – pistol - water purification tablets
@jacobchamplain – pistol
@drakos – unarmed
@aashishkandel - pistol - water purification tablets
@gmenka – pistol – 3 OZ Silver
@louiscpt – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter
@gregory-f – rifle - water purification tablets
@amy-goodrich – pistol - water purification tablets – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter
@marialin – rifle- Magnesium Firestarter

Pistol & WPT | Option 1. Attempt to eat these purple flowers of this plant.

I guess you got your potential delay question answered, didn't you?

Yeah :) After I finished posting the comment at your other post, I noticed the new Steempocalypse post. Then I edited the comment after a while.

Upon noticing the Steempocalypse post, I was amazed thinking that you're on your way and yet you still tried to bring out the results + the next round. :D

I did most of the work for the Post ahead of time, but wanted to make sure to keep you guys updated on how the contest was progressing. I know that it is something many of you look forward to and await making your next move, so I did not want to leave you hanging. Papa cares!

Pistol - Option 1 purple flower

pistol - water purification tablets - OPTION 1 Attempt to eat these purple flowers of this plant.

pistol - water purification tablets - OPTION 1 – Attempt to eat these purple flowers of this plant.

Unarmed, no items - Let me try OPTION 1 – Attempt to eat these purple flowers of this plant.

OPTION 4 - Attempt to wait until whoever or whatever it is is close enough and then unload on them/it (for players with a gun).

The players now have a backup food supply.

@bitrocker2020 - shotgun - water purification tablets
@snooway - pistol - Magnesium Firestarter
@mindfreak (Shotgun and Water Purification Tablet)
@silverstring – pistol - water purification tablets
@tokar854 – pistol - water purification tablets
@von-hamann – rifle
@bycz – pistol - water purification tablets
@vigux – pistol – 3 OZ Silver

Option 4 - @bitrocker2020 has shotgun + purification tablets

Option 1 please. I have pistol - Magnesium Firestarter and beef jerky as backup

Oh no! Sorry for the poor I say rabbit, it was a huge rabbit was what I shoot, if that was!!!!!
pistol – 3 OZ Silver-option 1

Pistol water purification beef jerky. I choose option 2. White flowers

Pistol, water purification tabs, beef jerky. Option 4, live to play another day.

Option 3

option 3,
shotgun, water purification tablets ==>> option 3

okay, option 3 for me too this time

Option 3 for me :)

I am interested in playing this game! How and when can I start participating?

You must wait until all of these teams are done with this season and that I will do the season 5 sign up.

How fun! Love this. It reminds me of the Oregon Trail! I hope I don't miss sign ups for Season 5

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