What exactly happened with the man with the gun?

Last round our teams awoke to a man with a gun sitting on a stump nearby. The deer carcass and freeze dried ice cream wrappers have disappeared overnight and the teams are wondering if this guy is alone or not. With dark sunglasses on, he is hard to read. Carefully, the teams considered what to do.


OPTION 1 - Get up as fast as you can and run as far away as you can.

Two teams chose this option (one by the roll of the dice to progress the gameplay). Quickly, the rose to their feet and began to take off towards the woods. Not being one to trust people who take off at the first sight of a stranger, the man figures that they must be guilty of something to be so fearful, and figures it will be best to eliminate them before they cause any more harm to anyone.

Obviously, his judgement was wrong, but his shots were accurate. The man shot those two teams to death. To see which teams were eliminated by choosing Option 1, please see the reply section below.

OPTION 2 - Greet the man and attempt to make friends.

Six of out remaining teams chose to greet the man and try to make friends. He responded positively to their greeting, and soon, they are having a conversation that will be continued below in today's scenario. You can see these teams in the comment section below.

OPTION 3 - Arise to greet the man and then bum-rush him, trying to tackle him and take his weapon.

One team chose to attempt to befriend the man and then disarm him. Everything was going great until they made their move. The old guy was quick and crafting, and lightning fast with his gun. Once he figured they were coming for him, he took them out right away.

The team that chose this option has perished, you can check the results below.

OPTION 4 - Pull out the pistol quick and try to eliminate him, taking whatever possessions he may have if you are successful.

No teams chose this option.

OPTION 5 - Stay still and silent, waiting for him to make the first move.

The teams that chose this option patiently stayed quiet. Eventually the man began a conversation, which is recorded below.


As the remaining teams get to talking to the man, they can’t help but notice that he keeps looking off into the woods. The missing remnants of last night’s meal really make them wonder if the man is alone. Soon enough, he offers up a story.

“As I was walking through the woods last night, I heard the sound of a large animal nearby. Turns out a bear had walked into your camp and finished your dinner. I figured that I had best scare him off before he made you dessert. I didn’t want him to come on back, so I figured that I might as well keep an eye on you through the night.”

The teams conclude that the story sounds reasonable enough, though they may not completely believe him…

The man continues, “Plus, I figured that maybe you could help me. I got some pretty bad arthritis, and I am plumb out of medication. Now I know the location of something that may interest you a lot, but I can’t just give you that information for free, you know? If you can ease the pain, I can help you out.”

The teams contemplate this, and wonder. Is the “secret” something that he has on him? If so, they got the chance, perhaps the teams could just subdue the man and take it from him. If it is somewhere else though, that wouldn’t help. Looking around, the teams see a few plants. Some of these plants could help, or at least maybe they could work as a placebo. Should they just offer up a little “bushcraft” medicine? No matter what, the armed man is asking for help, and at least claiming to know about something useful. Still, maybe it is best just to run.


  • OPTION 1 – Try to subdue the man and take whatever he has on him.

  • OPTION 2 – Try to shoot the man and take whatever he has on him.

  • OPTION 3 – Show him this plant and tell him that by rubbing it on his body his arthritis will be relieved.

  • OPTION 4 – Show him this plant and tell him that if he stings himself with it his arthritis will be relieved.

  • OPTION 5 – Try to distract him and then run the other way.


Each team must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post to avoid a Coin Toss. You have 5 options.


The current prize pool is 425 STEEM because of a very generous donation from the legendary @doitvoluntarily. Please check @doitvoluntarily out and tell them thanks with a few upvotes!

Until next time…

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Am I dead yet?

ask myself this question from time to time!:)

Yes, but you did win a t-shirt.

Woohoo! I will rock it til its a rag... :) do you need me to drop my addy in .chat?

Yup, plus a size. I'm making more tomorrow.

Yes, sir! Sweet I get some swagg!

.chat msg sent.

OPTION 1 - Get up as fast as you can and run as far away as you can.

The following teams were shot to death as they tried to run away. Thanks for playing and helping out in this game. Please consider coming back next season.

This Team Needs a Name

RIP @annesaya & @greenstar

RIP @mathworksheets & @nba05


OPTION 3 - Arise to greet the man and then bum-rush him, trying to tackle him and take his weapon.

This team was shot to death when they tried to subdue the man. Thanks so much for playing, and feel free to join in next time.

RIP @playfulfoodie & @raymonjohnstone

OPTION 4 - Pull out the pistol quick and try to eliminate him, taking whatever possessions he may have if you are successful.

No teams chose this option.

OPTION 5 - Stay still and silent, waiting for him to make the first move.

The teams who chose this option are still alive, and are having a conversation.

@edgarstudio & @peacemaker

This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

@arkadiy & @scrooger


This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

Awe i missed it!! nuuuuu!!! Good luck everyone!

love this post sooooo much

you are a great man!:)isnpiration:)

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