Day 1 Round 1 begins now!


As a forewarning to all teams engaging in play, please remember that this is a survival game. That means that in order to have a team win, other teams will not survive. It is very possible that multiple teams will not even make it past the first few rounds of gameplay.

Some rounds are more realistic while others are random things that I come up. When I come up with a scenario and the options that go along with it, I pick some that will allow teams who choose that option to survive while other ones will cause them to perish. Those decisions are made prior to posting. When teams choose their options, therefore, the outcomes for those options have already been determined.

If your team perishes, it is not because I chose to intentionally kill off your team. It is because your team chose an option that was determined ahead of time to lead to death. I want to have fun and create the best game that I can without having people be offended that they did not win my game. Last round only one person won… Please keep that in mind.


For the past few days, things have cooled off a bit in the city. The majority of the survivors are keeping to themselves and staying in “their own areas.” Many have grown weary of the violence and death and things had settled down a bit. Until last night…

Last night the severe gunfire began once again. Either someone in town found another stash of ammo, or, even worse, someone new is in town. If it doesn’t stop soon, they will probably be sweeping the town and gather whatever goods remain while eliminating any resistance. Your team would rather not stick around to find out. At least the last shots fired were still a little distant.

Your stomach groans once again. You’ll need food soon. In fact, if you do not eat before the end of the day tomorrow (gameplay), you’ll wake up dead on day 3 (gameplay). To have enough energy to successfully flee town, you should probably eat first. Your team begins to research the building that you are in. You know every nook and cranny is empty, but you can’t help but hope.

In disappointed frustration, you both slump to the floor. Sitting there is the desolate silence, you begin to hear a slight clicking noise. As you listen, wait, and wonder, a creature emerges from under a shelving unit.

It’s a rat. It doesn’t look incredibly healthy, but it doesn’t exactly look diseased either. Between the two of you, there is a good chance that you could capture it and kill it. There is a slight risk of being bitten, but it could be worth the risk. The rat is big enough that you both could get a meal out of it. You still have some fluid in your lighter, so you could cook it. However, the smoke and smell may attract others. Could you just eat it raw?

Of course, if the rat has been eating well enough to stay alive, perhaps it knows where some food is. It may even have a stash of food hidden somewhere nearby. Could your team just observe it until it leads you to its food supply or hidden stash. That certainly is an option, but will it work? Maybe you should just move on and forget about the food for a while…


Your team has four options this round. Choose one option and reply below within 24 hours.

  • OPTION 1 – Try to kill, cook, and eat the rat.
  • OPTION 2 – Try to kill the rat and eat it raw.
  • OPTION 3 – Try to follow the rat to find its food supply or hidden stash.
  • OPTION 4 – Forget about the rat and move on.


The current prize pool is 100 STEEM.


I’ll do my best to keep this game moving along, but I will need your help to do so. Please do your best to reply promptly. Some team discussion in the comment section adds a fantastic element to the game as well, but you may want to keep your cards close and not give out too much information to other teams.

I may reward everyone who participates even when they perish, just like I did last time, but I am not sure yet. A few more teams need to be formed and named, so please see the comment section below. There are three comments I will post below:

  • FULLY REGISTERED TEAMS – If you show up in that section, please reply with your choice within 24 hours. That is all that I need from you at this time.
  • TEAMS THAT NEED NAMES OR TEAM MATES – Some teams still need names of team mates. Please provide that information to me as well as your choice for this round. See the “Users Who Need Teams” comment below if you are still looking for a partner.
  • USERS THAT NEED TEAMS – If your name appears on that list, please find a team mate and form a team. Then pick a team name and make your choice. Thanks.

Obviously, there is a lot that needs to happen on my end to make sure that this game can progress as it needs to. Make sure your team name and username is accurate below. I’ll tag these posts in #steem-pocalypse every day, so please check that tag or my blog page every day to participate in the next round! Who’s ready? I’m excited!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



THE FOLLOWING TEAMS NEED TO SUPPLY EITHER TEAM NAMES OR TEAM MATES NAMES. If you are in need of a team mate, please see the list in my other comment.

@fishjojo1 & ???

Thus far unnamed

@ganjafarmer & @justinashby

@sammie & ???

Thus far unnamed

@okkiedot & @avarice

@nepd & ???

Whatta ya think, @whatageek? I'm thinking Option 3, but that's just because eating a rat doesn't sound appealing to me, even though it would probably be fine. Option 4 could also be good, so we can get away from this gunfight a-brewin'.

You read my mind, I was thinking 3 as well. I do think there might be deaths after today but don't want you to starve again. 3 unless you really want to move on.

Ok I'm going to reply in my other post so hopefully it will be seen!

Team Raccoon City Ops
aka @avarice and @okkiedot
want the fat rat's food supply
and decide to follow the little monster (Option 3).

I concur. We're going for a sort of "reverse Pied Piper" option - were unlike the legend, we will be following the rats in the hope that they lead us to a better outcome; hopefully with food on-route (perhaps a drive-by McDonalds that's still operating).

I am not sure if I want the McDonalds or the rat^^

Got it. Please let me know when you make your choice.

After much debate on the pros and cons of rat tatare or rat flambe, @sammie and @mr-mooch came to the decision that observation may be the best option at this point. We're taking Option 3 and seeing where rattus goes, hoping that it will head away from the noisy gunshots and commotion.

THE FOLLOWING STEEMIANS HAVE EXPRESSED AN INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING. Please find a partner and choose a team name so you can reply with your choice before 24 hours is up.


I'll team up with Mark if he'll have me

I don't want to be timed out by not being matched with a partner. But I pick option 3. I shall be called Team Dudmuffin.

Elites hidden underneath the earth were also @vcelier and @fingersik. They were trying to save whoever they deemed could benefit humanity after the depopulation plan ends. However their effort has been detected. Clash happened. @vcelier and @fingersik with handful of their followers battled against the rest of the elites, but it was a futile try. They recognized that only option how to stay alive is to flee. Their followers sacrificed themselves so they could make their way out from the bunker. There emerged “The Disinterred Ones”, covetous of revenge. But first things first. Without supplies they had to concentrate on survival. If they could amass survivors to raid the bunker, they could turn the tides once more. But then again…first things first… decision has to be made… The old hideout, where the team has found refuge, was totally empty. That’s why @fingers heard the weird noise and spotted a rat. Thing for a nobility completely alien, but food is food, so he contacted @vcelier via chips in their heads. Quick thoughts has been transferred between The Disinterred Ones. @fingersik was quickly persuaded by military veteran @vcelier. They planned every detail about capturing of the rat. The rat will be eaten RAW today, no matter what!

Option 2.


Team Foo(d) Fighters (aka, @daveks and @cognoscere) have decided to suck it up (literally) and go with option 2 (kill the rat and eat it raw).

We'll do our best to catch it, skin it, remove the entrails, and try to eat only the raw meat. Anyways, we hear that raw rat meat tastes just like chicken, yum!!!

Our team chooses option 2, kill the rat and eat it raw.

I accidentally posted under another comment before, so hopefully my pardner will be able to see this better:

Whatta ya think, @whatageek? I'm thinking Option 3, but that's just because eating a rat doesn't sound appealing to me, even though it would probably be fine. Option 4 could also be good, so we can get away from this gunfight a-brewin'.

I'm not sure why I think this is the Wild West now...

@whatageek and I are natural explorers, and have decided to opt for Option 3. He is very concerned since he watched me starve to death last time (as he was lying in a pool of his own blood) so we're off to find the rat's stash!

OPTION 1 – Try to kill, cook, and eat the rat.


Ok, you're in! Let's get you a partner. Anyone interested????

I wonder if anyone would be interested given I'll obviously eat a rat. lol!

I would also choose option 1 so if you still need a teammate let me know.

Sounds like I have a team mate. :-) Thanks @steemerstan

You bet. Rats taste like chicken. Right? Guess we should pick a name. Open to any you might have or how about The Gourmet's?

The Gourmet's sounds great with me. Any food is The gourmet when the SHTF.

@papa-pepper - looks like my team is formed . Myself and @steemerstan are "The Gourmet's".

Got it! The Gourmets. Also, which option.

I need a team.

New member how do I contact @nepd? I'm sure it is easy but I can't figure it out.

Just wait for one of the solo users to comment and reply to them. Otherwise I can throw teams together. What option are you thinking of?

Just throw me a team mate if you can, still getting used the site. Thanks papa

I would be he @nepd team mate. My first date on site, seems cool.

The users on the list above need partners.

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