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RE: Steem-meme - New waves of newcomers

in #steem-meme8 years ago

I love Steemit, its a great place to surf around; the other day I went to the ZOO and saw some anarchists herein @ steemit.

No idea what all the hoohah is about with the BlockChain technology, I just do not see a need except to put another one percent of people out of work due to more efficiency from technology.

I mean it is not really relevant anyone after all someone has to be unemployed so why not the people BlockChain technology does away with. After all this new technology will pay the taxes professional politicians need to keep their interns liberally supplied with alcohol : )

Life goes on and I am sure these displaced people will find new job opportunities as Light House keepers or short hand noted takers or telephone exchange operators ; )

Maybe there will be a suddenly newly created industry to solve the economic problems; people will be able to launch their own careers as Dinosaur walkers (like a dog walker), all we need to do is find some dinosaurs and we will make america great again : ) ! ! !

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