Voted For Successful Posts BEFORE WHALES BUT ZERO CURATION REWARD - Help - and #steem-help

in #steem-help8 years ago

So, I was wondering, waited long enough to see how much curation reward I get because I was excited enough about this concept, I used my votes wisely and didn't spammed the upvote button. I did my best to catch potential trending posts before any whale and I successfully voted 5 posts which were famous and hit for steemit.

But when I checked that all voters got their curation reward but I didn't even receive a half piece of dust, I confirmed with other respected members like @venuspcs and he confirmed that there is something wrong from steemit's side and he instructed me to report this bug to steem staff.

These are 5 top posts which I voted but didn't receive ANY reward:

I voted before the whales and that post made around $500 but where is my curation reward? Not even 0.001 SP????

I was the 4th person to vote for that thai translated version which made over $100 but no curation reward.

I voted before ANY whale and no curation reward. I was the 8th person to vote for it.

Same is the case here. I voted before whales and the post made $400+ but I didn't receive even a little piece of curation reward.

This post was a hit, but didn't gave even a dust to me. I voted before any big whale.

The proof of zero curation reward:

Please solve this issue and give me my curation reward as soon as possible. I am doing my best to contribute to steem as much as possible, and I am sure that you guys will solve this issue too.

#steem-help #steemit


reward = total_reward * your_weight / total_weight

If your reward is below threshold it gets ignored!

Thank you for the formula but I don't think I didn't qualify for 0.001 SP. It looks like this is a bug. I reported it in github too.

Already a lot of explanations here. It's not a bug. Please make your own calculation to check whether you qualify for 0.001 SP.
By the way please don't spam Github ticketing system.

One way I'm using to check how much reward you will earn:
check for details by replacing "it" with "d" of an article, click advanced mode, vote details, then
reward = total_reward * 25% * your_vote_weight / total_vote_weight

Power up!

You have less than 6 Steem Power.
Your vote is worth 0 so curation rewards are.

I have 2500 SP and hardly earned 1.005 SP past week

My greatest curation reward is 1.05 sp on single post

But my friend with 3 SP got the reward of 0.001 so why I am not getting even such little reward? That's my point. Little or big, I do not have any problem with that. I am just worried with the bug. Thanks for your reply.

Perhaps your friend was lucky to have voted on a post with much higher reward. A link please so we can check?

Seems to be working for me when I upvoted a popular post yesterday:

Curation reward of 0.581 STEEM POWER for bitcalm/when-do-whales-upvote

But I guess you didn't have enough steem power like @smolalit said.

I calculated with the given formula of @scifiwriter and seems like my reward didn't reached to minimum threshold of 0.001 steem due to low number of SP. I apologize if you guys look at it as spam but I was super confused, had to step-out of the home at that time and now after getting back, calculated myself and seems like the only problem is my low number of SP. No issues anymore. Thank you for all the help.

When did you vote (Optimal 30min count)
How many votes the post already had (The less the better)
Your Vote Power at the moment of the vote (Higher > better)
Curation rewards are split between SP and SD.
Amount of SP
I hope this helps...

Follow me and I always follow back :)

I'm interested in the answer here because my curation rewards all seem pretty random and I'd like to understand how exactly they are calculated.

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