in #steem-help7 years ago

Perhaps there is a better way…

Oftentimes, new users show up on steemit because they have heard that people can get paid to interact and blog here. Although that is true, it can take time before a new user really sees any sort of decent payout. If someone has unrealistic expectations, this can be discouraging, and some even quit steemit because of it.

As I have often said, steemit does not guarantee anything, it only offers the opportunity.

If the sole purpose of someone joining steemit is to make a quick buck, most likely they will not be able to achieve their goal. Fortunately for @papa-pepper, steemit has more to offer than just money. Here are some of my thoughts on how to enjoy steemit while hoping for the rewards, or while enjoying some rewards.


By checking out posts from users and interacting with them, you can not only perhaps find more followers and voters, you can make friends. I now have friends from all over the world. These friends are people who I have spent months interacting with, and if I ever wound up in their area, I’m sure many of them would not think twice about inviting me over for dinner or just out hang out for a bit.

Though the majority of interaction will remain digital, these friends are people that we can know and help. We can be there to celebrate the victories of one another, and also to mourn the losses. We can also encourage and offer advice, or share knowledge with one another. Making friends is a great opportunity that steemit offers.


If getting some STEEM is the goal, contests can be an entertaining way to try to get some. Besides that, they are a great way to have some fun, show off your creativity and skills, and meet other users. I have had so much fun entering contests on steemit, and I have even won a few contests here. Also, I have had a great time running many contests and not only inspiring others to create and post, but giving away a lot of STEEM too.

Check out the contest tag or the contest chatroom on Excellent ways to interact and have fun exist every day with all the contests on steemit. Why not find a contest that you can participate in and have some fun?


Just having an outlet for your creativity can be a wonderful opportunity. There have been plenty of ideas that I’ve had over the years that I never did anything with, simply because I did not have an outlet. Now, with steemit, I have a great platform to both share new ideas on and finish older projects that simply needed a way to be shared.

It is exciting to think that your stories, photos, or artwork could also earn you a few dollars, but just being able to share and create is a lot of fun too. Additionally, when you branch out and try to post in different tags, not only can you be learning and developing new skills, but you can meet others who you normally wouldn’t have and maybe pick up some more followers too.


All around the world, steemians have been meeting up in person since steemit started. The largest event was STEEMFEST in Amsterdam, but several smaller meetups have also already occurred. @papa-pepper was fortunate enough to attend one in Wisconsin and one in Missouri.

If you enjoy that sort of thing, find some steemians in your general area and see if anyone wants to form a meetup. Once the word gets out, you may be surprised at how far some are willing to travel for such an event. Other steemit events can also be created, like the upcoming STEEMSTOCK in Austin, TX. For more about that event, talk to @riosparada or follow the @steemstock account.


Generosity is contagious and well received. @papa-pepper has been sharing all sorts of things on steemit since I got here. From garden seeds to t-shirts to hot peppers from my own garden, I’ve been shipping things to steemians around the country and around the world, and I am not alone. I’ve received all sorts of things in the mail from other steemians as well.

When we share both online and in reality, things are taken to another level. Check out this video of @matthewtiii enjoying a pepper that Igrew.

Since not everyone wants to share shipping addresses with each other, you can also consider sharing your STEEM and SBD. I know that to give up some of your hard earned STEEM may seem like a step in the wrong direction. However, when we share and give, it builds up other people and can be a blessing to us as well.


Obviously, there is much more that steemit has to offer than just money. This is a very rare and talented community, and I have been blessed to be a part of this community.

My hope for you is that you will enjoy steemit and become a long-term member of this community. As the community grows and develops, hopefully the value of STEEM will rise too. Then, one day, we may all have a little bit more of that thing called money.

Until next time…

STEEMIT – Come for the money, stay for the communituy!



I can't emphasize more this one is important!


It is very underrated! Get yourself embedded into the platform ecosystem via:


Great POST!

For me, it's another outlet for creativity. I'm a writer. The more I write, the more I practice my craft, the better I'll get. Steemit seems like a great venue to share my writing and gain valuable feedback. I'm looking forward to forward to getting followers who are willing to do that, as well as to following others.

The other good part of steemit is that us old fellas can tell yarns about our younger days, true or false, and our grandkids can read them in later years and find out why they do certain things. I know I wish I had spent more time recording my father's history. Here is a chance while your dad is visiting, drain every bit of information out of him, record it so the little peppers can learn granddads history, from him. Just think what your grandkids and great grandkids will learn about you papa-peper, thanks to steemit.

No kidding. I've learned a lot while @grandpa-pepper was down this time!

Put it up as a post so the little peppers can read about him after he is gardening in the big garden up there.
There is so much interesting to the people concerned information in the old people's heads.Not worth writing a reference book about, but why and where your name came from, why all the males are left handed, etc. What things were like in their youth, the ice man bringing a block of ice on Tuesdays because refrigerators weren't available yet. How to make a meat safe out of muslin cloth. How long to hang an eel before eating it. All sorts of useful info that is on the point of being lost as this generation of old farts disappear.

You are so correct! Thanks again for the great advice!

trying to get you

The community of Steemit is one of it's biggest assets I think.
Why does @pap-pepper have such a gret rep?
Because he gives!

People vote up his posts, not just because they are a good read, but also in recognition of the fact that he gives to much in real terms to others on the platform.

So if you are new and you want to be like @pap-pepper, then GIVE. you will be surprised at how much fun it is.

When me and my wife sent a package to the @little-peppers, it was soooo much fun finding the stuff we wanted to send. And then after the package was away we thought of so much more stuff we wanted to send. (that's a package for another day ;-) )

Yes it cost me real money, but I also received real pleasure from doing it.
So if you have come for the rewards - the rewards are the interactions with others on the platform - not the amount of cash you can make.

Focus on the fun and you will not be disappointed.
Focus on the cash and you WILL be disappointed.

You summed that up very well. Thanks for that Kiwi package too!

Got to agree with you :)

thank you
so true let make steemit a fun social platform so we can interact with others all over the world . Its like having pan-pal (old school)

I agree with all the statements. This is a really interesting and rewarding experience

Cool, thanks. Also, nice to meet you @erikaflynn.

A very good guide to action! @papa-pepper

Hey @papa-pepper. Really good post and great advice. Steem on brother!

Thank you very much my friend!

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