⤴So i asked : when or is it a good idea to put my SBD INTO SP!? With no responce!⤴

in #steem-help8 years ago (edited)

Surely someone on steemit can help me out!? I posted a story 7 hours ago in steem-help and other places and recieved no help. So im provideing the link here again, as i do most of my posting on the night shift, when theres not too many people on i guess. Please check out my link as this is all very confusing especially to those of us that are new to all of this! Im really trying to understand, but its hard if no one even tries to help out ! Thanks ! All coments will be very much appreciated!

Credit image imgflip.com

Its only 33. Dollars worth but it would at least double my steem power , will that give me any voteing power at all or how much steem power is actually required to make any kind of difference?! Thanks.


But SBD to SP if you believe and want to be an investor in the platform

Ok so your saying thats really the only reason to do it? I thought it would give a little more voteing power?! Or something. Also with steem dropping is it better to just leave it as is $33. Steem dollars 33 steem power?!

It gives you more voting power, yes.

Currently, I have about ~300 Steem Power, and I can move posts ~$100 if they are already a top trending, and can e.g. move other posts ~$10 if they are at ~$50.

Not only that, if I feel my comment should be heard, I can upvote it and it sits higher in the comment section, which can be useful at times also.

Then, of course, there is the added bonus of larger curation rewards, as well.

Hope that helps.

p.s I am 100% investing all author, curation rewards into Steem Power via 'power ups', in other words, I have an interest in the success of the platform, and the direction it takes in general and am interested in it long term.

Kind regards,

What he said ^^ Im doing exactly the same thing, everything I make goes to SP

Thanks for the replys! So you guys are saying that its still a good idea to put my steem dollars into steem power even though steem keeps dropping and whales are like cashing out right now?! Also is it hard to do?! Thanks again!

@karenmckersie you have nothing to lose, only difference is when you cash out its 104 months instead of all at once. But I read your posts, and you'll be rewarded eventually like the rest of us, hang tight

Oh?! I thought it was 2 years, 24 months!? And how does that work? Do they just slowly every month put the money back into steem dollars?

Yes two years, my apologies, I meant 104 weeks

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