Steemit Art School: Negative Space Homework (Week 1)

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago

Beekart 1st week banner.jpg

So… a few days ago I saw this interesting post by @beekart “Art School – Week 1 – Negative Space” and I thought to myself… I definitely SHOULD DO THIS! ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑

But that also depends if I can survive with my webtoon updates and work.

Well I guess I don’t have to worry on that part anymore since I’m already here and thankfully I didn’t wreck my wrist like previous months! (。•́︿•̀。)

So what is this thing called 'negative space'? It’s the space surrounding the object/subject of an image that forms a shape.

I did learnt about negative space back when I’m still studying at MMU. I remembered that we’re been given an assignment to trace an interesting object using Adobe Illustrator to show the negative space.

This is Ryss's old assignment work... like 5 or 6 years ago

-Nervous laugh-

I think I did an ok-ed job at tracing back then, given a credit that was my first time ever using AI.

So yeah… back to beekart’s homework!

Honestly, I never attempt drawing a negative space using traditional media before so this is quite exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time to test whether I can nail this homework or not.

(Dammit Ryss! It’s only first week!) (・∀・;)

Beekart have listed 3 different homework to attempt with and the first one is to draw negative space using the image that he have been provided.



I use my blue and purple pencils to sketch out the form first before I outline them with black pencil. I struggle with the composition… a lot. But that’s probably my fault because I unable to focus (everytime) and I did my best to align them as similar to the reference image.


Not too shabby I guess? This took quite a while to finish compare the other two homeworks.

p/s: I should have scanned the sketches instead of taking pictures. Forgive me if the sketch angle looks different than the final result.

Beekart’s second homework is to draw at least two ‘Blind Contours’ of human pose.

Beekart 1st homework poses.jpg

Pose 1
Pose 2

I choose these poses because I thought they look elegant and interesting… until I sketch them out.


Well… I guess it will turn out better if I did the outline? My inner art demon refuse to give up until I tested this out.


I give myself a shoulder pat. Probably not the best pose but I like how the result looks like! Maybe because organic object looks more appealing than straight line?

Lastly, beekart’s third homework is to draw YOUR own hand.

If I can choose one mortal enemy in this world, it’s gotta be a HAND!

My hand drawings will either look like a Doraemon's hand or dead tree branches.


I almost wanted to skip this homework because my hands is not pretty (I called it witch hands) and I’m kinda embarrassed to show my hand here…

But then my inner art demon told me not to chicken out.

So I went to search other people’s hand instead.

Beekart 1st homework hand poses.jpg

Pose 1
Pose 2
Pose 3



Honestly, I think I enjoyed drawing hands using negative space.

-Victory dance-

Yasss! Finally finished my first week homework and though I do need to improve my drawing more.

I know this is very late but Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!


Peace out!


Heya @ivoryss thank you very much for participating in the Artschool!
I hope you had fun ;)

The homework looks absolutely great! Good job on that!

I do have to provide a little feedback/criticism .. I hope you don't mind! :)

I think you are on a fairly high level in terms of drawing and painting when i see how you do your pre-sketch and trace it, the hands and bodies look well constructed and the proportions seem to be right!

Eventhough that is great, it sort of beats the purpose of the exercise! :D
The exercise is about drawing the object by not drawing the object.
So we draw the line where the space surrounding the object meets the object.. not the space that the object takes.. makes sense? :)
I hope so!

I would love to see you give another shot at drawing the outline of the characters / hands but without a pre-sketch .. straight on paper! Bam! Do it! :D

Hope that makes sense, and i hope you give it another shot and participate in next weeks exercise!

Thank you!


Hi @beekart! (≧∀≦) thank you very much for your compliment and feedback~

It makes more senses after you explained in details the purpose of this exercise. When I start sketching out the chairs I find it difficult to make it right because I'm too focused of the subject inner details rather than what I'm supposed to do (´Д` )

Then when I try to attempt 2nd and 3rd exercise, I try to minimize the sketch and just get the shape instead.

I do enjoyed the exercises and I'll do my best to toned down my mistakes in next exercise! \(^-^)/

Happy holidays to you.. drawings look very lovely...

Thank you @romanaround! (^∇^)

I love you art and happy holidays ❀.(´▽`)❀.

Thank you Sera! (´꒳`)

Keep up ur hard work...Love this very much...

Thank you @leejhoang! I will do my best ヽ(´▽`)/

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