Cute Lil' Carbuncle Guy - Animation Progress Report - 27 March 2018

in #steem-cartoon6 years ago


You may remember the animation that I posted [last week].

I had every intention to update it quickly, but I had issues with my computer and stress, and then IRL stuff came up, and I wasn't able to work for a bit :/

I have added frames since then, but projects have shifted around some, so this is all I've gotten on it so far:


Honestly, it was for animation practice, and because I wasn't sure what to work on, but I've started a new project.

I've been writing some story concepts for it, and so far have this cute lil' [carbuncle] thing designed:

Okay so he's not really a Carbuncle, but I just really love that word and he's super cute like one, so....
Also pretty sure he's no longer 3ft because I keep making him shorter lkajfklsjlkfjs

Anyway, people have been asking me fandom headcannons on stuff, and it got [briefly brought up] that people might be interested in me doing like... a story that the audience can affect?

As in, they submit plot ideas and headcannons, and I make episodes around it.

So I'm focusing on trying to build an interesting original setting that people can submit ideas to :3c

Aaaand, I'm still animating of course LMAO

The show isn't going to be an animation (although I would certainly not object to making it one if I could get the funding, but that's unlikely LOL sooooo), but I wanted to animate my cute new rabbit friend anyway SO here's what I'm working on!

215 - charlie.gif

And this one WILL be finished soon, AND in color, /AND/ I will keep drawing this lil' cutie patootie unlike all the other OCs that I keep neglecting akljfkljkfljska so stay tuned for that!!

And, of course, if you guys have any suggestions for what you'd like to see from me, my [ask box] is always open :3c

Also asking over on Tumblr instead of here is the best way of making sure I see it because sometimes I'm lazy about checking messages here and also you can ask anonymously if you're shy, just sayin' lol

Okay, so that's all for the moment, and I will actually post again soon, unless something weird IRL happens again flkajfkljsklfdj



Very cool so far. It looks like it is going to be a great animation.

Ahh, thank you! ^u^)/

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