What Is Your Most Embarasing Digital Disaster? - Share It - 2 SBD Bounty Inside

in #steem-bounty6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians

It's time to fess up, I want to hear the nitty gritty and don't spare me the details. I want all the juicy details and I want it now, even though I should have gotten it yesterday, So I want more tomorrow!

I want you to tell me your most embarasing social media or instant messaging moment ever. It can be funny, it can be awkward, it can be sad, it can be cringe but its got to be orignal!

Embarssing text

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Share your most memorable digital fuck up and get a share of the SBD prize for your story. Also if you find a cool story submitted in the comments feel free to upvote it too, your vote helps spread the bounty!


If you like it then you should have put a bounty on it, woah oh oh, oh oh, oh oooh!

My digital disaster

@see-it-feel-it asked me to share my personal digital disaster. Well of that I'm sure there are many but one that comes to mind takes me back to high school. Back then there were no Smartphones and we had this chat app in South Africa, called MXit. To chat on MXit you would need to download the app, add the persons phone number, hope they have MXit and they needed to accept your invite. It was a very clunky process.

You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this but it's important to the story. Anyway If you didn't just want to chat to your immediate contact list there were chatrooms available.

So I went into the Cape Town Chatroom and began chatting and met this girl Sexy-Bitch and we were chatting shit insulting each other in the most offensive ways becasue thats what you do in chatrooms is rip into one another.

Anyways after saying some of the most terrible things to one another I would never repeat again, I asked her for a phone number so I could add her as a private contact. She gave the number and when I saved it into my phone I noticed I already had the number, it was my cousins!

She was younger than me so I didn't know she had a phone that had MXit because well parents wouldnt allow young kids to have MXit. I was so embarassed, I changed my MXit name and only added her weeks later!

Let's connect

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I have survived HF20

Lol welcome to the other side!

Everbody did 😉

My most recent momment was when i callee @sircork, sircock 🤣🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol I feel thats what the queen would call it when they consummate by royal decree

OH MY!!! i hear she cant resist a good cock!! especialy if its knighted! lol

Oh My how did sir clock react 😬😂😉


Well this happened several days ago. My mother doesn't speak English. And neither does she understand technology. I was talkin with my dad about putting my computer to service. And he later told her, the service guy actually offered me and upgrade to a higher model for a good price.

But mu mum didn't understand shit what's going on :D So she sent me this message :D "You can also buy abgreid, which will make your PC better".

And then second message :D "Father just explained to me that abgreid is not a product. BEtter talk with him."

The way she spells upgrade as abgreid (cuz of pronounciation) is kiiiiilling meeee :D hahaha

LOL! This one literally made me laugh out loud! I hope you got your "abgreid" sorted and you're PC is much better now!

I also have family where English isn't there first language and some of the things they say will have you in stitches

Thanks for sharing your story!

Haha I know what u mean :D

I don't have my own digital disaster but I'll share someone else. ;) One boy worked out his CV for a long time. He was constantly improving his form, adding great graphics and creatively writing down his skills and gained experience. Apparently he spent a lot of time on it. Finally he created his dream CV and started to send it immediately to the employers for whom he wanted to work.
After that he was proud of himself, checked his email and made sure he sent CV wherever he wanted. And then he saw that he made ONE mistake and that was a HUGE mistake.
He didn't change the working title of the file and sent an attachment to all with the title "GREAT CV BITCH!!!". lol I don't know if he got an answer from someone, but certainly his CV had to be noticed.
So now tell about Your Most Embarsing Digital Disaster. ;)

I added my story to the post now :) Check it out

LOL Your story is very embarrassing. It's good that you discovered the truth before going on a date with... your cousin. 😅

LOL now that would have been super awkward, I would have probably died

LOL It must have been hard to live that one done! Hopefully not all the companies he applied to were serious ones and someone throught it was funny and gave him a job

It reminds me of one day at work we got a ALL staff email about a body waxing service and one of the girls in the office asked about a bikini wax but instead of sending her mail to just the lady doing the waxing, she sent her email to ALL STAFF and the whole office immediately started laughing all at once and we're like over 300 people so it was pretty embarasing

Thats a good idea, didn't think of that I'm going to add my most embarasing moment to my post now :)

The last one happened yesterday

I was reading though one of the @steemitblog posts when I stumbled on a thread about dust voting threshold. This was very important to me as I often vote with little voting weights.

So I crafted this question and posted it as a reply to one of the witnesses on the thread. I posted the question and scrolled down only to find out that my question had been answered in detail in one of the comments below by the same witness


I didn't want to look like an impatient fool or someone who was seeking attention. I deleted the comment at once.

It wasn't embarrassing then but imagine I got called out for it. It's certainly not the kind of publicity I want

LOL I can totally get that, you would loo like a royal knob if you had left it up but steemit is chilled compared to Reddit they would have roasted you badly for something like that!

I mean look at some of the entries below, didn’t bother to read shit just snagged a screenshot From google images and posted it! Like seriously man, turn on your brain 🧠

Thanks for sharing!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Like seriously man, turn on your brain


I am not very active on social media nor do I use a cell phone / text so my most embarrassing digital moment comes via digital poker. When I was first learning poker and gambling online I received a $10 free credit. I ran that amount up to over $10,000 in about a months time. I spent day and night playing poker with very little sleep until one day I decided to try my hand at BlackJack .... 10 minutes later I had $0 left.

While it may not be embarasing in terms of public humiliation it is still quite a slap in the face and probably hurt much worse than a silly autocorrect! Ouch, i've never been brave enough to gamble be it online or at a casino. I've played slots once and won like 300 dollars while waiting for my freinds but that was one time and never did it again

I have to also mention the time when i thought @simplymike was a guy and she called me out on it!!
We live and learn!

Lol you know being misgendered in this day and age is a major faux pas

Posted using Partiko iOS

I didn't mind. And it happens like at least once a week, lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Still a cringe moment for me!!! Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I had to look twice too but I did See it before ever making yhe first reply to you using HE or HIM 😉😉

My most embarrased moment on My app and phone is , I was commenting on a mum of one of the classmates of My Son and wanted to send it to a friend, and actually put in in the class-parents app. Well she now knows how I feel and what I think off her😉😬😬😬

OUCH! That must have been awkward and the next parent get together at school or fun day. There was actually quite a big story in South Africa of a mom who wanted to send naked photos of herself to her husband and sent it to the school parents group. Gosh it was so funny, the memes were out of control, i really felt embarased for her part - Heres a link to the article lol - https://www.news24.com/You/Archive/mom-accidentally-sends-naughty-pic-to-whatsapp-group-becomes-an-internet-sensation-20170728

OMG I SAW THD ARTICLE i was embarrassed but this is .... a case off .... I want to move to another country !

@chekohler I was the paria off the schoolyard after this but most off the other mothers felt the Same, but were to chicken to tell het. I did after Words and said I appologize but I stand after what i typed in the app, we ARE NOT going to be friends dear. And that was it.

Can you very short tell me hoy to put this bounty at a blogpost. I have found LOOOOOONG guides but just want to know in some easy steps. Is it easy or not?
(NO - this was not my enter to the contest. It will come later)

Its super simple!

Go to your wallet and click transfer put the amount of steem or SDB you want attached to the bounty and send it to the @steem-bounty account with the link to your post in the memo

same as you would with a bid bot or resteembot

Who will get the bounty? Everyone will split at it? Or do the bot select someone? Or do I select the bountywinner?

So 95% of the bounty is decided by me and whose comments I upvote while 5% is decided by anyone who upvotes the comments in this post

Posted using Partiko iOS

LOL!!! that one was amazing!!! Love it!!!

Lol thanks! Feel free to share yours too! All in the name of fun and having a laugh

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