History of Elon Musk, Maye Musk and his grandfather the Technocrat Joshua Haldeman who was a chiropractor and flew all over the world. Where has AI already gone and how far will it go? Neuralink and DARPA's mind meld tech!

in #elonmusk4 years ago (edited)

Maye Musk (née Haldeman; born April 19, 1948) is a Canadian–South African model and dietitian. Also the mother of Elon Musk, Kimbal Musk, and Tosca Musk, she has been a model for 50 years, appearing on the covers of magazines, including a Time magazine health edition.

Born in 1948

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Born in Canada and a twin of 5 children.

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Her twin sister is Kaye Rives.
In a Vanity Fair article from2015 it states,

America loves a familial power block—from the Emanuel brothers to the Williams sisters, the Kennedys to the Hemsworths. But there’s something even more intriguing about those Musks and Rives, given what appears to be their genetically pre-programmed ambition. How did five of them grow up to take on some of the knottiest problems on the planet, setting goals so lofty as putting civilians in space and transforming household energy use?

This being an origin story, it all has a great deal to do with their mothers: Maye and Kaye. They are—what else?—twins.

Maye, who was divorced from Elon and Kimbal’s father before Elon was 10, has two master of science degrees, practiced as a dietician, and worked on the side as a model to pay bills as a single mother.

“They grow up knowing you work hard, and the harder you work, the better you do and the luckier you get,” she recently told VF.com. “They also had to be responsible for themselves, because they had to help me.”

Lyndon Rive, whose parents were entrepreneurs in the natural-health business, recently recalled watching his mother—Kaye—work from 7 in the morning until 11 o’clock at night, every day.

“We grew up thinking that’s what people do, isn’t it? That’s what’s expected,” he says.

This bred quite a bit of independence, and quite a bit of time for the cousins to get up to something. The fact that they didn’t get allowances meant they spent that free time trying to come up with ways to make a buck. That they grew up 20 minutes away from each other made it easy to scheme together.

“We didn’t have a lot of oversight with our parents, so there was a freedom to get up to mischief. It was a different kind of mischief, though. It always had a capitalist bent,” Kimbal explains. “We were very excited, hungry kids with way too much energy on our hands. Not only were we individually inclined that way, but when you put us all together, then it’s like, What are we going to do now? Get a bunch of us in a room, and we come up with something.”

That’s why the older cousins—Lyndon is six years younger than Elon and was left on the fringes of much of their teenage business endeavors—came up with the idea to open an arcade close to their school. Elon, the ringleader, and his cousins signed a lease, got contracts in place, filled out a stack of forms at the city planning department, and nearly reached the last hurdle of getting a zoning variance before the city told them they were too young and needed an adult to sign off.

“Pete’s dad just lost it when we went to him to ask,” Kimbal says. “We hadn’t even mentioned it to them. It didn’t even occur to us.” Maye, for her part, said she was so busy working in those days that she didn’t hear about the venture until recently, when the story ended up in the press.

The cousins had a near-constant desire to do something different. “There would always be a conversation of ‘Let’s go somewhere. Let’s take the train to get there. Are we old enough to take the train?’” he says. “We all like adventure.”

That’s a disposition Elon said came not necessarily from their mothers, but from Maye and Kaye’s father.

“Our mutual grandfather was actually American, oddly enough, from Minnesota,” Elon said at a SolarCity event earlier this month, when VF.com asked about his relationship with his cousins. “He had a little private plane that he would fly all over the place, all through Africa and Asia. He was the first to fly a private plane from South Africa to Australia without any electronic instrumentation, so I think we’re lucky to be alive here. Maybe that sort of adventurous spirit is in all of us.”

The only thing that got in the way of their whims was the rule that none of them were allowed to quit, anything, ever. That’s why, when the Rive boys decided as kids that they wanted—needed—to take karate, their mother agreed. But they’d have to see it all the way through, until they earned black belts.

“She was very clear up front. She asked us if we were sure, told us we couldn’t quit and had to go all the way through. We were like, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, we love karate,’” Lyndon says. It turned out that he didn’t, in fact, love karate, but he spent about a decade doing it anyway, because he’d committed. He never reached the black belt, but he made it to national championships. “She early on programmed into us that, if you start something, you finish it.”

Despite the similarities, the boys did have their distinct quirks.

“I was the best child, and Elon was the hard child,” Kimbal says. “Have you met Elon? He’s a tough cookie. My dad and my mother always talk about how hard he was.”

For the record, Maye calls Kimbal “the perfect child,” not the best. She always had to search for Elon, who was constantly on one quest or another. He once fell off a roof, and he endured several episodes that required stitches. He refused to sleep and instead stayed up until five o’clock in the morning to read, which meant she had a hard time waking him up in the morning in time for school.

That’s why the older cousins—Lyndon is six years younger than Elon and was left on the fringes of much of their teenage business endeavors—came up with the idea to open an arcade close to their school. Elon, the ringleader, and his cousins signed a lease, got contracts in place, filled out a stack of forms at the city planning department, and nearly reached the last hurdle of getting a zoning variance before the city told them they were too young and needed an adult to sign off.

“Pete’s dad just lost it when we went to him to ask,” Kimbal says. “We hadn’t even mentioned it to them. It didn’t even occur to us.” Maye, for her part, said she was so busy working in those days that she didn’t hear about the venture until recently, when the story ended up in the press.

“Our mutual grandfather was actually American, oddly enough, from Minnesota,” Elon said at a SolarCity event earlier this month, when VF.com asked about his relationship with his cousins. “He had a little private plane that he would fly all over the place, all through Africa and Asia. He was the first to fly a private plane from South Africa to Australia without any electronic instrumentation, so I think we’re lucky to be alive here. Maybe that sort of adventurous spirit is in all of us.”

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Now the plane IS interesting because. . .it was mentioned in an article from Money in 2018 titled,
Inside the Fabulous Life of Elon's Mom Maye Musk, a Supermodel Nutritionist Who Spent Her Childhood Exploring the Kalahari Desert

I just find this wording interesting is all,

Though she’s not trying to colonize Mars or build elaborate tunnels underground, Maye Musk has appeared on numerous covers including Time Health and last year became CoverGirl’s oldest spokesmodel.

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In 1952, when Musk was only four years old, her parents flew the family 22,000 miles around the world in a plane her father had brought in pieces from Canada, according to The New York Times. Also during her childhood, she and the family would often explore the Kalahari Desert searching for its mythical ‘Lost City.’ They retraced the footsteps of Canadian adventurer William Leonard Hunt (alias Guillermo Farini), who claimed he had found the ruins of a massive ancient city while crossing the treacherous desert in 1885. Dozens of expeditions over the following century were launched in vain to find the lost civilization.

For over ten years, the family would spend time roaming the Kalahari desert in search of its fabled Lost City of the Kalahari. Their parents gave slide shows and talks about their journeys, "My parents were very famous, but they were never snobs," she said.

At age 12, Musk and her twin sister Kaye worked as receptionists for their dad’s chiropractor clinic both before and after school everyday. At 15, she shifted gears and started her career in fashion, which took off during the 1960s with ads for cosmetic brands and companies like Colgate. She won beauty pageants in her hometown, and finished as a finalist in the 1969 Miss South Africa competition.

Which is interesting because if you fast forward to age 69 this happened. ..
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After finishing high school, Elon chose to leave South Africa and attended Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. In 1989, Musk and the rest of her children followed him by moving from Johannesburg to Toronto according to Business Insider. While raising her three children as a single mother in a small rent-controlled apartment there, Musk worked five jobs at a time to support the family and make ends meet. These included her modeling gigs and working as a research officer for the University of Toronto, so that her children could go to school there for free.

She too attended school at the University of Toronto and earned a Masters degree – working on her practice and attempting to become a registered dietitian, all while running a modeling school and teaching nutrition classes in the evenings, according to her website.

When Elon and Kimbal launched their startup software company, Zip2, Musk would visit her two boys every six weeks, flying from eastern Canada to San Francisco to help keep them afloat financially. In addition to giving them $10,000 (all of her savings from work in Toronto), she would buy them groceries, furniture, paper, and photocopies – “whatever I could afford,” as she told Forbes. She eventually moved to San Francisco in 1996 – the year her nutrition book, Feel Fantastic, was published – to be closer to her children.

For Musk’s 50th birthday, her two sons gave her a little toy house and car, pledging to buy her the real thing once they became successful – which they did, after selling Zip2 to Compaq in 1999 for $307 million.

While Elon’s net worth is estimated at $22 billion, Maye’s is unknown, though she has boosted her income in recent years.

According to Mysterious Universe,

in 1885 one of the first Westerners to ever set foot within these badlands ventured out into an uncharted area of the Kalahari Desert and would lay eyes upon a great mystery that still remains unexplained.

The expedition was carried out by a American explorer and entertainer from New York by the name of William Leonard Hunt, who in his native land made a living performing death defying stunts such as tightrope walks over the Niagara Falls, as well as exhibiting African bushmen like a human zoo, and usually went by his alias Guillermo Farini or “The Great Farini.”

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In February of 1885, he set out from Cape Town South Africa, along with a contingent of fellow adventurers, some native guides, and his son, Lulu. The goal of the trip was not particularly noble, they were not there to map out a new realm of the planet or catalogue its new plants, animals, and people, but rather they were there to get rich by seeking out diamonds, which Farini had heard the region was brimming with. The adventurers penetrated out into an area of the desert never before seen by the outside world, and when they returned they did so with quite the tale to tell.

Upon his return to civilization, Farini immediately went about compiling a report of his findings, which he presented to the Berlin Geographical Society in 1885 and the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain in 1886, shortly after followed by a book on what he had seen and experienced out in those sun scorched wilds, titled Through the Kalahari Desert. One of the main events of these reports and the book was an account of coming across the ruins of some what looked to have been a once great city out there half-buried in the blood reds sands, and which he estimated to have been thousands of years old. Farini would write of this enigmatic lost city:

We camped at the foot of the mountain – near a rocky ridge, which looked like a Chinese wall after an earthquake – it was the ruins of a huge structure, sometimes sanded in. We carefully inspected the ruins almost a mile long, they were a pile of huge hewn stones, and Here and there, the traces of cement were clearly visible between them … In general, the wall had the shape of a semicircle, inside of which, approximately forty feet apart, were piles of masonry in the shape of an oval or a blunt ellly The height of a foot and a half … As all of them were to some extent sanded, we ordered all our people to dig out the largest of them (and this work clearly did not suit them) and found that the sand had protected the junction from destruction. Excavations took almost the whole day, which caused a lot of indignation in Jan. He could not understand why it was necessary to dig out the old stones, for him this activity seemed a waste of time … We began to dig up sand in the middle of the semicircle and discovered the footwall of the twentieth wide, lined with large stones. The top layer was composed of oblong stones placed at right angles to the bottom layer. This bridge was crossed by another one, forming as it were a Maltese cross. Apparently, in the center of it was once some altar, a column or a monument, as evidenced by the preserved foundation – dilapidated masonry. My son tried to find some hieroglyphics or inscriptions, but did not find anything. Then he took a few photographs and sketches. Let the people who know better than me judge them by when and by whom this city was built.

Clement was right in the sense that there are many who have not let the legend die, and are still convinced the legendary city really does exist, with expeditions continuing all the way up the present and using new technology to help them. One recent search was carried out in 2013 by a crowd-sourced research project using Google Maps, called the Marcahuasi Project, which found anomalies in the desert that could be indicative of walls of the lost city, but it is still unknown if the images are of an ancient city, more recent abandoned irrigation circles for crops formed by the native tribes, or merely a natural formation.

Even more recently still was an expedition in 2016 by the Travel Channel series Destination Unknown, headed by explorer and host Josh Gates and equipped with state of the art technology such as aerial scans and radar. They managed to find some unusual rock formations that resemble walls and ruins, but again it is unknown if they are artificial or if they were really what Farini wrote of. One of the problems with locating the Lost City is that the area is just so remote and inhospitable, and this coupled with its sheer size makes it a formidable task to try and locate these alleged ancient ruins among the endless sands and desert scrub. Not helping matters is that Farini did not give very detailed descriptions of the actual location, and this is further exacerbated by the fact that the ruins are supposedly half buried. One member of one of the many expeditions that have tried and failed to find the city once lamented:

It’s all very vague. When you see this desert, you will understand that you can wander among the sand dunes for months and not even come close to the places where the lost city is located.

So Maye's family went to search for the Lost City. What is interesting is that her father was arrested in Canada for the crime of Technocracy!

Somewhere mixed in this history is the allegation that Maye was an acquaintance/friend/benefactor of Charles Manson.

I will show you the information and you decide. Could she have been? Does she fit the time frame? Once again, you decide if it's in the realm of Possibility!

On August 8, 1969 Manson and his ‘Family’ slaughtered Sharon Tate, the actress wife of Roman Polanski, eight and a half months pregnant, and three of her friends at her home above Beverly Hills.

Now as you will call. . .Maye would have been part of the entertainment or celebrity at least somewhat with an In as a finalist in the 1969 Miss South Africa beauty competition.

There is No Doubt her parents ran in Elite Circles as evidenced by many articles. Maye's father was photographed meeting the Prime Minister of Australia and his wife. They were noted for their flight abilities, freedom and success.

He did have a lot of female followers as stated by an article in the Daily Mail,

Self-made man: Manson is taken to Los Angeles City Hall in December 1969 on suspicion of having masterminded the Tate-La Bianca murders four months earlier. He wears deer-skin garments made by female followers.

While he preached ‘Free Love’ Manson picked his girls carefully – ones from troubled families, ideally with father issues, plain girls he could seduce by telling them they were beautiful.

He fed them a potent mixture of lies and LSD and erased any objections they might have had to his outlandish requests, just as any abuser silences his victim’s complaints: beating them one moment and making love to them the next.

Manson was never ‘all about Love.’ He was always ‘all about Fear.’

This from Higher Self Portal dot com,

I was sent a handwritten letter from someone who said she was a Christian, and had contact with Elon Musk and his mother Maye Musk many years ago. The author of the letter claimed that Elon was a “child of the Illuminati” being bred to be a world leader who can present the Mark of the Beast.

While such ideas are not completely ridiculous or out of line, especially on this channel, it was worth digging into some of what was claimed in the letter.

To my surprise, I was able to verify that Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was in fact part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s to the point of being brought to trial after Technocracy was banned.

While many others did not get arrested, Elon’s grandfather “wasn’t so lucky.” But he was let go with all charges dropped, which in hindsight, breeds all kinds of suspicion.

The other part of the handwritten letter claimed that Maye was into African witchcraft, which is plausible given she moved to South Africa (age 2-3) and lived there for many years of her youth.

The mention of Maye’s connection to Charles Manson and the Manson crime family in the letter is something I was unable to verify with my short and limited research for this video.

It is interesting to note however, that there are literally no results on Google, Bing, Startpage and the rest, that actually contains the keyphrases “Maye Musk” or “Maye Haldeman” and “Charles Manson.”

This could mean that there really is nothing there, or, it might be a purposeful “white washing” of any information that can be found on the topic online.

The letter goes on to state that Kaye Haldeman not only visited Charles Manson at one point in prison, becoming popular with the crime family by providing TV’s and other luxuries, but that she also conceived Elon’s sister Tosca at some point during her visits as well.

These claims are impossible for me to verify.

One thing that CAN be verified if someone can dig it up, is the claim that Maye is actually in a photo on the original Helter Skelter book. But again, this was a little bit outside of my resources for this video.

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In a Daily Mail article from 2017,

She's recently appeared on billboards in Times Square in commercials for Virgin America and Target, and last year Maye signed with IMG — one of the most prestigious modeling agencies in the world.

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Maye was in the Beyonce Video Haunted,

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From the UKGovernmentWatch,

Published on 20 Oct 2018 States

Maye Musk had an association with Charles Manson before her marriage.
She was also connected to the Bilderbergers & Rothschilds.
Elon liked darkness but was not allowed to watch TV, eat Mac & Cheese or play with others.
The letter writer was told ”Don’t p!ss off the Bilderbergers.”

The comments from this page are very interesting.

In Technocracy dot News,

the technocracy movement that briefly flourished in North America in the 1930s. The “revolt of the engineers”, as it was called, holds some interesting lessons for today.

It was understandable that radical movements emerged in the US in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression, just as communism and fascism proliferated in Europe. The technocracy movement argued that the best way out of the crisis was to reject the messiness of the market and old-fashioned politics and adopt a “modern scientific point of view”.

In their Introduction to Technocracy, published in 1933, the movement’s leaders declared that the “riff-raff” of outdated social institutions was blocking progress and politicians should be swept aside, just as alchemists and astrologers had previously given way to science. Traditional economics, obsessed with arbitrary pricing mechanisms rather than rational production, was nothing more than the “pathology of debt”.

In contrast to the devious ways of politics, the fumbling methods of finance and business . . . we have the methods of science and technology,” the movement’s manifesto declared. “Modern common sense is now calling upon physical science and technology to extend the frontiers of their domain.”

The historian William E Akin identified three wellsprings for budding technocrats: a growing fashion for centralised planning among progressive reformers; the popular mythology of the engineer as the saviour of American society; and the scientific management theories of Frederick W Taylor.

If find this section interesting for one reason. ..Maye also worked as a Research Director in Canada. Tie In?

This is a must-read story. TN has identified Elon Musk as a Technocrat on the basis of beliefs and actions. What we did not know is that his Canadian grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was an avid supporter of Technocracy, served as Research Director and ultimately became the the head of the Technocracy, Inc. party in Canada. For full details on modern Technocracy, the reader is advised to read Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood. ⁃ TN Editor

One of history’s recurring themes is that technology sometimes outruns society, leaving politicians gasping to catch up with the consequences. So it was with the impact of the printing press, the steam engine and the computer. Arguably, so it is again today with gene editing, social media and artificial intelligence.

While technologists often rail that politicians just do not “get” technology, politicians counter that technologists all too rarely grasp politics.

One fascinating example of both sides of the debate was the history of the technocracy movement that briefly flourished in North America in the 1930s. The “revolt of the engineers”, as it was called, holds some interesting lessons for today.

“In contrast to the devious ways of politics, the fumbling methods of finance and business . . . we have the methods of science and technology,” the movement’s manifesto declared. “Modern common sense is now calling upon physical science and technology to extend the frontiers of their domain.”

The historian William E Akin identified three wellsprings for budding technocrats: a growing fashion for centralised planning among progressive reformers; the popular mythology of the engineer as the saviour of American society; and the scientific management theories of Frederick W Taylor.

Frederick Winslow Taylor was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He was one of the first management consultants. Taylor was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive Era.

His system of industrial management has influenced the development of virtually every country enjoying the benefits of modern industry.

His pioneering work in applying engineering principles to the work done on the factory floor was instrumental in the creation and development of the branch of engineering that is now known as industrial engineering. Taylor made his name, and was most proud of his work, in scientific management; however, he made his fortune patenting steel-process improvements.

Taylor's father, Franklin Taylor, a Princeton-educated lawyer, built his wealth on mortgages.

It really IS all about Who you know.

Instead of attending Harvard University, Taylor became an apprentice patternmaker and machinist, gaining shop-floor experience at Enterprise Hydraulic Works in Philadelphia (a pump-manufacturing company whose proprietors were friends of the Taylor family).

Once again. ..these elites are Not grassroots, they come from connected families.

Taylor finished his four-year apprenticeship and in 1878 became a machine-shop laborer at Midvale Steel Works. At Midvale, he was quickly promoted to time clerk, journeyman machinist, gang boss over the lathe hands, machine shop foreman, research director, and finally chief engineer of the works (while maintaining his position as machine shop foreman). Taylor's fast promotions reflected both his talent and his family's relationship with Edward Clark, part owner of Midvale Steel. (Edward Clark's son Clarence Clark, who was also a manager at Midvale Steel, married Taylor's sister.)

Taylor was forced to leave Bethlehem Steel in 1901 after discord with other managers. Now a wealthy man, Taylor focused the remainder of his career promoting his management and machining methods through lecturing, writing, and consulting. In 1910. Taylor introduced his The Principles of Scientific Management paper to the ASME, eight years after his Shop Management paper.

So why was all of that important?

Because it was the third wellsrping for a budding technocrat!
Remember. . .

  1. a growing fashion for centralized planning among progressive reformers;
  2. the popular mythology of the engineer as the saviour of American society
  3. the scientific management theories of Frederick W Taylor.

These theories were made possible for him to have do to opportunity and connections. Was his family well connected?

Things do Not happen happenstance. There are #NoCoincidences!

What you consider this a good thing?
Do you remember the skewed belief system of these people?

Darwin, Marx, and Freud make up the trinity often cited as the "makers of the modern world." Marx would be taken out and replaced by Taylor if there were any justice... For hundreds of years there had been no increase in the ability of workers to turn out goods or to move goods... When Taylor started propounding his principles, nine out of every 10 working people did manual work, making or moving things, whether in manufacturing, fanning, mining, or transportation... By 2010 it will constitute no more than one-tenth... The Productivity Revolution has become a victim of its own success. From now on what matters is the productivity of nonmanual workers. [bolding added] -- Peter Drucker, The Rise of the Knowledge Society Wilson Quarterly (Spring 1993) p.63-65

I don't know as that I have a problem replacing Marx with Taylor, but why was Marx such a hero to progressives?
His whole goal was to get his agenda accomplished through any means. Aren't we seeing much of this play out in organizations bent on destroying society through Marxists goals and creating violence and havoc? No consideration that people should be United rather than divided. Sad and horrible to watch play out.

Did he Really help the working class or were they merely treated as standardized machines?
Or did it give a vetted system with some rules, regulations and stability that if followed not only increased productivity, but in turn put more wages into the pockets of the workers and the profits of the owners? You decide.

Workers were to be selected appropriately for each task.

Taylor believed in transferring control from workers to management. He set out to increase the distinction between mental (planning work) and manual labor (executing work). Detailed plans, specifying the job and how it was to be done, were to be formulated by management and communicated to the workers.

It is possible strikes were waged by the very same entities that lead back to political organizations like the DNC. Do you suppose they wanted All control as they do now?

With the triumph of scientific management, unions would have nothing left to do, and they would have been cleansed of their most evil feature: the restriction of output.

Taylor's written works were designed for presentation to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). These include Notes on Belting (1894), A Piece-Rate System (1895), Shop Management (1903), Art of Cutting Metals (1906), and The Principles of Scientific Management (1911).

So Marxists didn't like Taylor, that's interesting!
Many of the critiques of Taylor come from Marxists. The earliest was by Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist, in his Prison Notebooks (1937). Gramsci argued that Taylorism subordinates the workers to management. He also argued that the repetitive work produced by Taylorism might actually give rise to revolutionary thoughts in workers' minds.

Taylor's methods have also been challenged by socialists. Their arguments relate to progressive defanging of workers in the workplace and the subsequent degradation of work as management, powered by capital, uses Taylor's methods to render work repeatable and precise yet monotonous and skill-reducing.

Okay, okay. ..why all this info on Taylor and What does it have to do with Elon Musk's family?

Once again, it was one of the wellsprings William E Akin identified for budding technocrats.

So if some are correct that Elon is like his grandfather, a technocrat. ..are not marxists and progressives against him?

One of history’s recurring themes is that technology sometimes outruns society, leaving politicians gasping to catch up with the consequences. So it was with the impact of the printing press, the steam engine and the computer. Arguably, so it is again today with gene editing, social media and artificial intelligence.

While technologists often rail that politicians just do not “get” technology, politicians counter that technologists all too rarely grasp politics.

Do we really want Politicians in control of anything anymore? Have they Not proven enough times that too many are not really for the will of #WeThePeople, but more about protecting their own profits, way of life and success. Are many of them selfish? Do you see any progress in these democrat run cities or are they becoming worse than ever as cess pools of destruction, violence and chaos?

Will All technology over take us or only that which the nefarious stand to profit upon?

Back to Elon's grandfather who was part of the Technocracy movement.

This from Geni dot com,

Background Dr. Haldeman was born in a log cabin in Minnesota, U.S.A., in November, 1902, and is of English, Irish and Dutch decent. He moved with his parents to Saskatchewan in 1907 and has been a resident of this province ever since. He was raised by Mr. H. Wilson, his step-father, a Yorkshire Englishman, and his mother, on a large stock farm. The family has always taken a lead in co-operative and farm movements; and Mr. Wilson has been Reeve of Excelsior Municipality for 28 years - one of the oldest records of continual service in the province. Dr. Haldeman is very happily married and has two children.

Where roots start to intertwine,

His mother, Almeda Haldeman, is the first known woman to practice as a chiropractor in Canada. He was raised on a farm and studied at Moose Jaw College, Regina College and Winnipeg Agricultural College before graduating from the Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1926. He practiced in Assiniboia and Regina, Saskatchewan.

1948 (Sept/Oct): ICA's International Review of Chiropractic [3(3-4)] includes: PHOTOGRAPH -photo caption from PSC lyceum reads (p. 29): DR. AND MRS. J.N. HALDEMAN with their four months old twin daughters were popular convention guests from Regina, Saskatchewan. Dr. Haldeman is an officer of the Dominion Chiropractic Council and also Chairman of the National Council.

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1974: practiced in Pretoria, South Africa from 1951 until his death in an airplane accident in 1974 (Rehm's notes)

As stated in My Digital Publication

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An indication of what the Halderman's and Maye with her twin and siblings encountered in their search for the Lost City of the Kalahari.

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So Uncles of Elon Musk are very prominent in the medical and technology field

Now is it Always Who you know?

I'm asking because I see some parallels between Robert Herjavec and Elon Musk.

Now Robert of Shark Tank who has also made his way onto the Tell a Vision Box and the entertainment industry in a very different way than Elon did. ..did Not have a tech background initially, but worked his way up. ..so same type of dedication to a work ethic, but Robert did not have a technology background. He offered to work free for 6 months for a tech firm and that is how he ended up with a position in that industry.

Elon's family, though connected and part of the Technocracy Movement, is not an inventor, but rather a marketer who knows how to get technology off the ground and moving. He has however written software and developed a few new technologies for radius searches and directory management.

Here is the information related to Robert Herjavec

Herjaveck Group is one of Canada's fastest growing technology firms.

Herjavec founded BRAK Systems, a Canadian integrator of Internet security software, and sold it to AT&T Canada in 2000 for $30.2 million.

"Herjavec Group is the rare MSSP that has diversified across consulting, professional services, identity, incident response and more. Through ongoing investments in talent and R&D, the company consistently ranks among the world's most trusted Managed Security Services Providers."

In 2003, Robert founded The Herjavec Group, now one of the largest information technology and computer security companies in Canada, with over $200 million in annual revenue.

Herjavec was born in 1962 in Varaždin, Croatia (formerly Yugoslavia), and grew up in Zbjeg. In 1970, at the age of eight, the family left the country, which had previously incarcerated Herjavec's father, Vladimir, for speaking out against the regime.

According to Herjavec, "He’d drink a little too much and then say bad things about Communism, and got thrown into jail 22 times for being an anti-Communist." Herjavec's family arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia with a single suitcase and only $20. The family eventually settled in Toronto, where they lived in the basement of a family friend's home for 18 months.

Looking for work in between productions, Herjavec applied for a position at Logiquest selling IBM mainframe emulation boards. He was not qualified for the position, but convinced the company to give it to him by offering to work for free for 6 months.

To pay the rent during this "free" period, Herjavec waited tables. He eventually rose in the ranks to become General Manager of Logiquest. In 1990, after being fired from Logiquest, he founded BRAK Systems, a Canadian integrator of Internet security software, from the basement of his home.

  • BRAK Systems was sold to AT&T Canada (now Allstream Inc.) in March 2000 for $30.2 million.

  • He then became Vice President of Sales at Ramp Network, which was sold to Nokia for $225 million.

Now here is an example of someone that demonstrates at least initially for him. . .it's Not just having connections.
Controlling and working your way through fear.

He asks if we were put on this earth to complain and look at life as victims. ..or were we put her to be productive?
Here's WHY You MUST Become WORLD CLASS at 1 THING! | Robert Herjavec | Top 10 Rules

So both Robert and Elon have worked in Canada and the United States.

It is interesting that though he works in the field of technology and has worked on launching Neuralink. ..
recently described in MSN.com

Neuralink is an ambitious secretive startup that, according to its Twitter bio, is developing high-bandwidth interfaces which would connect machines with human brains. According to a tweet Musk sent out earlier this month, a progress update on Neuralink is scheduled for August 28.

Yet he has given many warnings of AI. Are these warning self fulfilling or a way to take the focus off of what is actually being brought to humanity?

He started talking about this about 4 years ago, when he was talking about hyperloop for high speed travel and new modes of transportation.

Why Elon Musk is worried about artificial intelligence

He talked about about electric air travel and a cyborg human brain interface. Neuralink perhaps?

What's interesting is the military already has this type of technology as I spoke about in a Facebook Frames I recently did, but it was removed even though I had military and government sources to verify and I was punished by not being allowed to even answer questions or comment on my own prior posts or page for several days. Still in the punishment phase.

For example,




2 years ago
Hear where he talks about how he is very close to the cutting edge in AI and it's capabilities scare him.
He states, It's capable of Vastly More than anyone knows!

And the rate of improvement is exponential.

Elon Musk calls lack of A.I. oversight 'insane,' says it's more dangerous than 'nukes'

More of the above interview here,
Elon Musk on DANGERS of A.I. & ALIEN Life Forms! | #Trending

This is a must listen to as we have all already seen how tied people already are to their devices, social media and gaming. Exactly when will we all not be able to distinguish the difference?
Also two years ago,
Taken from an historic conversation on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. Elon talks about the future of AI, our survival as a species, and the sombre reality of being in his shoes.

Another interesting one, just to hear his take
Elon Musk's Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH)

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Just interesting. . .A Joshua Norman. . . New York, Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900 about Joshua Norman Name: Joshua Norman Age: 26 Birth Year: abt 1836 Birth Place: Lewis, New York Enlistment Year: 1862 Enlistment Location: St Armand, New York Muster Year: 1862 Separation Details: Honorably Discharged Separation Date: 9 Jun 1865
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Interesting the Interest in aviation from the Chiropractic Professionals.

For instance, came across this article in dynamic chiropractic,

Flying chiropractors knew few barriers.

Attorney-chiropractor Norman Bartlett of St. Louis earned his private pilot's license at age 72.18 At the "dear old PSC" (Palmer School of Chiropractic) in Davenport, Iowa, students organized a flying club with Donald Pharaoh, DC, as their faculty advisor, although he had not yet earned his wings.19,20
Meanwhile, Palmer graduate and "flying chiropractor" Clarence Gonstead, DC, built a 2,200-foot, all-weather airstrip with a hangar at his clinic in Mt. Horeb, Wisc., for his Beechcraft Bonanza.21 The facility and his aircraft permitted him to make house calls to patients in Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee and St. Louis. He was pleased to make his private airport available to a local flying club, but was not the only chiropractic technique instructor who found the convenience of aviation a boon to the business.

I.N. Toftness, DC, of Prairie du Chien, Wisc., president of the International Basic Technique Research Institute during 1946-47 and inventor of a subluxation-detection device, held a license to fly, as did his wife. The couple traveled extensively in their private aircraft throughout the United States.22 Chiropractors in Iowa organized a Flying Chiropractors Association.23

The fact that many try to disparage any correlation between body and mind harmonics in healing in favor of a "modern science" that promotes healing through the patents of synthetics (because nothing that occurs in nature can be patented. . .Creation Laws). Who promotes pharmakia and has on it's boards people like Bill Gates.

With that in mind. . .what is the correlation between harmonics, sound, vibration, mind and body?

These are just Some natural occurring phenomena which Chiropractors delve into.

As the world moved deeper into the jet age, chiropractors flew right along. National College alumnus and ACA member Jesse R. Rothenberger was a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and a pilot with the Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron 43 at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Willow Grove, Penn. He flew one weekend each month, and also served as an air traffic controller.24 Jimmy Parker, DC, founder of the Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation and the Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, made a minor entry in aviation history with his wife when they were the first passengers to arrive at the newly opened Dallas/Fort Worth Airport on Jan. 13, 1974.25

Aviation was a practical tool for some practitioners. Walter B. Wolf, DC, of South Dakota, a 1936 National graduate who was active for years with the NCA/ACA Council on Education (the forerunner of today's CCE), is also remembered for his willingness to attach skis to his Cessna aircraft and "make flying house calls to stranded farming patients on the Dakota prairies."4 Gilbert Gagos, DC, of Hollywood, Calif., maintained a practice on nearby Catalina Island. Although a pilot himself, he preferred to shuttle with a propeller-driven commercial carrier, and his 1,000 trips to and from the mainland over a nine-year period earned him recognition as an "honorary co-pilot" from the company, Catalina Seaplanes, Inc.26 When an earthquake devastated Guatemala City, intern Dan Bookout of the Texas Chiropractic College (TCC), a former Air Force instructor, piloted a twin-engine Beech 18 aircraft on a mission of mercy. His companion on the trip was Darrel D. Prouse, DC, clinic director at TCC. The plane was on loan from Aviation Charter, Inc., of Houston, and the duo flew medical supplies donated by the Church of Christ.27

Almeda Haldeman, Elon Musk's great grandmother

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Perhaps the most remarkable figure in the history of flying chiropractors is Joshua N. Haldeman, DC, a second-generation chiropractor who earned his DC from the PSC in 1926.30 Dr. Haldeman, of Regina, Saskatchewan, began flight instruction in 1947 and earned his pilot's license in March 1948,31 at age 45. His new mobility facilitated his political work (as chairman of the National Council of the Social Credit Party); his many trips to Toronto, where he served as a member of the governing boards of the CMCC and the Dominion Council of Canadian Chiropractors (today's Canadian Chiropractic Association); his annual jaunt to lyceum at his alma mater in Davenport, Iowa; and his service as the Canadian member of ICA's Board of Control. The doctor observed that he could cut his travel time to Davenport by 40 hours (83 percent) by flying, rather than taking the train. However, this initially quite practical orientation would turn into an obsession and a new career for the adventurous chiropractor.

The Haldemans owned two airplanes in the early days: a Luscombe and a Bellanca. When they relocated to South Africa in 1950, the Bellanca was crated and shipped with their household goods. Although no longer a member of the ICA board, Dr. Haldeman maintained his ties with the ICA, encouraged others to establish practices in South Africa,32 and encouraged South Africans to study chiropractic. His air mobility assisted him in his continuing professional activities; in 1952 the Haldemans flew their plane from Pretoria, South Africa to Oslo for an invited presentation to the European Chiropractic Union.33,34 The trip involved flying through Africa, Spain and France, with a stop in London to visit with British chiropractors, before journeying on to Norway.

In 1953 Josh, Winnie and their eldest son, Scott, made the first of several extensive air tours of the Kalahari Desert. Historian Bill Rehm, DC, recorded:

Maye's father, Elon Musk's grandfather,

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The following year saw one of their most ambitious adventures, when Josh and Wyn flew 30,000 miles in their single engine plane across Africa, through Asia and on to Australia, perhaps the only private pilots ever to make such a journey. In Australia, Dr. Haldeman was a guest lecturer at several meetings of the Australian Chiropractic Association, and met with the Australian prime minister. The couple later wrote a book about their aviation exploits.

Rehm observed that "By 1970, he had flown across 80 countries and territories of the world. He was co-founder of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of South Africa and a representative on the Civil Aviation Advisory Council and the Air Navigation Regulations Committee of South Africa." He was also a central figure in the intraprofessional feuding among South Africa's chiropractors. Dr. Haldeman's remarkable second career eventually claimed his life, when he was killed in an air crash in South Africa in January 1974.35

Some Interesting wording here for sure!

Call them "high flyers"or "space cadets" - chiropractors have winged their way through the twentieth century with enthusiasm. Their escapades in aviation suggest some of that feisty, adventurous spirit that has carried them through many a rough and stormy ride. It is perhaps only fitting that the best-known symbol of chiropractic, a winged seraph, is intended to express "the highest and noblest ideals of the profession... this emblem signifies ... the spirit of chiropractic leading public consciousness upward toward the truths of healing and the attainment of higher physical standards."

Is the Storm upon us? What will the Emergency Announcement be that many are awaiting?

As far as Technology. ..one of the Biggest Names in Technology whose grandfather heralded from This group. ..

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Elon Musk BEST Motivation 2020! | 10 Rules for Success

Elon Musk on Nikola Tesla – What He Said May Shock You...

See part 1 here,
Pedophile Normalization in Hollywood. The Woody Allen Questions and Victim evidence. Parallels of Elon Musk's father impregnating his stepdaughter. Elon calling father's actions evil. The Technocracy history of Elon's grandparents!


A connection article as Elon's grandfather was involved with a group who did air travel a great deal and we part of an organization. In light of that. ..this is an interesting exploration.

Andrews Airship of 1863. Did Amos Dolbear know something Alexander Graham Bell didn't? Sam Tillman, what did he know? Aero Clubs, Aero ships, what New York looked like in 1903 video! A Trump Train from the 1800's? 4500 series!


It's Already Too Late - Elon Musk

A history of Flight travel for various Chiropractors Was it because they were interested in what some deemed at times as pseudoscience? Something the cabal had difficulty controlling?

Interesting wording in this blogspot,

An engineer and a model. You may not believe that elon musk was once a real human child. Maye musk, elon musk's mother, makes history as the new face of covergirl at 69 | your morning. I was famous until elon became.


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Video by Rosemary covering when she worked for who was referred to and called light [Maye Musk].

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Wimber was a talented keyboardist and vocalist. He was a pianist and singer in The Paramours group, later known as The Righteous Brothers, from 1962-1963, as well as a manager for The Righteous Brothers during this period.

He converted to Christianity in 1963, immediately enrolled in Azusa Pacific College, and majored in Biblical Studies. Upon graduating he was ordained as a Quaker minister. He then took a pastoral position with the Yorba Linda Friends Church.

He formed a house church that would eventually grow into the Vineyard Christian Fellowship (VCF) of Anaheim in 1977.

Wimber pastored the VCF until 1994. Eventually, it outgrew his house and began to meet elsewhere, including the Canyon High School gym in Anaheim. After initially joining Calvary Chapel, the church had some differences with the Calvary Chapel leadership, relating mainly to the practice of spiritual gifts, Wimber's rejection of traditional Dispensationalism, and his embrace of Kingdom theology.

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From Page Six,

Elon Musk’s brood just keeps growing.

The Tesla mogul and his on-again, off-again partner, Grimes, secretly welcomed their second child together, a baby girl named Exa Dark Sideræl, via surrogate in December 2021.

The unusually named tot, who goes by Y, joins Musk’s six other children: Griffin, Xavier, Kai, Saxon, Damian and X.


According to Page Six,

Nevada Alexander Musk
After marrying in January 2000, Musk and Canadian author Justine Wilson welcomed son Nevada Alexander Musk in 2002. Nevada died of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, at only 10 weeks.

After losing their firstborn, Musk and Wilson turned to IVF to grow their family. She gave birth to twin sons Griffin and Xavier Musk in April 2004. The boys are now 17.

Kai, Saxon and Damian Musk
The former couple also used IVF to welcome triplet sons Kai, Saxon and Damian in January 2006. The trio are now 16.

Musk and Wilson divorced in 2008 and share custody of their five sons.

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It IS interesting that book. . .by Warner Von Braun where he mentions the Elon colonizing mars and here we are. . .

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After two marriages to “Westworld” star Talulah Riley and a brief relationship with actress Amber Heard, Musk started dating singer Grimes in May 2018. She gave birth to their son, X AE A-XII, in May 2020. X is now 1.

X was originally named X Æ A-12, but “Æ” and “12” violated California law for not being part of the English alphabet, forcing his parents to change his name.

Page Six exclusively reported in September 2021 that Musk and Grimes had broken up.

Exa Dark Sideræl Musk
Grimes revealed in March 2022 that she and the SpaceX founder had welcomed his first daughter, Exa Dark Sideræl Musk, via surrogate in December 2021. She was given the nickname Y after their other child being named X.

Grimes referred to Musk as her “boyfriend” in the bombshell Vanity Fair interview, though she called their relationship “fluid.” Hours after the cover story was published, however, she tweeted that they had since split again.

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UPDATE on 12.11.21
#Twitter, #Bombshell, #BoomBoomBoom, #ChildSexTrafficking, #SaveOurChildren, #ElonMusk

Sources and connecting articles























Elon Musk: How I Became The Real 'Iron Man'


The video post link left by Karen Brummond is found inside this very involved FB Frames thread. Be sure to check out the comments along with clicking on the photo frames to see more info and source links.

Facebook Frames Is the 2nd largest tunnel system in Eastern Europe in Ukraine? World's largest urban labyrinth: Odessa's Catacombs set world record! Used during Nazi Germany. Tourists advised not to enter without a guide.

Were they built 100 years ago during the Russian Empire? Look at the sources and You Decide using your own disCERNment!
Here we are
3.24.2022 [encodes 3.6.6]

You can see where we are on the Time Continuum.
Made made, constructed? You Decide!
are a labyrinth-like network of tunnels (subterranean cavities) located under the city of Odessa and its outskirts in Ukraine.
The system of Odessa Catacombs consists of a network of basements, bunkers, drainage tunnels and storm drains as well as natural caves.

See a Reuters article titled, Ukrainians unearth hiding places of Jews in city sewers during Nazi Holocaust.

From 3.24.2022



Thank you Great Warrior Karen Brummond for this very interesting video link concerning #MayeMusk and some of her family members.

This is a Very Interesting telling of some events and places.

Were some of these places the #PizzaGate of Cali? You decide!

EP 125 Shalom Girl, Illuminati Survivor who grew up with Elon He opened the Portal

Below in connector comments I will explore some of the things Rosemary talks about.

The video is Definitely worth the listen!


Rosemary mentions that the last place her mother saw Maye Musk was at the Nut Tree and Brigadoon.

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Brigadoon, Nut Tree & Old Illuminati Hangouts

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Laurel Canyon is an interesting area and many people have tales to tell.

I mention it due to those who made claims Maye Musk knew Charles Manson and was one of his few girls he picked carefully?

Distance from a connected area where #wonderlandMurders and #TateMurders occured.

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Interesting as this is from one of the Helter Skelter books,

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Claire Boucher [Grimes] the growing up years from Vanity Fair.

According to her little brother Mac, the Bouchers’ childhood in Vancouver was like Stranger Things minus the Demogorgon. Kids in nearly every house on the street. Secret clubs in the basement. Bikes. Vancouver is also a port city, though, with lots of crime and pretty much every drug that enters Canada. By high school, they had more or less graduated from Stranger Things to Euphoria.

The Euphoria phase was less about defiance, Grimes says, and more about DNA, particularly that of her grandfather on her father’s side, whom she describes as “crazy” and “jarringly unwoke.” “My grandpa is hard as f*_,”^ she says. He grew up in poverty. “Super antiestablishment. Teach yourself. Don’t rely on other people to teach you anything.” She says he taught her how to shoot guns when she was six. Grimes’s parents divorced when she was around 11, and her mother married a man with two sons, bringing her brother count to four. Her grandpa nursed her competitive fire.

You gonna let your brothers defeat you? Being outnumbered by the boys has never phased her since. She says he taught her to drive a standard transmission by instructing her to reverse the car to the edge of a cliff. If she lets the car roll backward, she says, recalling it now, “we’re literally going to die.”

Grimes’s grandfather is still alive and still lives like a hermit in remote British Columbia. Once he gave her some professional feedback: You really need to sex it up. You should be more like Miley Cyrus. “He was like, ‘Your career is going to be way better if you start showing more skin,’ ” she recalls. “I was like, ‘Grandpa.’ ”

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Interesting as that's what early Hollywood was also about,

Pushing the Occult and Vampirism early in the movie industry before there was even Talk in Hollywood! Theda Bara and other 'Vamps' with symbolism like Marina Abramovic's Art.


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