You can't make this stuff up! Operation Mockingbird

in #stand7 years ago

Taking a STAND against FakeNews!

Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.
According to Wikipedia

  • It is not alleged.
    • It is admitted!
      • Activist Request: Do any of you have enough pull on Wikipedia to get the word "alleged" removed from that statement?

Steemit Posts You Should Check Out
to Learn About Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird

An interesting quote from William Casey, the former Director of the CIA.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete
when everything the American public believes
is false

Operation Mockingbird - The Origins of Fake News

  • by @useakme45
    • A well rounded post about
      • RussiaGate = Operation Mockingbird
      • And a nice concise history of Operation Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird : Distorting Reality Worldwide

An interesting quote by Edward Bernays

is the executive arm
of the invisible govenment

Operation Mockingbird On Steroids—CGI Allows Mainstream Media to Make ‘Fake News’ in Real Time

  • by @sk828man
    • Very well done exploration into "MainStream Media's" use of CGI to create #FakeNews

More Anonymous Source Fake News From Operation Mockingbird 2018

  • by @funbobby51
    • A nice study about how Mueller's Russia Probe against Trump is Operation Mockingbird

"Perception Management" through the Diabolic 'Operation Mockingbird'

  • by @across-the-moon
  • A nice study of Operation Mockingbird.
  • Showing the bigger picture of this being part of the cabal that rules the world.
    • Eisenhower called them the "Military-Industrial Complex"
    • JFK called them "Secret Societies" taking "secret oaths" in "secret proceedings"
  • Showing how reactions to recent events were formed by Operation Mockingbird...
    • After 911, GW told us he would protect us from terrorist.
    • Slick Willy bombing the aspirin factory in Africa.
      Exactly like the story line of the movie 'Wag the Dog'
      which I had just watched like a week before the bombing

Noam Chomsky quote:

"The smartest way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." -

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We are winning the #InformationWar !!!

I present the following proof.

  • So many people have realized we are being fed #FakeNews about the #NikolasCruz school shooting
    • That "they" had to come up with a rebuttal hit piece against all the "Conspiracy Theories"
      • Keep up the good fight!!!

BTW, you do know the CIA created the term "Conspiracy Theory," right?

  • So many people did not believe the "official" story about the JFK assassination,
    • the CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theory
    • and instructed "mainstream" media to use it as a derogatory term.
      • It did not work.
        Most people still don't believe the "official" story.
  • but unfortunately it has become mainstream to consider "Conspiracy Theory" as a derogatory term.
    • I totally disagree!
      • I proudly wear the badge of "Conspiracy Theorist!!!"
  • You see many, many, many so-called "conspiracy theories"
    • have proven not to be theories at all
      • but actual truths that there was a conspiracy to hide the truth from us.

If you are sick of FakeNews, Operation Mockingbird, disinformation...

This Latest Noted Operation is proof

This is almost comical.

  • Admitted "ex"-CIA operative Anderson Cooper
    interviews the son ( #DavidHogg ) of an admitted "ex"-FBI agent
    • A supposed witness to the school shooting at the Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida which is in Broward County by "suspect" Nikolas Cruz
    • Can you say "Operation Mockingbird"?
  • As reported in the Tampa Bay Times
    • with this headline
      • Parkland survivor David Hogg on conspiracy theories: ‘It’s sad’
    • and this subheading
      • "It's a testament to the state of America when people feel the need to call out the witness of a school shooting," Hogg said Tuesday evening.
    • YES YES YES That is proof we are winning battles against fake news!!!

people feel the need to call out the witness of a school shooting

Because we are no longer falling for your disinformation!!!

Watch this video to see Operation Mockingbird in action...

That video is proof
we are winning some battles
in the Information War by...

Taking a STAND against FakeNews!
One news article at a time...

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