GAME ON!!! You Gorgeous Motherfucker!

in #stackitus7 years ago (edited)

Steemit really is amaze-balls. Where else can one battle mega-tyrants and petty-losers alike, while at the same time building friendships, wealth, and the ultimate power — knowledge? ...Oh yeah, right, there is no other place! And you can do it all in a housecoat and a pair of slippers.

If you are reading this and are neither a mega-tyrant nor a petty-loser, then please accept my warm welcome to Steemit, and my invitation to have a lookout below. If you are reading this and have been following me (thank you! Every one of you...) then prepare yourself for some serious badassery. The following story i hope encourages benevolence and philanthropy, and somehow begins to pay back all of you truly exceptional people who frequently give more than they take.

Here’s a pic i took of my view from the Captains quarters.


Pinch and zoom, have a look around... there’s my 25oz solid 999 Ag canon shell that holds my grand-daddy’s ring. It holds me late beloved father’s ring too when it’s not being worn. And over there is my kick-ass JBL Charge 3 bluetooth speaker and portable phone charger (apparently it’s fucking waterproof too up to 12” of water for a couple minutes) — check that shit out and then go get one, they’re awesome! And cost less than a 10-bar...eeek, my stackitus is coming back lol. And over there, my mood lighting that i use to take cool pics of silver (...which some have found to be scandalous BAH HA HA!!!) Oh, and look, an Apmex sticky-note that has been stuck to a picture frame for several months now. What’s it say? “Stay Cool My Man — @raybrockman.” Huh...and a letter too from the same person.
Just who is this Ray Brockman?

Allow me to explain...

He is, without a shadow of a doubt, the baddest motherfucker around! And by that i mean: the most generous, hilarious, inventive, creative, good-looking, huge hammer swinging genius that i have had the vast pleasure to have met on this platform. Ladies and Gentlemen please stand up

(...thedamus literally stands up and continues to thumb is phone for this next bit)

And put your hands together for:

Mr. RAY BROCKMAN — Patron Saint (and veritable Santa Claus mixed with a little Einstein) of the most kickass tag of them all #steemsilvergold


Wha’choo talkin’ about Willis?

As might have been expected, this story continues with an unboxing...


...a brief pause out of respect for formalities 😜
and then the teaser pic


Sherlock Holmes: Okay Watson, what can you deduce from all you have seen thus far?

Watson: Ray Brockman kicks serious ass and things are about to get shiny ‘round here.

Sherlock Holmes: Excellent!



I’m not usually rendered speechless...


Thanks Man! Seriously. Thank you very much!


A 5g PAMP 2012 Dragon is remarkably appropriate and will feature heavily in my next drag show, but it is also a remarkably generous gift from a guy who HELPED ME make literally thousands of dollars!

But Ray is not just a garden variety Ass-kicker, no, he is a serious motherfuckin’ Ass-kicker. So you know there’s some more boots coming. He also sent me THIS!!!

As i said to owen below: From the heart of a Supernova — to the hand of a man...



AND FUCKING THIS!!!image.jpg

Stackitus? What stackitus...? I am freshly medicated with a heavy dose of the serum, “you got the silver” (Stones, Let it Bleed) playin’ on the JBL, father Ray’s holy spirit is all around me, i’m happy, warm and safe, and are you fucking serious!!!? YOU GORGEOUS MOTHERFUCKER!

There’s yet more...


5 x 1/2oz 2015 “First Special Service Force” rounds recognizing the inseparability and friendship between our two great nations.



I am fucking blown away...




...has gots your number

Ray Brockman

For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
Which, nobody can deny

Cheers! from @thedamus



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Keep it up buttercup! You are both a petty-loser and a mega-tyrant.

Saddam, Khaddafi... it always ends the same. When someone has a bayonette up your ass and a noose around your neck, and you realize it’s all over, you will think: damn! I bet @thedamus and all his cool friends are laughing and stacking and having fun. Smiles on their faces all of them!

Bah ha ha!

You shit in a box and lick your own putz
You may have a hammer, but are lacking real nutz
An idiot child who is blind as a bat
You’re a hypocritical ass — fuck you @gimpy-cat

p.s. ha ha ha ha — laughing at you! The fleas are coming...

“...acting irresponsibly”

You really can’t make this shit up. You are a disgrace gimp-cat.

Boom, mother Fucker, gotttt him.. dude so glad they made it to you. You know a coin, is a coin, is a coin you can find them anywhere, but the nugget was just like POE, once in a lifetime find and because of you act of quickness we both have fat pockets and happier days ahead. Thanks a again my friend....Thanks for the shout out, it was a bit much but made me feel good. See I love to give. Thanks again bud.

Sherlocka-Locka mofo!

Thank you

Anytime my brother, the thanks is owed to you.


Hell fucking yea! That is some serious shiney! I'm glad to see you guys turn them profits into solid chunks of wealth. Not to mention @raybrockman is definitely bad ass giving mofo. ☠️ also now I want my own Canon she'll Cuz that thing is freaking bad 🤑☠️

...they take crypto


I'm looking at the 10oz bar from them literally right now. I wanna pay in ltc. I heard you can do that but don't know how lol.

Just add it to cart and gonthrough normal check-out procedures: yes i agree, address, blah blah, then select “crypto,” slect litecoin and a qr code will appear. Send the amount of ltc it says exactly and sit back and wait for that sweet .50 cal.


Bro thank you so much for the help that is super easy! I'm definitely placing an order 😁👍🏻☠️

Cool, cheers! The .50 is a sweet piece, and in reality, a very pleasing hand-weapon to hold. You’ll like it...

Omfg! I can only imagine how amazing it must have felt to see all that shiny as a gift but the real jewel is the note! Ray B is a one in a million kinda dude like yourself, unbelievable and humbling to know there are actually good people on this crazy thing the kids call the interwebs. Like I was telling Ray earlier stackers im my experience are the most selfless and helpful ppl on the planet! You will get to shake Rays hand one day and I hope to be there too! Fanfuckingtastic post, this get the ol resteem fosho 😎

Thanks GA!!! It was truly an incredible morning!

And i’m betting you will be there...savvy?

That's awesome. What a guy Ray!

He da man!

Wowee!!! What a haul!! I've been eyeballing that gold pamp for a while too, she sure is a beauty. Well done @thedamus and huge hugs for you @raybrockman 💗

The Lady Fortuna by Pamp is a classy beauty.
Prob one of my all time faves...but damn if that dragon isn't friggin' awesome -- looks amazing under the loop! Go get 'er @bearone!

Also, i adore your design for 2018!!!

Lady Fortuna is definitely on my list. @goldenarms mentioned her to me ages ago and I've been Oogling her ever since.

I have the dragon on silver but I bet it's extra special in gold ;) I just might go get one for myself.... as soon as crypto is back up lol

Why thank you kindly hun 💗💗 I'm actually working on it today!

All that gold today man, your going to goldenarms a run for his money. Looks like Ray when over and above again, what an awesome dude all around.

They’re both killin’ it in 9 different discos, all at the same time!!!

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Yeah he does!

And thanks for all of your support of ssg too!

The dopest dope! In the name of silver, gold, and Saint Ray...

Those First Special Service Force rounds are awesome! I have one of the 1/10 gold varients but I hadn't realized there was a silver version!

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