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RE: US Marine Andre Taggart Steps Up - Imran Awan Case is Much More than Bank Fraud

in #spy-ring7 years ago (edited)

While I don't disagree with you on the controllers pulling the strings and distracting the masses I think saying Taggart is 'not helping anything' is incorrect.

He's the only person who has come forward and said, "Yes, I know Imran and I've had dealings with him". Imran is said/documented to have had dozens of homes and businesses while working for 20 plus congressional reps. and yet no one wants to say they know him.

This is the significance of him coming forward.

You're right, of course the FBI lead by Comey/McCabe would never produce a shred of evidence to disrupt the Washington power structure. We already know this.

He 'gave away' the blackberry evidence... yeah. Sounds like what most people would do if they found equipment with government/military markings. Remember, he was just renting a home from Imran, he was not investigating the crime syndicate. What was he going to do with that anyways? Should he have taken pictures? Probably, but he was not aware of any of what Imran and his crew were up to...

Do I think Andre Taggart is going to bring down the criminal network with his testimony? That would be foolish to believe, however, he's the closest thing to evidence outside of Huma and Hillary's emails up until now.

If the dam is going to break and bring down this house of cards... it's probably going to start with little cracks like this. Like Andre Taggart, like the loan fraud case revealing more about Mr. Awan, the paper trail connecting the Awans to 'ratlines' and implicating others.

That's how I see it, anyways.


The largest grandest fraud is all documented and demonstrated and exemplified on public record, there isn't a crime that matches what the Crown and Vatican have done to this country and almost all other countries and the evidence is indisputable and the perpetrators are all known. The Big Fish are all the banks, their CEO's and Directors which operate under the IMF/UN charter, and all we need to do is follow suit with what Iceland did and arrest these vermin and throw em in Jail. These vermin are feeding these pedophiles (District of Columbia, who's Columbia? the mother of whores, lies, the Liberty Statue for the "liberty" sailors get when they dock) and taking direct orders from the ones that many, including I, dubbed the "controllers", Jacob Rothschild, her lowliness, and Archbishops alike.

The grandest crime is that a PRIVATE, almost entirely FOREIGN-OWNED-AND-RUN-CORPORATION is pretending to be our lawful congress but are nothing more than the Board of Directors for this PRIVATE, almost entirely FOREIGN-OWNED-AND-RUN-CORPORATION, chartered through the UN Inc corporation quite recently in France.

What amounts to a Citizen of that Corporation who "once a Marine always a Marine" will always be subject to the rules and mandates of that corporation will do nothing more than feed the fire that we should place one ilk of interest in what this Foreign OWNED corporation finds as scandal outside the utmost and essential crime that these pretenders are furthering with each day, unless he stops being a willing slave and Citizen. Until he gives up allegiance to this corporation there is no hope that he will do ANYTHING other than exactly what he's been doing and what a large majority have been doing, or towing the party line like fools, calling themselves Citizens.

Do you really want me to answer what you do with information about the scandals inside this corporation that doesn't and shouldn't concern any sensible American? Yes, the genial thing would have been to put these things on the black market and have people extract everything about them and that's on them. That would take recognizing what you are and what they are, and he and anyone else who cannot see how they are a willing slave won't do ANYTHING other than further the fraud.

Giving these things to the corporation is saying that he had ANY right to do that. If he recognized that he had no right to do that maybe he would have claimed his equal Civil Rights, granted they can order their slaves to do whatever they wish but at least he would have had a backbone.

He didn't, they weren't his, and since you cannot surrender or give something that isn't yours away, that glaring ethical conundrum that seemingly isn't discussed anywhere gets hardly looked at, but was he "investigating" or seeking to bring down anything? Obviously he isn't smart enough to recognize that he had no right to give away what wasn't his, or to keep his mouth shut about things that are none of his business to begin with, what can you expect from an Idiot? consideration?

In the end not only is this a distraction and a diversion to the real crime of "what is this fake ass foreign owned almost entirely foreign operated corporation doing on our shores pretending to have a contract with our Organic States?" but this "investigation" is GUARANTEED to net nothing in respects to stopping this fraud and it couldn't matter less if anyone goes to jail or prison over this scandal because this isn't the dam breaking, this is no crack in the dam, GOD-DAMN-BUILDING-7-WASN'T-A-CRACK-IN-NO-GOD-DAMN-DAM, and this isn't even Benghazi, and nothing else is more essential than that. Who gives a fuck who's in charge of the FBI, CIA, FED, U.S. CONGRESS, SENATE, once you recognize the insurmountable chasm between Citizen and people there's no other conversation to be had about these matters, it's always the singular "Citizen is a term of servitude" or "It's not a government for the Citizens, by the Citizens".

wake up Neo.

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