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RE: How was your Superbowl party?

Guessing your still in bed?? Not many times, but I have taken part in morning drinking.. not much any more. A run on top of it!?! your a crazy one. We spent the game at a friends house down the street. Plenty of food and drinks.. plenty of heartburn later on. Didn't sleep well because of it. When will I learn my lesson?. Living in Eagles territory and growing up a Philly fan, I was hopping Andy would get this win. What a 4th quarter for sure! Did you catch the half time show? Didn't see anything on that.. haha.


i didn't see the halftime show or any of the commercials. For some reason those things are blocked over here and we never get to see them, which is terrible because sometimes those commercials are just as good or better than the actual game.

I didn't think about that.. I bet it was similar to pay-per-view.. when the network cuts to commercials, the screen is dead. For some reason I think if you pirate the network signal, then some things not considered game material, (or play time) may not show. I may also be talking out my butt. I know NOTHING! lol. Who knows.. so many things are different over seas. I thought it was pretty good for a 50 and 43 year old. Not a big fan of their music, but I thought they did well enough.. although I was drinking and eating hard at that point too.

drinking and eating hard... haha. Yeah, the superbowl parties in USA were always heavy on the food. Over here we just focus on drinking and that is probably a problem.

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