Will Marquez Lock the Champion Post-Crash? |

in #sportstalk5 years ago

The Thailand MotoGP series Chang International Circuit, Buriram, this week is a gamble for champion candidates, Marc Marquez. The Repsol Honda Team rider has the opportunity to lock the 2019 MotoGP title. However, the injury he experienced could have been the cause of this opportunity, even though Marquez still excelled in the number of temporary points with his closest competitor.

Marquez experienced a horror incident in the first practice session alias FP1, Friday afternoon. Marquez fell while crossing Bend 7 when the FP1 session left a few minutes. The Spaniard was seen in pain and had to be assisted by field officers to leave the circuit.
He reportedly suffered injuries to his left leg and back so it was feared that it would interfere with his appearance on Sunday. Repsol Honda Team's manager, Alberto Puig, made sure that the rider was okay.

"Marquez has been treated at a health post and then rushed to the hospital. Luckily, he is fine. He has undergone an MRI there, and everything looks okay. There is nothing to worry about. Today we are lucky," said Alberto Puig

Puig explained, Marquez drove too wide at the time, and it seemed that the rear tire of his motorcycle was slightly stepping on the sand. That is what Puig believed made Marquez slip and fall.

Puig's affirmation seemed to have been justified because Marquez continued to undergo a second free training session (FP2). After that, the agenda continued on Saturday with FP3 and qualifications.

Marquez himself claimed to be fine and relieved. Had been taken to the hospital and declared fit to continue the race, Marquez was relieved because he did not experience a broken bone, despite feeling pain everywhere.

"The first thing I did after being out of the hospital was checking why I fell, and then of course I drove a lot slower than the usual spin, because I wanted to get out of the box," Marquez was quoted as saying by Crash.

He claimed at that time to wear new tires and the track was not clean enough. "But the main difference is that normally at the bends, we don't completely close the gas. We just closed the gas a little, but it didn't close. And in that round, I close the gas. When you close the gas, the braking machine works and after that my rear wheel is locked.”

Marquez stressed the incident was not a mechanical problem, but rather his own fault. But that was because he was moving slowly.

"I think more than a change in racing style, it's more ‘cause maybe the tires aren't ready or maybe I'm on a slightly dirty track. So it's hard to understand,” he said.

The International Chang circuit can be history for Marquez. The 26-year-old rider can lock in the 2019 world title with the worst possible acquisition of two points here. Marquez's success won the Aragon MotoGP race two weeks ago, making his collection of points in the standings to 300.

The accident could have been disturbing but it could also have made Marquez even more vigilant at every turn. So, the opportunity to lock the title remains large. However, when the 2019 MotoGP champions were answered, the excitement of the next series was reduced. []

Akankan Marquez Mengunci Gelar Pasca-Crash?

Seri MotoGP Thailand Sirkuit Internasional Chang, Buriram, pekan ini menjadi pertaruhan buat kandidat juara, Marc Marquez. Pebalap Repsol Honda Team tersebut berpeluang mengunci gelar juara MotoGP 2019. Namun, cedera yang dialaminya bisa saja menjadi penyebab lepasnya peluang tersebut, meski Marquez tetap unggul dalam jumlah poin sementara dengan pesaing terdekatnya.

Insiden horor dialami Marquez pada sesi latihan pertama alias FP1, Jumat siang. Marquez terjatuh saat melintasi Tikungan 7 ketika sesi FP1 menyisakan beberapa menit. Pebalap asal Spanyol itu pun terlihat mengalami kesakitan dan harus dibantu oleh petugas lapangan untuk meninggalkan sirkuit.
Ia dikabarkan mengalami cedera pada kaki kiri dan punggungnya sehingga dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu penampilannya, hari Minggu. Manajer Repsol Honda Team, Alberto Puig, memastikan bahwa sang pebalap baik-baik saja.

"Marquez telah menjalani perawatan di pos kesehatan dan kemudian dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Beruntung, dia baik-baik saja. Ia sudah menjalani MRI di sana, dan semuanya kelihatan oke. Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan. Hari ini kami sedang beruntung," ungkap Alberto Puig.

Puig menjelaskan, Marquez melaju terlalu melebar saat itu, dan sepertinya ban belakang motornya sedikit menginjak pasir. Hal itulah yang diyakini Puig membuat Marquez tergelincir dan jatuh.

Penegasan Puig seolah mendapat pembenaran karena Marquez tetap menjalani sesi latihan bebas kedua (FP2). Setelah itu, agenda dilanjutkan Sabtu dengan FP3 dan kualifikasi.

Marquez sendiri mengaku baik-baik saja dan lega. Sempat dibawa ke rumah sakit dan dinyatakan fit untuk meneruskan balapan, Marquez lega karena tidak mengalami patah tulang, meski merasakan sakit di mana-mana.

"Hal pertama yang kulakukan setelah dari rumah sakit adalah memeriksa mengapa aku jatuh, dan kemudian tentu saja aku melaju jauh lebih lambat daripada putaran biasa, karena aku kan mau keluar dari boks," Marquez mengatakan dikutip Crash.

Ia mengaku saat itu memakai ban-ban baru dan lintasannya tidak cukup bersih. “Tapi perbedaan utamanya adalah biasanya di tikungan itu, kami tidak sepenuhnya menutup gas. Kami cuma sedikit menutup gas, tapi tidak ditutup. Dan di putaran itu, aku menutup gas. Ketika Anda menutup gas, mesin pengereman bekerja dan setelahnya adalah roda belakangku terkunci."

Marquez menegaskan kejadian itu bukan sebuah masalah mekanik, tapi lebih pada kesalahannya sendiri. Tapi hal itu karena ia melaju dengan lambat. “Tapi kukira lebih dari perubahan gaya membalap, hal itu lebih karena mungkin ban-bannya tidak siap atau mungkin aku berada di jalur trek yang sedikit kotor. Jadi sulit dipahami," sahut dia.

Sirkuit International Chang bisa menjadi sejarah bagi Marquez. Pebalap berusia 26 tahun itu bisa mengunci gelar juara dunia 2019 dengan perolehan seburuk-buruknya dua poin di sini. Keberhasilan Marquez menjuarai balapan MotoGP Aragon dua pekan lalu membuat koleksi poinnya di klasemen menjadi 300.

Kecelakaan itu bisa saja mengganggu tetapi bisa juga membuat Marquez semakin waspada di setiap tikungan. Jadi, peluangngnya untuk mengunci gelar tetap besar. Namun, ketika juara MotoGP 2019 sudah terjawab, maka keseruan seri berikutnya menjadi berkurang.[]




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