🏀The Ball Talk - Should NBA Teams Take A Gamble on Carmelo Anthony?🏀

in #sportstalk5 years ago (edited)

For a couple of days now, I have been following the talk about Carmelo Anthony and his attempts to get back to the NBA and playing basketball. Life of a basketball player can be very unpredictable and you truly never know how long of careers we will have. Many things can influence the longevity of a basketball player. Number one being injuries. After the injuries, it is all about how well are you taking care of your body being the second. Now from what I am seeing from Carmelo Anthony, he did have any major injuries really during his career, and he has always been in a good shape. So why none of these teams want to pick him up?


Thunder Deal

As I basketball player, I am honestly not buying this story of Carmelo Anthony. On both teams, exactly the same thing happened and from his words, he is saying nothing was his fault. I am having a hard time believing that because he is a player with a big ego who demanded shooting 20-25 balls a game. I am sure it was a hard adjustment for him coming on Thunder were most balls go to Westbrook and Paul George. I hope he did not expect to shoot 20 balls a game. The only way things could have worked for him over there is the accepted being a role player. They would need about 3 balls on the court to satisfy all 3 of them. I think he had a hard time accepting his role on them because it was a huge ego hit for him. Plus not to mention he carried a huge contract with him and it was just not paying off for Thunder.


Huston Deal

After Thunder, he decided to join James Harden, Chris Paul, and Huston Rockets. Which in my opinion was a very bad decision unless he is willing to accept his role of being a 3 option if that. He has basically put himself in the same exact situation as in Thunder. Until joining these two teams on every team he played for Anthony was a go-to guy. But, he came to the teams that already had those guys. He needed to adjust his game to complement these guys and not the other way around. And, honestly, I don't think he was willing to do so. At least, not to the point these teams wanted for him to do so. Even coming off the bench. I think that was out of the question for him. I am not surprised it did not work out for him on either of those teams.

Carmelo Anthony Now?

I honestly think Carmelo Anthony is outdated. Somebody would think I don't like Melo. But, it is quite the opposite of that. I loved watching him play. He is a great player, who had loads of potential, but I think his ego got the best out of him. Why do I say outdated then? Well, it is because of the time of isolation in the post and holding the ball for 20 sec, stalling the offense is over. And, throughout his career that was the player he was. The isolation, and let me get you a bucket guy.

Today game today is a way higher paced, and the isolation game is pretty much over. He is not a guy to play on a high paced offense team such as Thunder And Huston. And, he is 35 years old. He can't defend, he never was a defender in his career. He is going to stall your offense, and can't really give you what he was giving you offensively like in his prime. So he is more of a liability on the court for you than a benefit.

The Business Side Of Basketball

The business side of basketball is brutal. I can tell that from some personal experience playing professional basketball in Europe. Just like professional sports anywhere you are a "piece of merchandise." And, if you are not doing what you were paid for you will be replaced like a robot. Just remember how quickly Chicago forgot about Derrick Rose? It is all about what you can do now. It is not about you being MVP two years ago, or scoring 25p a game last year. It is all about NOW.


People pay you loads of money and they expect you to perform every night. It is a simple as that. If you can't do that soon you will be traded and forgotten. That is the harsh reality of professional sports. I think Carmelo is facing that reality now. Just 3 years ago he was averaging 24 points a game and now no teams want to pick him up. Things changed quickly on him. And, I am sure it played a toll on his mind and confidence.

Plus being in this "business" I am sure there are stories which happened in both Thunder and Huston the public will never know about. I am sure things did not just decide to cut him for no reason. And, in Huston after only 10 games. I could be wrong, but I think there is more to the story than what we have been told...

Should Teams Pick Up Anthony?

In my opinion, they would be stupid not to do so. He seems to be ready to accept his role wherever he goes now. Not to mention they can pick him for a small contract and cut him whenever they want to. He can still give some teams great minutes of the bench if he puts down his ego and just focuses on what he can do to help the team win the game. He is a great spot-up shooter and I think he can improve his defense if he works on it.

He is still a good enough athlete. Not to mention he can still get you buckets. I honestly think Lakers would be a good fit for him because he can get loads of open shots from Lebron and Davis. I think Carmelo deserves another shot in the NBA, but he has to make some changes.

I love comeback stories, and I sure hope this is one of them. I would love to see Carmelo back in the NBA for at least one more year. What do you think? Should he be given another chance? And, what team do you think would fit him the best?

Thank you all for reading, have a blessed day,


🏀The Ball Talk Previous Posts🏀

Paul George and Kawhi Leonard to the Clippers



Hell no! Melo is well past his prime and detracts from any team he is on. Long time no see friend, hope youre doing well

Hey brother. It sure has been a while since the last time we talked. How have you been?

I have been good. Just enjoying the summer. Laying down on the beach like a whale for most of my days.

I honestly think he can give some good minutes to some teams if he puts his ego aside. Coming off the bench he can do some damage. Lakers need some more scoring options for sure. With Davis and James attracting so much attention he can get wide-open shots. Plus they can get him for cheap and cut him anytime they want. I think they should take the risk. They really have nothing to lose.

Same here my man, doing well, nose to the grind just trying to hustle and make some coin.
I actually think you are right about the Lakers, they need additional scorers off the bench. I do think Melo needs to check his ego and commit to helping the team. Could be a good pairing with someone he respects like Lebron

A lot of things happening in the crypto world lately? New platforms popping out everywhere. lol I am so behind on all of it. Need to start getting into it.

Yeah, I think the Lakers have really nothing to lose by getting him. He will take pretty much any offer. They have little to lose and maybe a lot to gain. I think it is a win-win situation for them if they pick him up.

I'm no longer in the nba loop but I didn't like how Melo played. I'm pretty sure some other team will pick him up given the right conditions.

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Thank you for your input. It is not looking good for him right now. But, hopefully somebody will pick him up. I love comeback stories. His story setup could be a good one. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Thank you for your comment @eastmael. Have a blessed day. 😀

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