Just when I thought I couldn't possibly hate the scumbags in the NCAA any more.

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

Leave it to the NCAA to find new ways to make themselves even more detestable, hypocritical, scumbags who run sweatshops.

Wait something is wrong with this acronym. Where is the "s" for "scumbags"?
source lab;led free to use

Not satisfied with merely exploiting college athletes and paying them in education for the billions of dollars they generate, now they are finding ways to keep people who desperately want to work in their sweatshop out of it.

How many sexual assaults have members of the NCAA covered up or ignored... um it is allegedly thousands.

How many players have suffered life altering injuries while they were 18 yet receive no medical benefits... um a lot.

How many coaches make over $1 million dollars per year... um a shit ton.

How many players who desperately want to play football have been denied the ability to do so because they choose to take medicine instead of suffering multiple seizures per day... um at least one.

Screw you you scumbags!


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