Should Women Be Forced Banned Out Of Sports Jobs 8/2/2018

in #sports6 years ago

So the Women’s Sport Trust seems to have succeeded at getting their message to go viral and heard by many large sport organisers.
The group have now managed to get many women banned from doing their job roles for the sake of how they claim it portraits women badly.

The Women’s Sport Trust says its issue is with the use of models in sports such as walk-on girls, grid girls and ring girls as the message its giving out a bad view on how women are valued in our society.

They claim that the women are being positioned as decorative features and added as something to make it more attractive rather than having the opportunity to enjoy the same level of funding and media exposure as men, some ask but wouldn't this be down to the sport and THESE particular women arent actually doing the driving or dart throwing?

The Women’s Sport Trust also claims that sporting viewers are expected to admire the successful, talented, strong men taking part in the competition, but others have said who gives The Women’s Sport Trust the right to tell viewer who or what they are expected to admire about the sport as people enjoy different aspects.

The Women’s Sport Trust says but women on the other hand are in this role by purely basing it on their physical appearance, others say but there are roles out there for all kinds of people so why not for women or men who are psychically attractive?

Apparently we all depict women in sports in a way that reinforces a narrow stereotype they also say it adds to the pressure of young girls to feel, look and act in a certain way but instead they claim if we depict women in a central powerful sporting role we create a positive modern and accurate image to inspire others.

Or you could also just watch the women's football or UFC and the many other sports women already participate in.

So the Women’s Sport Trust has called off for the end of female models across the whole world of sports starting with the decision to ban all walk-on girls in The Professional Darts Corporation.

The Professional Darts Corporation have already confirmed women will no longer escort players to the stage.

Not only that but just days after the end of the walk-on girls Formula 1 also ends its use of Grid Girls the F1 announcement has already also proven to be very or just as equally controversial to the first ban.
These changes are said and will commence from the start of the 2018 FIA Formula 1 World Championship season which is on the 25 of March.

So this will now also apply to all their other motorsports series's which take place during the Grand Prix weekends.

Many on Twitter have also called for a banning of all female models employed in this way across all sports.
Obviously the darts ban isn’t without its critics many have said the The Professional Darts Corporation is of political correctness gone completely mad and putting many many many women out of some very well paid well treated work.

The leading voice campaigning for gender equality in sport "The Women’s Sport Trust" has called now on all other sports to follow this action on banning any women wishing to became sports models.

Following the announcement more than 36,000 people have signed an online petition to keep the women modelling and in their well paid jobs.
Some of these women even describe the ban as being forced apart from a family they have known for years, check out their opinions below.

Walk-in Girls Discuss How Their Community Feel

A message from Rebecca Jackson

Grid Girls with Rebecca Jackson

Thoughts, Ideas, Discussions

-This group are the sexists by suggesting modelling is objectifying women as if it wasn't their choice.

-The women here have just as much free will, choices as men, if they chose to be models that's THEIR choice!

-Their choice their body and they get paid, its simply a job, business so why not?

-In interview's these ladies ALL said it was a great job that they really enjoyed and they are always treated well.

-Has anyone actually asked the girls / ladies in question...?

-Well done to The Women’s Sport Trust more people out of work!

-So next a complete end to the modelling industry? Women and Men are "objectified" just as much there..

-An end to all fashion? No adverts where physically attractive people are used to sell products or services this is not equality!?

-Non artistic depressingly yet dull world these women are proposing here...

-We can clearly see that if these models INSIST on doing it then why argue with them and make them jobless??

-Is the Women's Sports trust going to compensate all those walk-on ladies for loss of earnings?

-Please ladies sue them for your job loses!

-Let the feminist women throw other women out of their jobs we can still watch sport thanks to "equality" the only people to blame these women for losing their jobs is women.

-A smart move as it keeps the focus on the sporting achievement of these men... real smart...

-Shall we ban all the good looking woman from all forms of advertising and jobs aswell how is this "equality"?

Source: Naomi Campbell, Good Morning Britain


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Interesting points on both sides if I'm honest. I 1000% agree that women should not be commercially broadcast as decorative elements in a production, but as Rebecca Jackson and the Models in the first video stated, it seems that these women love what they do and don't feel demeaned in any way.

If the object is to empower women, I'm not sure another "you can't" is the way to do that.

I think having equal numbers of men and women in the "decorative" roles is probably the other way around this, but I'm sure then someone could argue that men are now taking these women's jobs away and making it harder for them to work.

Personally, I think it's equally demeaning for a man or a woman to be in a decorative role... my solution. Robots.

Until they get annoyed about it and overthrow us, which is bound to happen anyway...

tell me that doesnt bring the GLAM factor

Appreciate your comment as a woman @dayleeo but arent we all used in advertising for products and promotions anyway? regardless of gender its just business a job, get paid, you go home??

And I agree it makes no sense, feminism is about giving everybody equal rights to do what they want, so how is banning women out of a good wage and living being a "choice" lol...

Some would definitely argue that men would be steeling on womens work vacancy's but if they are going to have grid guys they should be indeed both male and female.

Haha I am not too keen on robots myself I don't trust my own computer to behave lol and this type of technology is already putting good people out of work and now not be able to feed their families I find this very sad.

You say its demeaning for a man or a woman to be in a decorative role but again isn't that just unfortunately business? I mean many of us are forced to wear uniforms to work or certain clothing that we do not like and it as nothing to do with gender but how the company we work for wants to showcase its brand.

Haha I guess they could have that on the grid just hope the dude can see and the f1 would need to hire many pro dancers lol.

I think the issue here is that does the game of darts NEED anyone male or female to be in a subservient or decorative role in order to be darts?

I can't really jive with the "that's just unfortunately business" argument, because free and child labor is GREAT for business, but as a society however we've decided that it's not acceptable.

If darts NEEDs to objectify men OR women for sex appeal to make it more exciting, or to draw in advertisers maybe we need to all admit that darts is just boring lol

OR... lasers. NEEDS LASERS!

I agree of course @dayleeo that darts or any other sport out there doesn't really need the use of a decorative role but its the advertising business and they are providing atleast work to put food on the table, but the argument is if we start to ban decorative art as people tons of businesses like the theatre, dancers etc would also have to stop their work.

I think the argument is "that's just unfortunately business" comes more down to the fact that many people regardless of gender are being used as decorative roles of advertising in many jobs by being forces to wear uniforms with logos, slogans or doing it ourselfs with the choice of clothes.

Hehe darts is kinda boring to watch and lazes would be good lol.

Id have to disagree that theater and dance falls under "decorative" maybe that's the real debate here, what actually makes a role demeaning, I think there's a huge difference between a performance role and a decorative one that serves only to highlight someone else (typically a female highlighting a male for the purpose of our argument)

I think that it's an option, nobody is making them apply for these jobs.
If they want to do them, they should not be banned from doing so, as with any other job.

Correct @mikefromtheuk the job is a option nobody is forcing them to do these jobs, the move on women talks about equal rights so how does many women became a feminist action..

Well, to late to upvote... but I like the post. Girls do it because they like to do it... I offer my peeks always by my own choice too...

Never mind I appreciate the comment on here especially the view of a women, well yes its a choice nobody is forcing these women with money to go out there and dress with advertising so they shouldn't be out of a job @peekbit

There is no moral justification for women to be banned out of sport activities no matter what!

Its not their choice in the matter if they stay or not and that's so unfair women shouldn't be banned out of anything let alone women banning women @cyprianj dont forget to upvote.

I believe women shouldn't be banned from sport jobs. Apart from the fact that they are motivational to the athletes. Even as athletes they are good at what they do. And I believe we are all equal so why should they pay for our lack of ability to focus when we see them. Equality amongst all.

I dont think women should be banned from any jobs sports or not and from what the girls say their roles are to bring glamour, glitz and colour to a area that is predominately male @geeechoes dont forget to upvote.

Personally, i think it's bad for women to be used in these ways but it's entirely their choice. So, i'm out!.

Thanks for the opinion @akomoajong dont forget to upvote.

Oh! I actually did forget to upvote. It is a great article. I have now upvoted and resteemed!.

Thank you @akomoajong and for the resteem

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