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RE: Should Women Be Forced Banned Out Of Sports Jobs 8/2/2018

in #sports6 years ago

Interesting points on both sides if I'm honest. I 1000% agree that women should not be commercially broadcast as decorative elements in a production, but as Rebecca Jackson and the Models in the first video stated, it seems that these women love what they do and don't feel demeaned in any way.

If the object is to empower women, I'm not sure another "you can't" is the way to do that.

I think having equal numbers of men and women in the "decorative" roles is probably the other way around this, but I'm sure then someone could argue that men are now taking these women's jobs away and making it harder for them to work.

Personally, I think it's equally demeaning for a man or a woman to be in a decorative role... my solution. Robots.

Until they get annoyed about it and overthrow us, which is bound to happen anyway...

tell me that doesnt bring the GLAM factor


Appreciate your comment as a woman @dayleeo but arent we all used in advertising for products and promotions anyway? regardless of gender its just business a job, get paid, you go home??

And I agree it makes no sense, feminism is about giving everybody equal rights to do what they want, so how is banning women out of a good wage and living being a "choice" lol...

Some would definitely argue that men would be steeling on womens work vacancy's but if they are going to have grid guys they should be indeed both male and female.

Haha I am not too keen on robots myself I don't trust my own computer to behave lol and this type of technology is already putting good people out of work and now not be able to feed their families I find this very sad.

You say its demeaning for a man or a woman to be in a decorative role but again isn't that just unfortunately business? I mean many of us are forced to wear uniforms to work or certain clothing that we do not like and it as nothing to do with gender but how the company we work for wants to showcase its brand.

Haha I guess they could have that on the grid just hope the dude can see and the f1 would need to hire many pro dancers lol.

I think the issue here is that does the game of darts NEED anyone male or female to be in a subservient or decorative role in order to be darts?

I can't really jive with the "that's just unfortunately business" argument, because free and child labor is GREAT for business, but as a society however we've decided that it's not acceptable.

If darts NEEDs to objectify men OR women for sex appeal to make it more exciting, or to draw in advertisers maybe we need to all admit that darts is just boring lol

OR... lasers. NEEDS LASERS!

I agree of course @dayleeo that darts or any other sport out there doesn't really need the use of a decorative role but its the advertising business and they are providing atleast work to put food on the table, but the argument is if we start to ban decorative art as people tons of businesses like the theatre, dancers etc would also have to stop their work.

I think the argument is "that's just unfortunately business" comes more down to the fact that many people regardless of gender are being used as decorative roles of advertising in many jobs by being forces to wear uniforms with logos, slogans or doing it ourselfs with the choice of clothes.

Hehe darts is kinda boring to watch and lazes would be good lol.

Id have to disagree that theater and dance falls under "decorative" maybe that's the real debate here, what actually makes a role demeaning, I think there's a huge difference between a performance role and a decorative one that serves only to highlight someone else (typically a female highlighting a male for the purpose of our argument)

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