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RE: Time for Baseball to Make a Radical Change: Blow Up the Ninth Inning and Let the Stars Shine

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

Baseball should adopt the proposal to allow the team behind in the score to reset its lineup order for the ninth inning.

That sounds very interesting. I have never thought about that. If I think about it, it completely makes sense. At least it could make it more interesting if the loosing team is close enough to make these changes work. They would be able to do litle more than they can do now. And fans would be excided. I had been a huge fan of baseball, especially when there was a game between Yenkees and the Mets, or Yenkees and Boston Red Sox. It was soo exciding. Now, the spark has somehow died out. We need something new, something that completely changes the game, makes it more exciting to spends these to go to the stadium.


Yes, that's what it's about: bringing back some spark.

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