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RE: Time for Baseball to Make a Radical Change: Blow Up the Ninth Inning and Let the Stars Shine

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

its an interesting idea - to bring them in at the end. and definitely a true comparison! you'd never see lebron sitting out at the end of the game unless they were up by A LOT of points. but baseball is a totally different structured game. and some part of me just thinks that its meant to be slow and boring so you can focus on shooting the sh** with your friends and having a few beers.

thats just the good ole american in me though;p maybe if we did apply your lineup changes, it'd be worth paying attention to the game a bit more!


I'm a traditionalist mostly and reluctant to change, but I've recognized in the last few years that it's inevitable. They need to do something (besides juicing the balls, which has helped) to bring in some new fans.

i definitely agree on that level. going to a baseball game has become a novelty or nostalgic family passtime moreso than an action-packed sports night. for many people i know (as well as myself), its something to "Check off the list" just to say you've done it. It has to take strides in order to get the fan base, like you mentioned.

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